Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Walking with Peter: the Crucible

Definition of crucible - a place or situation in which concentrated forces interact to influence development.

Peter had experienced a crucible in the hours after Christ’s betrayal. Intense, stressful, high anxiety. He failed. Peter almost allowed that failure to influence his development as a follower of Christ …. To go back to fishing rather than become an apostle. Were it not for Christ’s intervention in John 21, he probably would have.

Summarize the healing of the lame man at the temple gate. Acts 3:1-10.

Read Acts 3:11-26

1. What was the people’s response to the healing of the lame man? All the people in the temple area ran to see what was going on. They were amazed at what they saw. They began to crowd around Peter and John.

2. When Peter saw the crowd what did he proceed to do? Speak to the crowd. Deliver a sermon.

3. What qualities do you see in Peter in the way he delivered his sermon? Boldness, courageous, direct, straightforward.

Read Acts 4:1-7

1. vs. 1-3. What happened to Peter and John? They were placed under arrest. Why? a) For teaching the people – only priests (Sadducees) and teachers of the law (Pharisees) had authority to teach the people about God. b) Speaking in the name of Jesus – an outlaw/a criminal c) proclaiming the resurrection of the dead. Why would the Sadducees have a problem with the latter? They did not believe in the resurrection.

2. vs. 4. What was the outcome of Peter’s sermon? 5000 men believed their message and became Christians. The total does not include women and children who probably believed as well.

3. Peter and John spent the night in jail. What do you think was going through their minds? What do you think they were doing? Probably praying.

4. vs. 5-6 - Who were these guys? Pharisees and Sadducees who made up the Sanhedrin – the highest Jewish religious court. It was similar to our Supreme Court. These men were the same men who tried Jesus. These were the same men who cursed, mocked, spat, and beat Jesus with their fists. These were the same men who handed Jesus over to the Gentile Romans to be put to death. These were the same men who rallied the people to cry out for Jesus’ blood. Did Peter know who these guys were? Yes he did.

5. vs. 7 - Where did Peter and John stand? In the center. Why? The Sanhedrin did this in an effort to intimidate Peter and John. Instill fear in them. Peter and John stood in the same spot where Jesus stood during his trial only four and five months earlier. Peter was standing where his Master stood. This is a crucible moment. Forces are interacting here. Peter being pressured in the temporal and spiritual realms. Temporal - Sanhedrin. Spiritual - the Enemy. How Peter responds to this moment will have an impact on his future and the future of the Church. In the past, Peter how did Peter handle pressure situations? Each time he failed to overcome the crucible.

6. What question did the Sanhedrin ask Peter? By what power or what name did you do this? Who gave you the authority to teach the people and perform this miracle?

7. Before we hear Peter’s answer, let’s ponder for a moment that the Enemy is present at this trial, what do you think he is whispering in Peter’s ear? Remember …. Not to long ago what was Peter’s response to a similar question? Fresh memories flood into Peter’s brain of his denial of Christ. While Jesus was standing in the exact same spot, Peter was just outside denying he ever knew Jesus. These guys killed Jesus, what makes you think they won’t kill you? Attempted to play on Peter’s guilt and fear.

Read Acts 4:8-12

8. What was Peter’s response? Jesus, whom you rejected and killed, gave us this authority. What qualities does Peter exhibit in giving his response? Boldness, courage. What or who enabled Peter to give such a response? vs. 8 – Holy Spirit.

9. How does the Peter in Acts 4 differ from the Peter in the Gospels who denied Christ?

Point out difference between Peter in courtyard during Christ’s trial (frightened, coward, no self-confidence, no longer sure of himself) and Peter standing in front of the Sanhedrin (bold, courageous, confident - not in self but in God) Difference? Holy Spirit. No longer reliant on self. Totally reliant on the Holy Spirit. No fear of the outcome of the trial - beatings or death.

Read Acts 4:13-22; Acts 5:17-42


When a crucible moment hits you (loss of a job, marital tension, financial crisis), how will you respond? How will it influence your growth/development as a Christian? How will you respond to a crucible moment? In the flesh (fear/anxiety/anger/depression) or will you allow the Holy Spirit to give you the boldness/courage/wisdom to overcome the flesh and confront the crucible?

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Walking with Peter - The Road to Restoration pt. 2

14. Why did Jesus ask these questions to Peter in the first place? What was his purpose? To irritate Peter? To give Peter a huge guilt trip? NO. Jesus wanted Peter to look into himself and learn for himself that he still loved Jesus - phileo and agapao. Rehabilitate Peter. Peter’s self-confidence is shattered. He’s being eaten alive by guilt. Unsure of his love for Christ. As long as Peter is in that state, he’s no good to Jesus. He will never be able to carry out the responsibilities given to him by Christ. Jesus was forcing Peter to confront his demons so to speak and overcome them. He wanted Peter to get the point where he can say “Jesus, I love you!” and not “Jesus, you know I love you.”

15. After each one of Peter’s responses in verses 15-17, what does Jesus tell Peter? What or who are the lambs? Followers of Christ. Jesus had given Peter the responsibility and the authority to take care of his followers. Why is Jesus telling Peter this? After Jesus had appeared to the disciples for the THIRD time, what were they doing? Fishing. Do you think Jesus was happy about that? He had spent 3 years with the 11 teaching them, discipling them, preparing them to do what? Go back to fishing? No! To go out into the world spreading the gospel.

Jesus is telling Peter, if you love Me, feed My sheep … take care of my followers. That is what I called you to do … to be a shepherd of my flock not a fisherman.

16. Why did Jesus have this conversation only with Peter? Why didn’t He have it with James, John, and the rest of the guys? Peter was the leader. The others followed his lead. He led, they followed. Saw that at the Last Supper and earlier in this chapter.

Read vs. 18-19

17. vs. 18 - What was Jesus telling Peter? Reminding Peter the meaning/truth about discipleship. Read Matthew 16:24-25. How did John interpret Jesus’ words to Peter? According to tradition Peter was crucified upside down. He did not believe himself worthy of dying the same death as his Lord.

18. At the end of verse 19, what did Jesus tell Peter to do? “Follow me!” Fresh start. Forget about the past. Let go of the guilt. Look to the future! You’re still my guy Peter. Follow me.

Read Vs. 20-25

19. How did Peter respond? Asked Jesus, “What about this guy (John)?” Why did he respond in this fashion? Peter feeling really uncomfortable. Attempted to change the subject. Take the focus off him and put it on somebody else. Did it work? What did Jesus say? Don’t concern yourself with him or his fate. Be concerned about yourself. About what I want you to do. Any of you ever been guilty of what Peter attempted to do? Why are you picking on me? Pick on my neighbor, fellow church member, someone more evil than me?

20. Do you think that, at this moment, Peter got what Jesus was telling him? I don’t think so. It doesn’t read as if Peter was receptive to Jesus’ words. What Christ did was start Peter on the road to restoration … kick started the healing process. How? Forced Peter to look at what was holding Peter back. Keeping him from serving Christ. His guilt and shame over what he done in the hours before Christ’s death. In the days leading up to Pentecost, I believe Peter really thought about his relationship with Christ. And at some point, he overcame the shame and the guilt and rediscovered his love for Christ. Afterwards, Peter was different man.


If Jesus asked you the question, “Do you love me?” what would your response be? Agapao? Phileo? Or neither one? Do you believe you are not capable of such love because of guilt, fear, doubt, or you have a greater love for someone or something else? Know that you have the capacity for agapao love. Don’t allow the Enemy to deceive you otherwise. Agapao love comes from God. He is agapao love. Those who believe in him are able to express such love (I John 4:7). How do you know if you have agapao love? Is your love active or reactive? Do you energetically seek to learn more about God and others? Do you love God and others purposefully or reactively (who they are, their appearance, social standing, etc.)? Is your love for God and others unwavering or emotional? Once you learn that you have the capacity for agapao love, your relationship with God will be flourishing, you’ll have purpose in life, and you will be loving people you did not think you could possibly love.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Walking with Peter - The Road to Restoration pt. 1

Read John 21:1-14

1. What did Peter tell the other disciples he was going to do? Fishing. What did they say? We’ll go with you. Why do you think they did this? Going back to the life they knew before they met Jesus.

2. How did the disciple whom Jesus loved (probably John) know that it was Jesus standing on the shore? Familiar story going back to Jesus and Peter’s 2nd meeting.

3. What did Peter do when he heard it was Jesus? Jumped out of the boat and swam to Jesus. Why did he do this? Excited!

4. Why do you think it is significant that John included in his gospel the exact number of fish they caught? Big event. Watershed event. Remember where you were on 9/11, Kennedy assassination, moon landing. Stuck in his mind for years because what happened that day.

Read John 21:15-17

5. How did Jesus refer to Peter? Simon son of John/Jonas.

6. What question did Jesus ask Peter three times? Do you love me? First question - do you love me more than John, Nathaniel, etc.

7. In verses 15 & 16, what definition of love was Jesus referring to?

agapao - the active love of God for his Son and his people, and the active love His people are to have for God, each other, and enemies.

Define active - dynamic, lively, marked by vigorous activity, energetic. Military terms - active duty. Not in reserve.

Amplified Version - Simon, son of John, do you love Me more than these [with reasoning, intentional, spiritual devotion, as one loves the Father]?

8. In verses 15 & 16, what was Peter’s response to each question? Yes Lord, you know that I love you.

9. What definition of love was Peter referring to?

phileo - to have affection and regard of a very high order.

Definition of affection - an emotion; fondness

Definition of regard - respect; hold in high esteem; admire

Amplified Version - Yes Lord, you know that I love you [that I have a deep, instinctive, personal affection for you, as for a close friend].

10. How does Jesus’ definition of love differ from Peter’s?

Jesus - Do you love me as you love God? A love based on reasoning = knowledge; intentional = love with a purpose; spiritual devotion = loyalty/commitment on a spiritual level. This love is energetic, lively, at work.

Simon, are you seeking to know me; are you purposely loving me; is your heart and soul sold out to me?

Peter - I love you as a close friend. A love that has depth = strong affection; instinctive = reactionary (responding to environment; not acting on environment); personal affection = fondness, commitment on an emotional level. A love that is respectful; full of admiration. But not a love that spurs one to act, to go out of their away to do something for that person on an everyday basis. To sacrifice for that person.

Peter - I have a deep affection and respect for You based on who You are and what You have done. You’re a good guy, what’s not to like? That is as far as I can go.

11. Why did Peter not respond with the definition of love Jesus was asking him? Hint: All three times, Peter says “Lord, You know that I love you.” Why does Peter phrase his answer that way? Why didn’t he just say “Lord, I love you?” Ex. Wives - “Hubby, do you love me?” Husband - “Sweetie, you know I love you.” Wives, did husband answer your question? He answered it, but not really answered it.

Peter didn’t know if he loved Jesus in the way Jesus defined love - agapao. Why? Recap Peter’s repeated failures during the last days of Christ. (Peter abandoned Jesus at the time of His arrest after he promised never to forsake Christ. He denied Jesus 3 times after telling Jesus he would never deny Him. He said he would follow Jesus to prison and to death. Because of his failures, he was burdened with guilt. Do you understand why Peter could not respond to Jesus’ question with agapao love? He didn’t know for sure if he had that kind of love in him. If Peter had, he would have prayed at Gethsemane, he would not have denied Jesus, he would have gone to trial with Jesus, shared the beatings with Jesus, died on a cross with Jesus.

12. If Jesus had asked this question of Peter at the Last Supper, what answer do you think
Peter would have given? Agapao. Now, in John chapter 21, he can’t. The best Peter could do was phileo. “Based on the time we have spent together, Lord you know I have deep respect/admiration/fondness for you.”

13. In verse 17, Jesus asked Peter a third time “Do you love me?” This time Jesus uses the “phileo” version of love rather than “agapao.” Why? And why did Jesus ask Peter this question after Peter said twice he had “phileo” love for Christ? He’s wanting Peter to answer the question for himself. Jesus wants Peter to take a hard, honest look at himself. To force Peter to look into himself to find the answer for himself “Do I love Jesus, either agapao or phileo?” Jesus - “OK Peter you say you have phileo love for me, well do you?”

What verbal answer did Peter give to Jesus’ question? How did he phrase his answer? “Lord, You know ….” What does that tell you about Peter’s love for Christ from Peter’s perspective? Peter’s not even sure if he has “phileo” love for Christ. Otherwise, he would have said “Jesus, I have deep affection/great respect for you.” Peter was having a difficult time seeing through the guilt to find his love for Christ. Even a person who had phileo love for someone would not have done the awful things he did.

What was Peter’s emotional response to Jesus’ question? Hurt. Sad. Distressed. Very uncomfortable. Why did he respond this way?

a) Hurt that Jesus was questioning his love. OR
b) Peter was not able to answer the question the way he would like to with confidence and assurance. Guilt was eating him from the inside out.