Herod the Great - the ruler of Judea at the time of Jesus’ birth. He was not well liked by the Jews. Reasons: a) Herod was not a true Jew. Descendant of the hated Edomites. His father converted to Judaism for political purposes. b) The Jews viewed Herod as a puppet of the hated Romans. c) Herod was not only hated by the Jews but also feared. He had a violent temper particularly in the last years of his reign which is when the story of the wise men takes place. Herod was believed to have been responsible for burning a monastery in 8 B.C. The Romans placed a golden eagle (a symbol of Roman authority) at the entrance of the Temple. Two popular Jewish teachers encouraged their pupils to riot in order to have the eagle removed. Herod had the teachers and pupils burned alive. Herod’s hold on power was shaky at best which fed an overwhelming paranoia that he had enemies everywhere including family members. Herod put to death two wives and two sons. The Roman emperor Augustus joked that it was preferable to be Herod's pig than his son.
Wise Men – also known as the Magi. They probably were Persians. They were highly respected in Persian society. The magi were a combination of scientist, astrologer, and royal adviser. They were not kings. The magi investigated the works of nature (such as the stars) for the purpose of becoming acquainted with truth. They believed that Heaven communicated its desires and intentions through signs, comets, stars and astronomical phenomena. They believed the stars and planets foretold the coming of major events – death of a king, birth of a king, whether or not a king should go to war, etc. Indeed, a person's destiny was considered determined by the stars under which one was born. Persian rulers rarely made any decision without consulting the magi first.
Messianic prophecy – Around the time of Jesus’ birth, Judea was caught up in Messianic fever. The Old Testament prophets foretold the coming of a mighty ruler who would crush the enemies of the Jews, in their case the Romans, and restore Israel to glory. He would be a descendant of King David. Around the time of Jesus’ birth, some Jewish scholars had discovered that seventy-six generations had passed since the Creation, and there was a well-known prophecy that the Messiah was to deliver Israel from its foreign rulers in the seventy-seventh generation. Several Jewish men who claimed to be the Messiah attempted to lead revolts against Roman rule. Herod put them down mercilessly.
Read Matthew 2:1-12
The magi/wise men saw a new astronomical wonder in the night sky. A bright new star appeared in the western sky. They interpreted its appearance to mean a new king had been born for what group of people? The Jews. The star was such a wondrous sight the magi/wise men felt compelled to go see this new king and pay their respects. As we’ll see in a moment, God played a role in their decision to go west. The journey of wise men/magi was a long one. At least two years. (Read Matthew 2:16) They travelled 500-1000 miles across desert and over mountains. They most likely travelled only at night. There was probably many a night when their view of the star was obstructed by clouds, sandstorms, etc. The new star was their only point of reference for where the magi/wise men were going.
1) Where do you think the wise men expected to find the newborn king? In what kind of residence? Probably a palace. Certainly not a barn.
2) Where did the wise men stop at first and why? Jerusalem. Several possible reasons why:
a) Bethlehem, where Jesus lived, was located only 5 miles from Jerusalem. The close proximity of the star to Jerusalem probably led the wise men there first thinking the newborn king was there. Jerusalem was the capital of Judea. Home of King Herod. Where else would a new king be born? b) There was also the possibility that the wise men lost sight of the star due to inclement weather. Went to Jerusalem to see if someone knew where the child was at and get directions to his residence. c) God led the wise men to Jerusalem. He used Gentiles to make aware to His people the Jews about the birth of THE Messiah.
3) What question did the wise men ask? Where is he who is born king of the Jews?
4) What was Herod’s reaction to the wise men’s visit and question? He was disturbed/troubled. Why? Last time he checked, Herod was king of the Jews. Moreover, he had not had a child in a long while. If what the wise men said was true, somewhere was a child who posed a threat to his position/authority. His paranoia began to well up.
5) What was the people of Jerusalem’s reaction to the wise men’s visit and question? Disturbed/troubled also. Why? Whenever Herod was troubled people usually ended up dead. People were fearful of how Herod would react to the news of a new king being born.
6) vs. 3. What did Herod do? Herod probably told the wise men “Hold on and I’ll get back with you.” He called together the Jewish religious leaders and asked them where the Christ/Messiah was to be born. Wise men asked where a “king” was to be born not the Messiah. They had no clue what a Messiah was or what he meant to the Jewish people. Herod did know and immediately concluded the king the wise men referred to was the Messiah. He ordered the Jewish religious leaders to search the Scriptures to discover where the Messiah was to be born.
7) Where did the Jewish leaders tell Herod the Messiah was to be born and how did they discover it? Bethlehem which was 5 miles south of Jerusalem. Found the location in Micah 5:2.
8) After learning of the Messiah’s birthplace, Herod met with the wise men in secret. Why? Herod did not want this information to become public. People might use it against him. Force him out of power.
9) What did Herod want to learn from the wise men and why? The exact time when the wise men first saw the star. Read vs. 16. He wanted to know how old the child was for the purpose of identifying him so that Herod could have him killed.
10) vs. 8 What did Herod tell the wise men? When you find the child be sure to let me know so that I can pay my respects as well.
11) When they got to Bethlehem, where did the star lead the wise men? To a house. Not a barn, stable, or manger. A house with four walls, a roof, and a carpenter shop. What was their reaction when the star stopped over a house? Overjoyed. Exceedingly happy. Probably not where the wise expected to find the newborn king. Yet, they were not disappointed by the fact the child lived in an ordinary house and not a palace.
12) When the wise men entered the house, what did they see? A child/toddler and his mother. Not a baby in a cow stall. What was their reaction when they saw the child? Bowed on their knees and worshipped. Again, probably not what the wise men expected a newborn king to be. Yet, they were not disappointed by the fact the child was not of royalty. Why is it that the wise men are present at Jesus’ birth in the Nativity scenes? During the Middle Ages, there were travelling plays where people performed Bible stories for the public. The most popular plays were the Nativity (birth of Jesus) and the Passion play (death and resurrection of Jesus.) When performing the Nativity, they included the visit of the wise men without the disclaimer, “Two years later …” and changing the set pieces. Kept it simple for the audience.
13) What did the wise men give the child as gifts? Gold, incense/frankincense, and myrhh. Tradition associates the gifts with Jesus as king (gold) and priest (incense) and his death (myrhh.) It was common for the newborn of royalty to receive valuable gifts out of respect. All three were very valuable items. They may have been given to help support Jesus and his family while they were in a foreign land, Egypt (vs. 13-15)
14) Did the wise men return to Jerusalem to inform Herod of the child’s location? No. When back to their own country by a different route.
15) How many wise men were there to visit Jesus? Nobody knows. Tradition says three based on the number of gifts. My guess is there was a lot more. Three would have been too few to create such a commotion in Jerusalem.
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Prelude to Christmas – Birth of John the Baptist pt. 2
8) Why did God select Zechariah and Elizabeth to be the parents of this special child? Read verse 6-7. They would raise the child in the knowledge and righteousness of God. He would be in an atmosphere of godliness in the home of Zechariah and Elizabeth. Also the fact that they were an older couple with no child may have played a factor. God wanted to bless their faithfulness. Finally, Elizabeth’s relation to Mary, the soon to be mother of Jesus was a factor. The first person Mary goes to after she receives the news from the angel that she will bear God’s Son is Elizabeth. The only person who can relate to Mary’s experience is Elizabeth.
Read Luke 1:57-66
9) Read verse 59. What were Zechariah and Elizabeth’s relatives and friends wanting to do? Name the child Zechariah. What was Elizabeth’s response? No. His name will be John!
10) When they asked Zechariah what was his response? He wrote on a tablet “His name is John!” What happened after he wrote his response? Zechariah could speak. He proceeded to give praise to God.
11) Read verse 66. What did Zechariah and Elizabeth’s friends, family, and neighbors recognize about the child John? The Lord's hand was with him.
In verses 67-75, Zechariah filled with the Holy Spirit prophesies the imminent coming of the Messiah and how he would bring salvation to Israel.12) Read verses 76-79. What did Zechariah have to say about his son? He would prepare the people for the coming of the Messiah by proclaiming salvation through forgiveness of sins. John’s role was to be the Opening Act for the Main Event. He was to lay the foundation that Jesus would build upon. John was to get the people focused on the coming of Jesus.
Read Luke 1:57-66
9) Read verse 59. What were Zechariah and Elizabeth’s relatives and friends wanting to do? Name the child Zechariah. What was Elizabeth’s response? No. His name will be John!
10) When they asked Zechariah what was his response? He wrote on a tablet “His name is John!” What happened after he wrote his response? Zechariah could speak. He proceeded to give praise to God.
11) Read verse 66. What did Zechariah and Elizabeth’s friends, family, and neighbors recognize about the child John? The Lord's hand was with him.
In verses 67-75, Zechariah filled with the Holy Spirit prophesies the imminent coming of the Messiah and how he would bring salvation to Israel.12) Read verses 76-79. What did Zechariah have to say about his son? He would prepare the people for the coming of the Messiah by proclaiming salvation through forgiveness of sins. John’s role was to be the Opening Act for the Main Event. He was to lay the foundation that Jesus would build upon. John was to get the people focused on the coming of Jesus.
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Prelude to Christmas – Birth of John the Baptist
The events surrounding the birth of John the Baptist. A prelude to the Christmas story so to speak. Scripture readings - Malachi 4:4-6; Luke 1:5-25, 57-80.
Read Malachi 4:4-6
1) Who did God say he would send in the last days? Elijah. What would be his task? Read vs. 6
Read Luke 1:6-25
2) Characterize in your own words Zechariah and Elizabeth? A godly, righteous couple.
3) What was the one shortcoming of their marriage? They had no children. At this point in their lives, they were too old to have children. Zechariah and Elizabeth were the Abraham and Sarah of their day. Despite their advanced age, they continued to pray that
God will bless them with a child. See verse 13. Zechariah probably praying for a child at the moment he was burning incense in the temple.
4) How was that viewed in Jewish culture? It was a negative. See vs. 25. Barren couples were perceived as being cursed by God. They were denied children because they had sinned.
5) List what all the angel told Zechariah said about his future child, particularly his tasks.
a) a joy and delight to Zechariah and Elizabeth
b) many will rejoice because of his birth
c) he will be great in the sight of the Lord
d) He is never to drink alcohol. Why? Symbol of consecration (being set apart) to do God’s work. Example – Nazirites/Recabites
e) He will be filled with the Holy Spirit from birth. John would be anointed by God from conception to be a prophet. He will do God’s work/proclaim God’s Word.
f) John will bring back to God many of the people of Israel.
g) John will have the spirit and power of Elijah. If Israel had a top ten list for prophets, in the top three without a doubt would be Elijah. Elijah stood up to the king of the Northern Kingdom (Samaria/Israel) and condemned him for his sins and leading the Northern Kingdom into sin. Elijah prophesied that it would not rain for three and a half years and it didn’t. Elijah took on hundreds of prophets of Baal in a contest to determine which god was the true God – Baal or God. Elijah was the prophet who called down fire from heaven to win the contest. Elijah was the prophet who prayed that rain would return and it did. Elijah was the prophet who did not know death. God took him up in a chariot of fire. The Jews regarded Elijah with great reverence. The angel informed Zechariah that his boy would be like this great prophet for what purpose? The angel quotes Malachi 4:5-6 - to turn the hearts of the fathers to their children and the disobedient to the wisdom of the righteous so that they may be prepared for the coming of the Lord – Jesus Christ. For more on Elijah read I Kings chapter 17 – II Kings chapter 2.
Review list.
6) How did Zechariah respond to the news? Disbelief. How did the angel respond to Zechariah's response? Punished Zechariah for his lack of faith by denying him the ability to speak until John is born.
7) Read verses 23-24. What happened? Elizabeth became pregnant.
Read Malachi 4:4-6
1) Who did God say he would send in the last days? Elijah. What would be his task? Read vs. 6
Read Luke 1:6-25
2) Characterize in your own words Zechariah and Elizabeth? A godly, righteous couple.
3) What was the one shortcoming of their marriage? They had no children. At this point in their lives, they were too old to have children. Zechariah and Elizabeth were the Abraham and Sarah of their day. Despite their advanced age, they continued to pray that
God will bless them with a child. See verse 13. Zechariah probably praying for a child at the moment he was burning incense in the temple.
4) How was that viewed in Jewish culture? It was a negative. See vs. 25. Barren couples were perceived as being cursed by God. They were denied children because they had sinned.
5) List what all the angel told Zechariah said about his future child, particularly his tasks.
a) a joy and delight to Zechariah and Elizabeth
b) many will rejoice because of his birth
c) he will be great in the sight of the Lord
d) He is never to drink alcohol. Why? Symbol of consecration (being set apart) to do God’s work. Example – Nazirites/Recabites
e) He will be filled with the Holy Spirit from birth. John would be anointed by God from conception to be a prophet. He will do God’s work/proclaim God’s Word.
f) John will bring back to God many of the people of Israel.
g) John will have the spirit and power of Elijah. If Israel had a top ten list for prophets, in the top three without a doubt would be Elijah. Elijah stood up to the king of the Northern Kingdom (Samaria/Israel) and condemned him for his sins and leading the Northern Kingdom into sin. Elijah prophesied that it would not rain for three and a half years and it didn’t. Elijah took on hundreds of prophets of Baal in a contest to determine which god was the true God – Baal or God. Elijah was the prophet who called down fire from heaven to win the contest. Elijah was the prophet who prayed that rain would return and it did. Elijah was the prophet who did not know death. God took him up in a chariot of fire. The Jews regarded Elijah with great reverence. The angel informed Zechariah that his boy would be like this great prophet for what purpose? The angel quotes Malachi 4:5-6 - to turn the hearts of the fathers to their children and the disobedient to the wisdom of the righteous so that they may be prepared for the coming of the Lord – Jesus Christ. For more on Elijah read I Kings chapter 17 – II Kings chapter 2.
Review list.
6) How did Zechariah respond to the news? Disbelief. How did the angel respond to Zechariah's response? Punished Zechariah for his lack of faith by denying him the ability to speak until John is born.
7) Read verses 23-24. What happened? Elizabeth became pregnant.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
The End - Revelation chapters 21 and 22
Read Revelation chapter 21:1-5; chapter 22:1-5
1) Describe life in the New Jerusalem.
a) Rev. 21: 1-3, Rev. 22: 3-4 - See God face to face. After the tribulation, the Second Coming - The New Jerusalem comes down from heaven to the spotless new earth. Who dwells in the new Jerusalem? God Himself. After millennia of separation, God makes His home among humanity. God Himself will be in our midst. Do you know what that means? We can see Him, we can talk to Him, we can worship Him, we can praise Him, we can sing to Him – join the heavenly choir in singing praises with no song books, we can bask in His glory, take in His awesome majesty, or just stand there in awe at the wonder of it all.
b) Rev. 21: 4-5a – God will wipe away all tears. From now on, no more tears. Only joy/happiness.
c) No more death – What causes death? Diseases (cancer, heart disease, strokes, ALS, MS, Alzheimer’s – share about Uncle Travis/pancreatic cancer, Wayne liver failure age 22, Jimmy’s wife ALS mid-30’s). What else causes death? Famine, murder, war, terrorism (no planes crashing into buildings). None exist in New Jerusalem.
d) No more mourning - Mourning – long term sadness/depression. What causes you to be depressed? Stress, anxiety, fears, worry brought on by job related burdens (deadlines, quota to meet), financial burdens, parental responsibilities, spouse responsibilities. All these factors, individually or in combination, can lead to depression/cause one to be sad/melancholy for a long period of time. In New Jerusalem, there is no stress, no anxieties, no worries, no fears therefore no mourning/depression.
e) No more crying - What are some things that bring tears to your eyes? What causes you to cry? Saying goodbye – I hate saying goodbye to someone close who I won’t see for a long period of time. Ex. Family when I moved to Richmond. Nieces and nephews.
f) No more pain – What causes physical pain? arthritis, headaches, backaches, bursitis, tendonitis. What causes emotional pain? rejection. Feeling unloved, unwanted.
g) No more evil (Revelation 20 – From the beginning of time, followers of God have experienced suffering due to evil in the world. Many of them have looked to heaven and ask God for justice. In His Word, God made a promise to them: “Vengeance is mine, saith the Lord!” On Judgment Day, God deals with evil once and for all. Everyone who has suffered at the hands of evil from Abel to the present will be avenged. Satan and his followers are thrown into the Lake of Fire forever.
In New Jerusalem there is no more death; instead there is eternal life.
In New Jerusalem there is no more mourning/depression; instead there is eternal happiness.
In New Jerusalem there is no more crying, instead there is eternal laughter.
In New Jerusalem there is no more pain, instead there is eternal perfect health.
In New Jerusalem there is no evil, instead perfect holiness.
Read Relation 22:1-5
h) Healing of the nations - From the beginning of time, one group of people has shown contempt for another group of people – contempt has taken the form prejudice, racism, discrimination, segregation, genocide, wars between peoples. Ex. European vs. Asian, white vs. black, red vs. white, Russian vs. American, Jew vs. Arab, Irish vs. British, African tribe vs. African tribe. In New Jerusalem, this contempt/hatred between races, cultures, and nations will no longer exist. There will be a healing of all the nations – black, white, Asian, African, Arab, Jew, and all other races and nationalities will experience healing under the leaves of the tree of life. All nations, tongues, and tribes will be as one worshipping and praising God.
i) No more curse – vs. 3. After man fell in the garden God did a lot of cursing. He cursed the serpent to slide on its belly and eat dirt; He cursed the woman to have a painful childbirth; He cursed the earth with thorns, thistles, weeds, poison ivy, etc.; He cursed man to labor and toil for his food. These curses produced stress, anxiety, fear, worry, pain, and ultimately death. In New Jerusalem, curse is no more. No pain, no stress, no toil, no anxieties, no poison ivy, no death.
j) No more night/darkness – When are we most afraid? When it’s dark. Darkness instills fear. When light comes fear goes away. In New Jerusalem, there is no night/no darkness. There is always light. Light is not provided by a candle or the sun. Both temporary sources of light. Light provided by the glory of God Himself.
Who are the ones enjoying life in the New Jerusalem? Rev. 21:27 says it is the ones whose names are written in the Lamb’s Book of Life. How do you get your name in the Book of Life? You must be born again. How do I do that? John 3:16. For those of you whose names are already written in the Book of Life and you are going through the storms of life (heartache, depression, sickness, pain.) Know that it is only temporary. The bad things do not last forever.
2) What warning does John give in Revelation 22:18-19? A warning to anyone who will add to or take away any words written in the book. There will be serious consequences.
3) Revelation 22:20-21. How does the Book of Revelation end? Jesus saying He is coming soon. John saying come on back.
4) You are a member of one of the 7 churches of Asia. What could you have gained from hearing John’s visions of heaven, beast, false prophet, the Great Tribulation, Armageddon, Great White Throne Judgment, and the New Jerusalem?
Encouragement, hope, faith.
The world the seven churches lived in. Ruled by a beast (Domitian). Head of a world-wide empire. Capital - Rome. Ruled over many nations. Much like Babylon the Great - mother of harlots and abominations. One world currency – had face of emperor and an inscription proclaiming his deity. Christians refused to worship Domitian. They had a negative view of Rome. Greatly persecuted. Seemed hopeless. Evil was triumphant. The Enemy was winning. 60 years had passed since Christ ascended into heaven and promised to return. They were in desperate need of hope. The Book of Revelation offered that hope.
5) Today, what do you gain from reading John’s visions of heaven, beast, false prophet, the Great Tribulation, Armageddon, Great White Throne Judgment, and the New Jerusalem?
Worship, the beauty of heaven, power of the Enemy, greater power of God, danger of pride/hearts hardened toward God, perseverance in times of adversity, value God places on living out our faith (godliness), bonuses of citizenship in the New Jerusalem, impetus for witnessing.
Read 2 Peter 3:3-14
1) Describe life in the New Jerusalem.
a) Rev. 21: 1-3, Rev. 22: 3-4 - See God face to face. After the tribulation, the Second Coming - The New Jerusalem comes down from heaven to the spotless new earth. Who dwells in the new Jerusalem? God Himself. After millennia of separation, God makes His home among humanity. God Himself will be in our midst. Do you know what that means? We can see Him, we can talk to Him, we can worship Him, we can praise Him, we can sing to Him – join the heavenly choir in singing praises with no song books, we can bask in His glory, take in His awesome majesty, or just stand there in awe at the wonder of it all.
b) Rev. 21: 4-5a – God will wipe away all tears. From now on, no more tears. Only joy/happiness.
c) No more death – What causes death? Diseases (cancer, heart disease, strokes, ALS, MS, Alzheimer’s – share about Uncle Travis/pancreatic cancer, Wayne liver failure age 22, Jimmy’s wife ALS mid-30’s). What else causes death? Famine, murder, war, terrorism (no planes crashing into buildings). None exist in New Jerusalem.
d) No more mourning - Mourning – long term sadness/depression. What causes you to be depressed? Stress, anxiety, fears, worry brought on by job related burdens (deadlines, quota to meet), financial burdens, parental responsibilities, spouse responsibilities. All these factors, individually or in combination, can lead to depression/cause one to be sad/melancholy for a long period of time. In New Jerusalem, there is no stress, no anxieties, no worries, no fears therefore no mourning/depression.
e) No more crying - What are some things that bring tears to your eyes? What causes you to cry? Saying goodbye – I hate saying goodbye to someone close who I won’t see for a long period of time. Ex. Family when I moved to Richmond. Nieces and nephews.
f) No more pain – What causes physical pain? arthritis, headaches, backaches, bursitis, tendonitis. What causes emotional pain? rejection. Feeling unloved, unwanted.
g) No more evil (Revelation 20 – From the beginning of time, followers of God have experienced suffering due to evil in the world. Many of them have looked to heaven and ask God for justice. In His Word, God made a promise to them: “Vengeance is mine, saith the Lord!” On Judgment Day, God deals with evil once and for all. Everyone who has suffered at the hands of evil from Abel to the present will be avenged. Satan and his followers are thrown into the Lake of Fire forever.
In New Jerusalem there is no more death; instead there is eternal life.
In New Jerusalem there is no more mourning/depression; instead there is eternal happiness.
In New Jerusalem there is no more crying, instead there is eternal laughter.
In New Jerusalem there is no more pain, instead there is eternal perfect health.
In New Jerusalem there is no evil, instead perfect holiness.
Read Relation 22:1-5
h) Healing of the nations - From the beginning of time, one group of people has shown contempt for another group of people – contempt has taken the form prejudice, racism, discrimination, segregation, genocide, wars between peoples. Ex. European vs. Asian, white vs. black, red vs. white, Russian vs. American, Jew vs. Arab, Irish vs. British, African tribe vs. African tribe. In New Jerusalem, this contempt/hatred between races, cultures, and nations will no longer exist. There will be a healing of all the nations – black, white, Asian, African, Arab, Jew, and all other races and nationalities will experience healing under the leaves of the tree of life. All nations, tongues, and tribes will be as one worshipping and praising God.
i) No more curse – vs. 3. After man fell in the garden God did a lot of cursing. He cursed the serpent to slide on its belly and eat dirt; He cursed the woman to have a painful childbirth; He cursed the earth with thorns, thistles, weeds, poison ivy, etc.; He cursed man to labor and toil for his food. These curses produced stress, anxiety, fear, worry, pain, and ultimately death. In New Jerusalem, curse is no more. No pain, no stress, no toil, no anxieties, no poison ivy, no death.
j) No more night/darkness – When are we most afraid? When it’s dark. Darkness instills fear. When light comes fear goes away. In New Jerusalem, there is no night/no darkness. There is always light. Light is not provided by a candle or the sun. Both temporary sources of light. Light provided by the glory of God Himself.
Who are the ones enjoying life in the New Jerusalem? Rev. 21:27 says it is the ones whose names are written in the Lamb’s Book of Life. How do you get your name in the Book of Life? You must be born again. How do I do that? John 3:16. For those of you whose names are already written in the Book of Life and you are going through the storms of life (heartache, depression, sickness, pain.) Know that it is only temporary. The bad things do not last forever.
2) What warning does John give in Revelation 22:18-19? A warning to anyone who will add to or take away any words written in the book. There will be serious consequences.
3) Revelation 22:20-21. How does the Book of Revelation end? Jesus saying He is coming soon. John saying come on back.
4) You are a member of one of the 7 churches of Asia. What could you have gained from hearing John’s visions of heaven, beast, false prophet, the Great Tribulation, Armageddon, Great White Throne Judgment, and the New Jerusalem?
Encouragement, hope, faith.
The world the seven churches lived in. Ruled by a beast (Domitian). Head of a world-wide empire. Capital - Rome. Ruled over many nations. Much like Babylon the Great - mother of harlots and abominations. One world currency – had face of emperor and an inscription proclaiming his deity. Christians refused to worship Domitian. They had a negative view of Rome. Greatly persecuted. Seemed hopeless. Evil was triumphant. The Enemy was winning. 60 years had passed since Christ ascended into heaven and promised to return. They were in desperate need of hope. The Book of Revelation offered that hope.
5) Today, what do you gain from reading John’s visions of heaven, beast, false prophet, the Great Tribulation, Armageddon, Great White Throne Judgment, and the New Jerusalem?
Worship, the beauty of heaven, power of the Enemy, greater power of God, danger of pride/hearts hardened toward God, perseverance in times of adversity, value God places on living out our faith (godliness), bonuses of citizenship in the New Jerusalem, impetus for witnessing.
Read 2 Peter 3:3-14
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Revelation chapters 19 and 20 - Armageddon, Millenial Reign, Great White Throne Judgment
I. Armageddon
Background: Read Revelation 16:12-16. The Unholy Trinity convinces the rulers of earth to gather their armies at the plain of Megiddo.
Read Revelation 19:11-21
1) In vs. 11-16, how does John describe Jesus? Sitting on a white horse; Called Faithful and True; Judges and makes war – qualified to do so based on the fact that he has committed no wrong; eyes like flames; wearing multiple diadems - The diadem represented absolute power; a name that only he knows; clothed in a robe dipped in blood – whose blood? His enemies. Read Isaiah 63:1-6; called the Word of God, King of kings, Lord of Lords; from his mouth comes a sharp sword to strike down His enemies; rule with a rod of iron. Read Psalm 2
2) How was Armageddon fought? How did it go down? Did anything happen between verses 19 and 20? John didn’t describe a battle. No big movie battle scene like Gladiator or Lord of the Rings movies. The battle of Armageddon was somewhat anti-climatic. The beast and the false prophet were captured and were thrown alive into the lake of fire. How was the army of the beast defeated? Defeated by the word of God. No fighting.
II. Millenial Reign
Read Revelation 20:1-3.
3) What happened to Satan? Imprisoned in a bottomless pit for a thousand years. For what purpose? So that he would not be able to tempt the people of earth for a thousand years.
4) What happens to the followers of God who died during the Great Tribulation? They come to life and reign with Jesus for a thousand years. What about the followers of the AntiChrist who died? They are not resurrected … yet.
5) What do you think life on earth will be like during the thousand years after Armageddon? After Armageddon, God did not create a new heaven and new earth. Still old earth. Because Satan is imprisoned, does that mean no one will sin? No. People will sin. Man still has free will. Man still has sinful nature. People who survived the Tribulation who are non-believers are around.
6) Why is Satan released from the abyss after a thousand years? Satan’s version of the Second Coming. Greg’s speculation - He is released for the same reason he was allowed to tempt Adam and Eve. Test of obedience/faith. How much do you love me (God)? Do you really have faith in me (God)? Who comes first? Me or you? How will Satan go about deceiving the nations? How many will fall prey to his deception? Go back to the garden. What did the old serpent dangle in front of Eve? Why should you be subservient to God? You are like Him. He’s trying to keep you down. Prevent you from being like Him. From being gods. Why will people fall prey to Satan after all that they have witnessed? Why did Adam and Eve? Why did children of Israel? Why did David? Why did Judas?
Gog and Magog - Read Ezekiel Chapters 38 and 39. Gog - prince. Magog – nation
7) How were the enemies of the saints defeated? Fire from Heaven. Sodom and Gomorrah part 2. Again, not much of a fight. What will be the final outcome for Satan? Same as the AntiChrist and false prophet. Thrown into the lake of fire.
III. Great White Throne Judgment
Read Revelation 20:11-15
8) Who fled from the presence of Him who sat upon the great white throne? Earth and sky - all creation fled from his presence. Why? Fear. Where did they flee to? Nowhere. Could not hide from God.
Define judgment - Greek krisis - justice, concept of determining the correctness of a matter
9) Who were being judged? The dead. The great (Kings, dictators, CEOs, scientists, philosophers, evangelists, popes,) and small (nobodies of history). Specifcally, non-believers. Focus is on judgment of non-believers. Read Matthew chapter 25:41-46. Where did they come from? Sea, death, and Hades/hell/the grave) Who were not present? Believers - Already given their reward. Read Matthew 25:31-40. The righteous sheep have been separated from unrighteous goats. Read John 5:22-29.
10) What is the difference between “the books” and the “book of life”? What is in each?
The dead were judged by what was found in the books – deeds. Book of life contains the names of those who will receive eternal life.
11) Why are the dead being put on trial? What do you think is the purpose of it? Won’t God already know their guilt? Yes. But God is not only a God of wrath, He is also a God of justice. Justice - the administration of what is just by the administration of merited awards or punishment. Paraphrase – you get what you deserve based on your actions. Justice demands that the guilty know why they are being punished. Example of God’s justice is found in Matthew 25. Purpose of Judgment Day - Prove, not to God, but to man & woman why they are guilty and why they are being punished.
12) How were the dead being judged? According to their deeds. What kind of deeds? Matthew 25. Why are the dead being judged on the basis of deeds?
Person 1: Adolf Hitler
Jesus: Let’s look at the books. Reads: Mass murderer. Looks at the book of life. No name. Depart from me, accursed one, into the eternal fire.
Person 2: He performed a lot of good deeds in his life. He was a philanthropist gave billions of dollars to stamp out world hunger, visited prisoners, provided shelter to homeless, etc., etc., He’s no Hitler. Not a rapist, robber, liar, or thief. He’s up next to be judged. How do you think he’s feeling about his chances of getting into heaven?
Jesus: Let’s look at the books. Reads: liar, covetousness, adulterer, took God’s name in vain, lover of money, etc. Looks at the book of life. No name. Depart from me, accursed one, into the eternal fire.
Accused: Look at the books again!!!! I did many good deeds
Jesus: Depart from me, accursed one
Why was he judged? Why wasn’t his good deeds in the books?
John 5:19-20, 30-36; John 3:16-21; John 10:37-38; James chapters 1 and 2.
His good deeds did not reflect the fact that God was in him and he in God. They did not bear witness/testify that he believed Jesus was the Son of God. The good deeds that he performed were not wrought in God. His good deeds did not testify/give evidence to his relationship with God.
Deeds/Works - Do not grant us salvation/they play no role in our salvation. Purpose of deeds/works is to be 1) a witness to others of God in our life and 2) an extension of our relationship with Him, drawing me closer to Him. Deeds are a reflection of God within us. That Jesus is in me and I in Him. Deeds are a testimony that God is within me. The world sees that and God sees that. That is why I do Matthew chapter 25. That is why what I do is not to reflect on me. To make me look good in the eyes of others or myself. What I do should reflect on God so that others can see God in me. To be a witness to others. And draw me closer to God.
When Judgment Day comes, and all of the dead stands before the Judge, the books are open listing that person’s deeds, they will provide ample evidence to the accused that he is guilty of NOT believing in Jesus.
13) What is the final outcome of death and the grave? What is the final outcome for those whose names were not written in the book of life? Lake of fire.
1. Do you believe Jesus is the Son of God? God sent Him into the world to die for our sins and raised Him from the dead so that we know eternal life and not experience the judgment?
2. If you believe Jesus is the Son of God, do you KNOW Him? Do you have an intimate relationship with Him?
3. Do you seek His will for you in your life? Do you seek to do His will?
4. Are the answers to these questions manifested in your works/deeds? Do they give testimony to others of your relationship with Jesus? Preach the Gospel to all the world and if necessary, use words - St. Francis of Assisi. Find out the answers today. Don’t wait until Judgment Day.
Background: Read Revelation 16:12-16. The Unholy Trinity convinces the rulers of earth to gather their armies at the plain of Megiddo.
Read Revelation 19:11-21
1) In vs. 11-16, how does John describe Jesus? Sitting on a white horse; Called Faithful and True; Judges and makes war – qualified to do so based on the fact that he has committed no wrong; eyes like flames; wearing multiple diadems - The diadem represented absolute power; a name that only he knows; clothed in a robe dipped in blood – whose blood? His enemies. Read Isaiah 63:1-6; called the Word of God, King of kings, Lord of Lords; from his mouth comes a sharp sword to strike down His enemies; rule with a rod of iron. Read Psalm 2
2) How was Armageddon fought? How did it go down? Did anything happen between verses 19 and 20? John didn’t describe a battle. No big movie battle scene like Gladiator or Lord of the Rings movies. The battle of Armageddon was somewhat anti-climatic. The beast and the false prophet were captured and were thrown alive into the lake of fire. How was the army of the beast defeated? Defeated by the word of God. No fighting.
II. Millenial Reign
Read Revelation 20:1-3.
3) What happened to Satan? Imprisoned in a bottomless pit for a thousand years. For what purpose? So that he would not be able to tempt the people of earth for a thousand years.
4) What happens to the followers of God who died during the Great Tribulation? They come to life and reign with Jesus for a thousand years. What about the followers of the AntiChrist who died? They are not resurrected … yet.
5) What do you think life on earth will be like during the thousand years after Armageddon? After Armageddon, God did not create a new heaven and new earth. Still old earth. Because Satan is imprisoned, does that mean no one will sin? No. People will sin. Man still has free will. Man still has sinful nature. People who survived the Tribulation who are non-believers are around.
6) Why is Satan released from the abyss after a thousand years? Satan’s version of the Second Coming. Greg’s speculation - He is released for the same reason he was allowed to tempt Adam and Eve. Test of obedience/faith. How much do you love me (God)? Do you really have faith in me (God)? Who comes first? Me or you? How will Satan go about deceiving the nations? How many will fall prey to his deception? Go back to the garden. What did the old serpent dangle in front of Eve? Why should you be subservient to God? You are like Him. He’s trying to keep you down. Prevent you from being like Him. From being gods. Why will people fall prey to Satan after all that they have witnessed? Why did Adam and Eve? Why did children of Israel? Why did David? Why did Judas?
Gog and Magog - Read Ezekiel Chapters 38 and 39. Gog - prince. Magog – nation
7) How were the enemies of the saints defeated? Fire from Heaven. Sodom and Gomorrah part 2. Again, not much of a fight. What will be the final outcome for Satan? Same as the AntiChrist and false prophet. Thrown into the lake of fire.
III. Great White Throne Judgment
Read Revelation 20:11-15
8) Who fled from the presence of Him who sat upon the great white throne? Earth and sky - all creation fled from his presence. Why? Fear. Where did they flee to? Nowhere. Could not hide from God.
Define judgment - Greek krisis - justice, concept of determining the correctness of a matter
9) Who were being judged? The dead. The great (Kings, dictators, CEOs, scientists, philosophers, evangelists, popes,) and small (nobodies of history). Specifcally, non-believers. Focus is on judgment of non-believers. Read Matthew chapter 25:41-46. Where did they come from? Sea, death, and Hades/hell/the grave) Who were not present? Believers - Already given their reward. Read Matthew 25:31-40. The righteous sheep have been separated from unrighteous goats. Read John 5:22-29.
10) What is the difference between “the books” and the “book of life”? What is in each?
The dead were judged by what was found in the books – deeds. Book of life contains the names of those who will receive eternal life.
11) Why are the dead being put on trial? What do you think is the purpose of it? Won’t God already know their guilt? Yes. But God is not only a God of wrath, He is also a God of justice. Justice - the administration of what is just by the administration of merited awards or punishment. Paraphrase – you get what you deserve based on your actions. Justice demands that the guilty know why they are being punished. Example of God’s justice is found in Matthew 25. Purpose of Judgment Day - Prove, not to God, but to man & woman why they are guilty and why they are being punished.
12) How were the dead being judged? According to their deeds. What kind of deeds? Matthew 25. Why are the dead being judged on the basis of deeds?
Person 1: Adolf Hitler
Jesus: Let’s look at the books. Reads: Mass murderer. Looks at the book of life. No name. Depart from me, accursed one, into the eternal fire.
Person 2: He performed a lot of good deeds in his life. He was a philanthropist gave billions of dollars to stamp out world hunger, visited prisoners, provided shelter to homeless, etc., etc., He’s no Hitler. Not a rapist, robber, liar, or thief. He’s up next to be judged. How do you think he’s feeling about his chances of getting into heaven?
Jesus: Let’s look at the books. Reads: liar, covetousness, adulterer, took God’s name in vain, lover of money, etc. Looks at the book of life. No name. Depart from me, accursed one, into the eternal fire.
Accused: Look at the books again!!!! I did many good deeds
Jesus: Depart from me, accursed one
Why was he judged? Why wasn’t his good deeds in the books?
John 5:19-20, 30-36; John 3:16-21; John 10:37-38; James chapters 1 and 2.
His good deeds did not reflect the fact that God was in him and he in God. They did not bear witness/testify that he believed Jesus was the Son of God. The good deeds that he performed were not wrought in God. His good deeds did not testify/give evidence to his relationship with God.
Deeds/Works - Do not grant us salvation/they play no role in our salvation. Purpose of deeds/works is to be 1) a witness to others of God in our life and 2) an extension of our relationship with Him, drawing me closer to Him. Deeds are a reflection of God within us. That Jesus is in me and I in Him. Deeds are a testimony that God is within me. The world sees that and God sees that. That is why I do Matthew chapter 25. That is why what I do is not to reflect on me. To make me look good in the eyes of others or myself. What I do should reflect on God so that others can see God in me. To be a witness to others. And draw me closer to God.
When Judgment Day comes, and all of the dead stands before the Judge, the books are open listing that person’s deeds, they will provide ample evidence to the accused that he is guilty of NOT believing in Jesus.
13) What is the final outcome of death and the grave? What is the final outcome for those whose names were not written in the book of life? Lake of fire.
1. Do you believe Jesus is the Son of God? God sent Him into the world to die for our sins and raised Him from the dead so that we know eternal life and not experience the judgment?
2. If you believe Jesus is the Son of God, do you KNOW Him? Do you have an intimate relationship with Him?
3. Do you seek His will for you in your life? Do you seek to do His will?
4. Are the answers to these questions manifested in your works/deeds? Do they give testimony to others of your relationship with Jesus? Preach the Gospel to all the world and if necessary, use words - St. Francis of Assisi. Find out the answers today. Don’t wait until Judgment Day.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Marriage Supper - Revelation 19:6-10
1) Who is the bride? Church - followers of God. What is the bride wearing? White linen. What does the clothing represent? Righteousness. Key word - GIVEN. The saints are given righteousness by God. It is not anything we earn on our own.
2) In verse 9, what does the angel tell John to write? a Beatitude. Who were meant to read/hear these words? Those invited to the marriage supper. Where did these words originate? From God
Who are invited to attend the marriage supper? Believers. Not only invited, but blessed!!! On whose authority? God! Not John. Not the angel. Not 4 beasts. Not 24 elders. God!
3) In verse 10, what did John do? Fell down on his knees before the angel. Why?
John is in awe of God’s word. He hears angel say “These are true words of God”. John realized this angel was in the presence of God. The words He was to write came directly from the lips of God. Have you ever been in awe of the word of God?
4) What did the angel mean when he said “the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy”?Testimony - evidence. The very essence of prophecy is Jesus. He was the fulfillment of prophecy both OT and NT. Evidence that prophecy is true. Moses, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Malachi, Elijah, Elisha, Ezekiel, Amos, etc.
2) In verse 9, what does the angel tell John to write? a Beatitude. Who were meant to read/hear these words? Those invited to the marriage supper. Where did these words originate? From God
Who are invited to attend the marriage supper? Believers. Not only invited, but blessed!!! On whose authority? God! Not John. Not the angel. Not 4 beasts. Not 24 elders. God!
3) In verse 10, what did John do? Fell down on his knees before the angel. Why?
John is in awe of God’s word. He hears angel say “These are true words of God”. John realized this angel was in the presence of God. The words He was to write came directly from the lips of God. Have you ever been in awe of the word of God?
4) What did the angel mean when he said “the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy”?Testimony - evidence. The very essence of prophecy is Jesus. He was the fulfillment of prophecy both OT and NT. Evidence that prophecy is true. Moses, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Malachi, Elijah, Elisha, Ezekiel, Amos, etc.
Revelation 17 – The Great Prostitute and the Scarlet Beast pt. 2
II. Notes on the Scarlet Beast
John sees woman/prostitute sitting on a beast.
Why does John see a woman/prostitute and a ferocious beast and not a city and a man? Why the imagery?
John’s vision is being focused through the prism of the Holy Spirit. He sees the city as God sees the city. Not a place of buildings and streets. God sees a prostitute who is seducing rulers and peoples to sin/to commit abominable, detestable acts. John sees the man as God sees the man. Not a powerful ruler. God sees a beast.
Today, God sees our nation through the prism of His Spirit. How does He see us? A huge cave. In center of cave is a small lit candle. Light of candle is struggling against the darkness to bring light to the cave. Darkness is winning the battle. Pushing the light further and further back towards the candle.
Angel’s description of the beast:
Scarlet in color - Blood red
Beast - Dark, ferocious, savage, strong
Full of blasphemous names - Define blasphemous - slanderous, abusive, evil, hurtful speech
Seven heads & ten horns
After seeing the vision, John wonders greatly. Verse 7 - Angel explains vision.
Focus on the beast:
vs. 8 - Angel says that “he was, is not, and is about to come up out of the abyss”
What does that mean?
“He was…” - He has been on the earth before.
“ … is not …” - He is not on the earth during John’s day. Where is he?
Could be that he is in the Abyss.
“ ….is about to come …” - In the future, he will appear. Come up out of the
Abyss. What is his final fate? Destruction
When he does show himself, who are the ones who will not recognize him for what he really is? People whose names are not written in the book of life (non-believers). Who is this guy?
Seven heads - begin with verse 9.
Seven heads = seven mountains - What do mountains symbolize? Strength/power, majesty, authority.
Seven mountains = seven kings (Strong, powerful, majesty, authority)
Where does the woman sit? On the mountains/on the kings. What does that tell you about the power/might of this city? See vs. 18. Where does that political power originate? The 7. You remove the throne (mountains), where would the political authority come from?
Economically powerful city; has tremendous influence in the world (Economics)
Confederation of Seven rulers (Political) -equal in power
City is the dominant power in the world
This city, along with rest of the world, experiences a crisis of historic proportions: Revelation 5: Wars, famine, pestilence, disease, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions …
These myriad of crises has hurt this powerful city, economically - Hard to gain wealth during a time of world-wide crisis.
Read verse 10 - the other has not yet come; and when he comes, he must remain a little while. What does that tell you about this ruler? His staying power?
Politically - Five rulers have fallen. One remains. A seventh ruler joins the confederation. As we’re going to see, he’s only going to be a part of the group for a short time. Loss of five rulers has greatly weakened the political authority of the city/confederation. A power vacuum.
Greg’s speculation -
Read vs. 11-13 -
The beast makes his appearance. He is an eighth ruler. Distinct/separate from the others. Somehow, he manages to become one of the seven. In my opinion, he replaces one of the 7. The one that remains a little while.
The Beast becomes a part of the confederation that is the basis of this city’s political power. He does so at a time when the world is in chaos. The confederation … the world, are longing for a strong leader who can bring stability to the world … bring food, jobs, shelter, protection, wealth, prosperity, peace. A savior riding a white horse. The Beast takes advantage of the situation. Uses his charisma, sweet talk, lies … to attain great power in order to carry out HIS agenda (see vs. 14). He tells leaders of confederation - Our confederation has been weakened. We have lost five nations. Let’s add 10 more nations to our confederation. Give the rulers of these nations the same authority within the confederation that I have. We’ll be strong enough to restore stability to the world. The other confederation ruler and city leaders are like “I’m not sure ….” They are nations the city/confederation have little respect for. The 10 are perhaps rivals of the city/confederation on the world stage. Beast – “I know the rulers of these nations. They are allies of mine. They can be trusted” Still reluctance by the city/confederation. Beast - “We won’t have to give them power permanently. Just long enough to restore world stability.” Confederation agrees. Soon after the ten received authority, what did they do? Verse 13. Hand over their power to the Beast. He is in complete control.
With backing of ten, the Beast gains control over the confederation and the city. He attains greater political power in the world. He uses his newly won power in conjunction with the city’s wealth and influence in the world to carry out his agenda. Which is what? See vs. 14.
Historical precedence - Ancient Rome - Julius Caesar; France – Napoleon; Germany - Adolf Hitler. All rose to power in times of crises. They won support of the masses. They promised stability, peace, prosperity which was a cover for their hidden agenda. They were given power supposedly for a brief period of time. They used the instruments of government to attain greater power. They put trusted people in certain positions. Before you know it, they became dictators for life.
Vs. 16 -18
What happens? Beast and the 10 destroy the great city. Lover (beast) turns on prostitute (Babylon). The Beast got what he wanted out of this city
Why? God’s purpose - The 10 and the beast are instruments of God’s wrath/judgment. He used them to execute His judgment.
What was the common purpose of the ten? What united them? Hatred for this city/confederation. Economic/political rivals. Cut a deal with the beast. We help you gain power, you help us destroy this city.
Precedence: God used immoral/pagan nations to execute judgment - Assyria, Babylon, Egypt …. Eventually, he executes judgment on them.
John sees woman/prostitute sitting on a beast.
Why does John see a woman/prostitute and a ferocious beast and not a city and a man? Why the imagery?
John’s vision is being focused through the prism of the Holy Spirit. He sees the city as God sees the city. Not a place of buildings and streets. God sees a prostitute who is seducing rulers and peoples to sin/to commit abominable, detestable acts. John sees the man as God sees the man. Not a powerful ruler. God sees a beast.
Today, God sees our nation through the prism of His Spirit. How does He see us? A huge cave. In center of cave is a small lit candle. Light of candle is struggling against the darkness to bring light to the cave. Darkness is winning the battle. Pushing the light further and further back towards the candle.
Angel’s description of the beast:
Scarlet in color - Blood red
Beast - Dark, ferocious, savage, strong
Full of blasphemous names - Define blasphemous - slanderous, abusive, evil, hurtful speech
Seven heads & ten horns
After seeing the vision, John wonders greatly. Verse 7 - Angel explains vision.
Focus on the beast:
vs. 8 - Angel says that “he was, is not, and is about to come up out of the abyss”
What does that mean?
“He was…” - He has been on the earth before.
“ … is not …” - He is not on the earth during John’s day. Where is he?
Could be that he is in the Abyss.
“ ….is about to come …” - In the future, he will appear. Come up out of the
Abyss. What is his final fate? Destruction
When he does show himself, who are the ones who will not recognize him for what he really is? People whose names are not written in the book of life (non-believers). Who is this guy?
Seven heads - begin with verse 9.
Seven heads = seven mountains - What do mountains symbolize? Strength/power, majesty, authority.
Seven mountains = seven kings (Strong, powerful, majesty, authority)
Where does the woman sit? On the mountains/on the kings. What does that tell you about the power/might of this city? See vs. 18. Where does that political power originate? The 7. You remove the throne (mountains), where would the political authority come from?
Economically powerful city; has tremendous influence in the world (Economics)
Confederation of Seven rulers (Political) -equal in power
City is the dominant power in the world
This city, along with rest of the world, experiences a crisis of historic proportions: Revelation 5: Wars, famine, pestilence, disease, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions …
These myriad of crises has hurt this powerful city, economically - Hard to gain wealth during a time of world-wide crisis.
Read verse 10 - the other has not yet come; and when he comes, he must remain a little while. What does that tell you about this ruler? His staying power?
Politically - Five rulers have fallen. One remains. A seventh ruler joins the confederation. As we’re going to see, he’s only going to be a part of the group for a short time. Loss of five rulers has greatly weakened the political authority of the city/confederation. A power vacuum.
Greg’s speculation -
Read vs. 11-13 -
The beast makes his appearance. He is an eighth ruler. Distinct/separate from the others. Somehow, he manages to become one of the seven. In my opinion, he replaces one of the 7. The one that remains a little while.
The Beast becomes a part of the confederation that is the basis of this city’s political power. He does so at a time when the world is in chaos. The confederation … the world, are longing for a strong leader who can bring stability to the world … bring food, jobs, shelter, protection, wealth, prosperity, peace. A savior riding a white horse. The Beast takes advantage of the situation. Uses his charisma, sweet talk, lies … to attain great power in order to carry out HIS agenda (see vs. 14). He tells leaders of confederation - Our confederation has been weakened. We have lost five nations. Let’s add 10 more nations to our confederation. Give the rulers of these nations the same authority within the confederation that I have. We’ll be strong enough to restore stability to the world. The other confederation ruler and city leaders are like “I’m not sure ….” They are nations the city/confederation have little respect for. The 10 are perhaps rivals of the city/confederation on the world stage. Beast – “I know the rulers of these nations. They are allies of mine. They can be trusted” Still reluctance by the city/confederation. Beast - “We won’t have to give them power permanently. Just long enough to restore world stability.” Confederation agrees. Soon after the ten received authority, what did they do? Verse 13. Hand over their power to the Beast. He is in complete control.
With backing of ten, the Beast gains control over the confederation and the city. He attains greater political power in the world. He uses his newly won power in conjunction with the city’s wealth and influence in the world to carry out his agenda. Which is what? See vs. 14.
Historical precedence - Ancient Rome - Julius Caesar; France – Napoleon; Germany - Adolf Hitler. All rose to power in times of crises. They won support of the masses. They promised stability, peace, prosperity which was a cover for their hidden agenda. They were given power supposedly for a brief period of time. They used the instruments of government to attain greater power. They put trusted people in certain positions. Before you know it, they became dictators for life.
Vs. 16 -18
What happens? Beast and the 10 destroy the great city. Lover (beast) turns on prostitute (Babylon). The Beast got what he wanted out of this city
Why? God’s purpose - The 10 and the beast are instruments of God’s wrath/judgment. He used them to execute His judgment.
What was the common purpose of the ten? What united them? Hatred for this city/confederation. Economic/political rivals. Cut a deal with the beast. We help you gain power, you help us destroy this city.
Precedence: God used immoral/pagan nations to execute judgment - Assyria, Babylon, Egypt …. Eventually, he executes judgment on them.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Revelation 17 – The Great Prostitute and the Scarlet Beast pt. 1
I. The Great Prostitute
Angel’s description of the Great Prostitute.
1) The Great Prostitute sits on many waters (vs.1).
b) Prostitute/Woman - the great city that reigns (has a kingdom, lit.) over the kings of the earth (vs.18)
c) Waters - peoples, nations, multitudes, nations, and tongues (vs. 15)
Knowing that, what does that tell you about what the Prostitute is?
Powerful city rules over the earth.
2) a. The rulers of the earth committed sinful, immoral acts with her.
Seduced by her (vs. 2)
b. People of the earth drink her immorality/sin . Seduced by her (vs.2)
John is taken by the Spirit into a wilderness where he sees the Great Prostitute for himself.
What does John see?
A woman sitting on a scarlet beast. Beast has seven heads and ten horns.
Focus on Prostitute:
vs. 4 What description does John give of the woman/harlot?
The woman is clothed in purple and scarlet and wearing gold, precious stones, and pearls. Holding a gold cup full of sin. On her forehead is written, as John put it a mystery, her name - Babylon the Great, Mother of Prostitutes and of the Abominations of the Earth. John saw that she was drunk with the blood of the saints and witnesses of Jesus.
John (like us) could not figure out what the vision meant. Scratching his head. The angel - “why don’t you understand?” He proceeds to explain the vision to John.
The woman/prostitute -
According to the angel, the woman symbolizes a city. (Revel. 17: 18). It is the city that reigns over the rulers of the earth.
Her clothing has symbolic meaning:
a) Purple - symbolizes royalty/government authority
b) Scarlet - symbolizes blood city shed to attain power/authority
c) Gold, precious stones, pearls - symbolizes city’s wealth
d) Gold cup symbolizes seduction (beautiful on outside; ugly on inside) - filled with numerous, awful sins. Not for her to drink. Offering it to the kings and peoples of the world to drink. (vs.
2) Get them drunk. Part of the seduction.
What was she drinking? drunk with the blood of the saints and witnesses of Jesus.
The Woman’s name -
a) Babylon - Babylon was a city in ancient world. Its beginning traced back to the Tower of Babel in Genesis. Babylon was the capital of a couple of empires. In Scripture, the city is associated with tyranny and brutality (Babylonian captivity - Jews sent into exile to Babylon; fiery furnace) and SIN - Babylon set standard for sin - Committed many abominations (idolatry, astrology, sexual immorality, drunkenness, you name it, they did it). The peoples they ruled over followed Babylon’s example including the Jewish people. Early church referred to Rome as Babylon.
b) the Great - what do associate with this word?
c) Mother of Prostitutes - what do you associate with this name? What does a mother do? Gives birth. What does this city give birth to? Prostitutes who seduce people to sin.
d) Mother of the Abominations of the Earth - what do associate with this name? (Abomination - something detestable). Gives birth to detestable things. Source of sin in the world.
Here in Revelation, God identifies this powerful city with immoral Babylon of the ancient world and a prostitute. Why? Like Babylon, this city will be the capital of a great empire, a wealthy city, the source of tyranny (persecution of believers) and SIN. Like a prostitute, this city will SEDUCE peoples of the world to commit acts of immorality that God finds abominable. SEDUCE peoples of the world to oppose God and all He stands for.
City will have tremendous influence in the world. How?
Economic power - great wealth. See in Chapter 18. This city will dominate banking, investing, trade. In turn, economic power gives the city political power in the world. “Don’t support our policies, we won’t do business with you.”
So you are the anti-Christ, goal is to take over the world. Sway peoples of the world to oppose God. To commit every sin in the book. To worship him as god. Where do you start? Become the leader of this city. City/Prostitute accepts him. Makes himself a god. City accepts him as a god. Christians are to be persecuted. City persecutes Christians. Uses city’s status in the world to sway world opinion in his favor. Rest of the world follows suit. Anti-Christ’s agenda goes worldwide Why? The city’s economic, political, cultural power. And now add religion. The city is the home of their god.
Angel’s description of the Great Prostitute.
1) The Great Prostitute sits on many waters (vs.1).
b) Prostitute/Woman - the great city that reigns (has a kingdom, lit.) over the kings of the earth (vs.18)
c) Waters - peoples, nations, multitudes, nations, and tongues (vs. 15)
Knowing that, what does that tell you about what the Prostitute is?
Powerful city rules over the earth.
2) a. The rulers of the earth committed sinful, immoral acts with her.
Seduced by her (vs. 2)
b. People of the earth drink her immorality/sin . Seduced by her (vs.2)
John is taken by the Spirit into a wilderness where he sees the Great Prostitute for himself.
What does John see?
A woman sitting on a scarlet beast. Beast has seven heads and ten horns.
Focus on Prostitute:
vs. 4 What description does John give of the woman/harlot?
The woman is clothed in purple and scarlet and wearing gold, precious stones, and pearls. Holding a gold cup full of sin. On her forehead is written, as John put it a mystery, her name - Babylon the Great, Mother of Prostitutes and of the Abominations of the Earth. John saw that she was drunk with the blood of the saints and witnesses of Jesus.
John (like us) could not figure out what the vision meant. Scratching his head. The angel - “why don’t you understand?” He proceeds to explain the vision to John.
The woman/prostitute -
According to the angel, the woman symbolizes a city. (Revel. 17: 18). It is the city that reigns over the rulers of the earth.
Her clothing has symbolic meaning:
a) Purple - symbolizes royalty/government authority
b) Scarlet - symbolizes blood city shed to attain power/authority
c) Gold, precious stones, pearls - symbolizes city’s wealth
d) Gold cup symbolizes seduction (beautiful on outside; ugly on inside) - filled with numerous, awful sins. Not for her to drink. Offering it to the kings and peoples of the world to drink. (vs.
2) Get them drunk. Part of the seduction.
What was she drinking? drunk with the blood of the saints and witnesses of Jesus.
The Woman’s name -
a) Babylon - Babylon was a city in ancient world. Its beginning traced back to the Tower of Babel in Genesis. Babylon was the capital of a couple of empires. In Scripture, the city is associated with tyranny and brutality (Babylonian captivity - Jews sent into exile to Babylon; fiery furnace) and SIN - Babylon set standard for sin - Committed many abominations (idolatry, astrology, sexual immorality, drunkenness, you name it, they did it). The peoples they ruled over followed Babylon’s example including the Jewish people. Early church referred to Rome as Babylon.
b) the Great - what do associate with this word?
c) Mother of Prostitutes - what do you associate with this name? What does a mother do? Gives birth. What does this city give birth to? Prostitutes who seduce people to sin.
d) Mother of the Abominations of the Earth - what do associate with this name? (Abomination - something detestable). Gives birth to detestable things. Source of sin in the world.
Here in Revelation, God identifies this powerful city with immoral Babylon of the ancient world and a prostitute. Why? Like Babylon, this city will be the capital of a great empire, a wealthy city, the source of tyranny (persecution of believers) and SIN. Like a prostitute, this city will SEDUCE peoples of the world to commit acts of immorality that God finds abominable. SEDUCE peoples of the world to oppose God and all He stands for.
City will have tremendous influence in the world. How?
Economic power - great wealth. See in Chapter 18. This city will dominate banking, investing, trade. In turn, economic power gives the city political power in the world. “Don’t support our policies, we won’t do business with you.”
So you are the anti-Christ, goal is to take over the world. Sway peoples of the world to oppose God. To commit every sin in the book. To worship him as god. Where do you start? Become the leader of this city. City/Prostitute accepts him. Makes himself a god. City accepts him as a god. Christians are to be persecuted. City persecutes Christians. Uses city’s status in the world to sway world opinion in his favor. Rest of the world follows suit. Anti-Christ’s agenda goes worldwide Why? The city’s economic, political, cultural power. And now add religion. The city is the home of their god.
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Revelation chapter 14
Revelation 14:1-5
1) The Beast/Anti-Christ is triumphant on earth. He is in total control. In the midst of this evil/destruction/persecution/fear/anxiety/pain/death happening on earth, what’s going on top of Mt. Zion? The Lamb, Jesus, and the 144,000 are holding a worship service. Mount Zion – reference to the heavenly dwelling of God. End time commentators believe the events in verses 1-5 will take place in Heaven. References to the throne of God, the four living creatures, and 24 elders seen in Revelation chapters 4 and 5.
2) How would you describe the atmosphere surrounding the event in chapter 14:1-5?
Celebration. Joyful worship. 144,000 are worshipping the Lamb. The world is coming to an end and they are worshipping Jesus.
3) What did the 144,000 have stamped on their foreheads? The names of the Lamb and his Father. Jesus and God. What did it signify? They were servants God. Protection from God’s wrath being poured out on the world.
4) What kind of song were the 144,000 singing? A new song. In Scripture, a new song is associated with a major event … a turning point in one’s life. Person’s response to mark the occasion by singing a new song. Major event – The 144,000 had been redeemed from the earth. Redeem – to purchase for a price. They will not experience the terrible events to come.
5) Why were the 144,000 the only ones singing? Why couldn't the four living creatures and 24 elders?
The four living creatures and the 24 elders could not relate to the unique experience of the 144,000. Redemption experience. None of the heavenly creatures know what it means to be redeemed/saved. Only those redeemed by the Lamb do.
6) How did John describe the 144,000 in verses 4-5? Give a description of 144,000 using your own words.
Virgin, holy, righteous, dedicated followers of Christ, chosen by God, the best of the best of humanity. One can look at this description through a spiritual eyes. In Scripture, a person or group of people who pursue wickedness/sin are often referred to as prostitutes. They have abandoned their husband, God, to pursue adultery with other gods. Their bodies are polluted. A person/group of people who pursue righteousness/holiness are referred to as a virgin. They have kept themselves pure for their husband, God. Their bodies are not tainted. The 144,000 have gone through Hell on earth. They have been walking through a world where evil and immorality reign. Through it all the 1440,000 have maintained their purity. They refused to worship the Beast or take his mark. If one refused to worship the beast, they were slain. Here in chapter 14, the 144,000 receive the reward for their faithfulness.
Revelation 14:6-13
7) In 14:6-12, what are the messages of the three angels and to whom are they proclaiming them?
First angel - the gospel (Greek – good news): What was the news? Fear God - Give him glory - judgment is near – worship God. Who was it good for? Followers of God. The end is near. God is about to pass judgment on the wicked.
Second angel - Proclaims fall of Babylon - What is Babylon? City in ancient world. Capital of a couple of empires. Associated with tyranny (Babylonian captivity) and SIN - set standard for sin - (idolatry, astrology, sexual immorality, drunkenness, you name it, they did it). A city that led the world to sin including the Jewish people. For early Christians, the word Babylon had the same connotation as Jezebel. Hear the name immediately awful things come to mind. Early church referred to Rome as Babylon. Here in Revelation Babylon is believed to refer to the capital of the Anti-Christ’s kingdom. God identifies that city with immoral Babylon of the ancient world. This city will lead the world to sin/encourage immorality. This city is portrayed as a prostitute. Opposite of the 144,000.
Name a city today that you would connote with Babylon.
Third angel - Words of warning for anyone who receives the mark of the Beast. They will receive the full measure of God’s wrath. It will not be pretty. Imagery is similar to how God poured out His wrath upon Sodom and Gomorrah (Genesis chapter 19)
8) What does verse 12 mean to you? These verses give credence to commentators who teach that the Church will go through at least half of the 7 year Great Tribulation. Hang in there a little while longer.
9) In verse 13, what was John told to write? What do you think it means?
Read verses 14-20
John sees a preview of God’s judgment upon the just and unjust.
Man on white cloud (Jesus) - Harvest of the followers of God.
Second angel – Harvest of the wicked who will experience the wrath of God.
1600 = about 185 miles
1) The Beast/Anti-Christ is triumphant on earth. He is in total control. In the midst of this evil/destruction/persecution/fear/anxiety/pain/death happening on earth, what’s going on top of Mt. Zion? The Lamb, Jesus, and the 144,000 are holding a worship service. Mount Zion – reference to the heavenly dwelling of God. End time commentators believe the events in verses 1-5 will take place in Heaven. References to the throne of God, the four living creatures, and 24 elders seen in Revelation chapters 4 and 5.
2) How would you describe the atmosphere surrounding the event in chapter 14:1-5?
Celebration. Joyful worship. 144,000 are worshipping the Lamb. The world is coming to an end and they are worshipping Jesus.
3) What did the 144,000 have stamped on their foreheads? The names of the Lamb and his Father. Jesus and God. What did it signify? They were servants God. Protection from God’s wrath being poured out on the world.
4) What kind of song were the 144,000 singing? A new song. In Scripture, a new song is associated with a major event … a turning point in one’s life. Person’s response to mark the occasion by singing a new song. Major event – The 144,000 had been redeemed from the earth. Redeem – to purchase for a price. They will not experience the terrible events to come.
5) Why were the 144,000 the only ones singing? Why couldn't the four living creatures and 24 elders?
The four living creatures and the 24 elders could not relate to the unique experience of the 144,000. Redemption experience. None of the heavenly creatures know what it means to be redeemed/saved. Only those redeemed by the Lamb do.
6) How did John describe the 144,000 in verses 4-5? Give a description of 144,000 using your own words.
Virgin, holy, righteous, dedicated followers of Christ, chosen by God, the best of the best of humanity. One can look at this description through a spiritual eyes. In Scripture, a person or group of people who pursue wickedness/sin are often referred to as prostitutes. They have abandoned their husband, God, to pursue adultery with other gods. Their bodies are polluted. A person/group of people who pursue righteousness/holiness are referred to as a virgin. They have kept themselves pure for their husband, God. Their bodies are not tainted. The 144,000 have gone through Hell on earth. They have been walking through a world where evil and immorality reign. Through it all the 1440,000 have maintained their purity. They refused to worship the Beast or take his mark. If one refused to worship the beast, they were slain. Here in chapter 14, the 144,000 receive the reward for their faithfulness.
Revelation 14:6-13
7) In 14:6-12, what are the messages of the three angels and to whom are they proclaiming them?
First angel - the gospel (Greek – good news): What was the news? Fear God - Give him glory - judgment is near – worship God. Who was it good for? Followers of God. The end is near. God is about to pass judgment on the wicked.
Second angel - Proclaims fall of Babylon - What is Babylon? City in ancient world. Capital of a couple of empires. Associated with tyranny (Babylonian captivity) and SIN - set standard for sin - (idolatry, astrology, sexual immorality, drunkenness, you name it, they did it). A city that led the world to sin including the Jewish people. For early Christians, the word Babylon had the same connotation as Jezebel. Hear the name immediately awful things come to mind. Early church referred to Rome as Babylon. Here in Revelation Babylon is believed to refer to the capital of the Anti-Christ’s kingdom. God identifies that city with immoral Babylon of the ancient world. This city will lead the world to sin/encourage immorality. This city is portrayed as a prostitute. Opposite of the 144,000.
Name a city today that you would connote with Babylon.
Third angel - Words of warning for anyone who receives the mark of the Beast. They will receive the full measure of God’s wrath. It will not be pretty. Imagery is similar to how God poured out His wrath upon Sodom and Gomorrah (Genesis chapter 19)
8) What does verse 12 mean to you? These verses give credence to commentators who teach that the Church will go through at least half of the 7 year Great Tribulation. Hang in there a little while longer.
9) In verse 13, what was John told to write? What do you think it means?
Read verses 14-20
John sees a preview of God’s judgment upon the just and unjust.
Man on white cloud (Jesus) - Harvest of the followers of God.
Second angel – Harvest of the wicked who will experience the wrath of God.
1600 = about 185 miles
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Revelation 13 – The Rise of the Beast a.k.a the AntiChrist
Revelation 13:1-10
1) What comes to mind when you hear the word “beast?”
2) How did John describe the beast? Description John uses were familiar to his readers living in the first century A.D. and not necessarily to us living in the 21st century A.D.
He has ten horns and seven heads – multiple horns on an animal commonly refers to successive nations (See Daniel 7). Seven heads possibly refers to rulers. All, nations and rulers, under the authority of the beast.
The beast wore ten diadems on its horns – Diadem is an ornamental headband. The Greeks differentiated between crown (stephanos) and diadem (diadema). The diadem was superior to a crown. The diadem represented absolute power. The diadems over the horns perhaps symbolize the beast’s authority over nations and rulers.
Blasphemous names written on its heads – Blasphemy – insulting, sacrilegious, irreverent, offensive words directed against God. example – Roman emperors often assumed titles of deity because they claimed to be gods. Roman emperor Domitian is said to have given himself the title “Our lord and god.” That was how people were to refer to him. In the same way, the beast will adopt titles/names that Christians will regard to be blasphemous.
The beast looked like a leopard with feet a bear, and mouth like a lion. Leopard – speed; Feet of bear – strength, power, ferocity; Mouth of a lion – a resounding roar that is intimidating. The beast rise to power is as swift as a leopard through ferocious tactics and intimidation.3) What did the dragon give the beast? Power, throne, and authority over this world system. The beast accepted from Satan what Jesus refused. Read Matthew 4:8-10.
4) What happened to one of the beast’s heads? Mortally wounded but was healed. The beast will nearly die from an attack but will miraculously recover. Sound familiar? A facsimile of Jesus’ death and resurrection experience.
5) How will people react to what happened the beast? People will be astounded by the beast’s “resurrection” from death. The event will lead people to worship the dragon (Satan) and the beast (AntiChrist).
6) vs. 4. What question did people ask and in what mind-set do you think they asked it? Who is like the beast, and who can fight against it? Mind-set – Confidence; arrogance. Unlike the mind-set people had in Revelation 6:16 … one of fear and uncertainty. In Revelation 13, the people have found a savior who is powerful and fearsome … who will stand up to God.
7) What was given/allowed to the beast? A) A mouth that uttered blasphemous and arrogant words. Directed against who? God and His followers. The beast will trash talk against God. Tear God down. For what purpose? To build himself up (example of arrogance). The beast will play on people’s fears/uncertainties/anger that stem from the chaotic events going on in the world (Revelation 6-9). In a very insulting/sacrilegious manner, the beast will make God and his followers the bad guys. God is to blame for all the bad things going on in the world which is true because God is pouring out His wrath upon the world. Rather than lead the people in repentance, the beast is taking advantage of events for his own ungodly goals. B) Allowed to rule for three and a half years over every nation on the planet. How will people respond to the beast? They will worship him. Give him ultimate reverence. C) Allowed to make war against the saints (followers of God) and conquer them. This act will gain the beast greater love from people in the world. The saints and their God are to blame for all the bad things happening in the world. Beast makes the saints scapegoats similar to what Hitler did to the Jews. Description of what the beast will do sounds very similar to the rider of the white horse found in Revelation 6.
8) What do verses 9-10 mean to you? These verses give credence to commentators who teach that the Church will go through at least half of the 7 year Great Tribulation.
Revelation 13:9-18
9) How did John describe the second beast? Two horns like a lamb – horns referred to nations. Second beast is powerful but not as powerful as the first beast. Lamb – non-threatening animal unlike a leopard, bear, or lion. However, it has the voice of a dragon – extremely intimidating.10) What role does the second beast play in end times events? Make people worship the first beast. He is the anti-Holy Spirit. The role of the Holy Spirit is to lead people to become followers of God. The role of the second beast, or false prophet as he is also referred to, is to lead people to become followers of the AntiChrist.
11) How will he be able to carry out that role? Through great signs such as causing fire to rain down from the sky. Similar miracle performed by Elijah in I Kings 18 in the contest to determine who in Israel is the one true God – Yahweh or Baal? Another sign – Second beast convinced people to create an image of the first beast. He enabled the image to speak. Convinced many to worship the first beast. Those who didn’t were put to death.12) What did the second beast require of every person on earth? To be marked on right hand or forehead with the name of the beast or his number. For what purpose? To acknowledge their loyalty to the first beast/AntiChrist. Just as God marked the 144,000 which identified them as His servants, the second beast has people marked to identify them as followers of the Antichrist.
13) How does he convince people to receive this mark? A person will not be able to buy or sell without the mark. A person will not be able to buy food, clothing, and shelter without the mark. A person will not be able make a wage without the mark. A person will not be able to do business without the mark. The AntiChrist will have absolute control over the world economy.
14) Verse 18 - John writes, “Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast ….” How does knowing the number of the beast (666) give wisdom concerning WHO/WHAT the beast is? There has been much speculation and commentary concerning the meaning the mark of the beast and 666. John perhaps using a secret code that only his readers would know to identify the AntiChrist. Other commentators assigned the numbers to letters, a practice called numerology, which was not uncommon in John’s day. Using numerology, commentators believe 666 spells “Neron” or “Nero.” John was warning his readers that the coming AntiChrist would be like Nero.
Greg’s commentary on the mark of the beast/666 -
Verse 18 is huge/significant in understanding who the beast is or I should say who he is NOT!!!!!!!! The beast is not a god, not an archangel, not an angel, not a demon, not an animal (referred to as a beast to describe not outer appearance but inner appearance), not a superior being. He is a MAN AND ONLY A MAN!!!!
How does such understanding give us today and people living at this time understanding/wisdom? Yes, the AntiChrist will have tremendous authority and power - political, economic, military, and spiritual. But those qualities do not make him a god to be worshipped or an angel or demon to be feared. Stripped of all these “superior” qualities he is only a man. Should a man be feared? Even one as evil as he? Who bears the sword and foments persecution, famine, nakedness, and peril?
Should a man be worshipped as a god? Even one who performs signs and wonders, comes back from death or the brink of death? Does all this make him a god?
Pharoah of Egypt (his priests could perform miracles), Nebuchadnezzer, Alexander the Great, Antiochus Epiphanes (forced Greek culture upon Jews - abomination of desolation - died of appendicitis), Domitian, Diocletian – all claimed to be gods.
Question - Did true followers of God fear the power and might of these? Did they worship them as god? NO!!! Why? True followers of God saw them for who they really were - MEN. Man is not to be feared only God. Men are not to be worshipped only God.
Coming back from dead? Is coming back from the dead a prerequisite for making one a god. Been done before (a widow’s son, a Shunammite boy, Moabite man thrown onto Elisha’s bones, Jairus’ daughter, Lazarus, Tabitha) What’s the big deal? Should returning from death astonish and amaze the true followers of God? It’s the foundation of our faith!!! It should only astonish and amaze those who do not know the WORD.
So again here in verse 18 what is John telling us and those who will be living at this time about the beast? The AntiChrist will be a man not a god. Read Romans 8:35-39. The words in these verses are a promise true followers of God in the past (three Hebrew children, Moses, Daniel, the Maccabbees, the early church) and those during this time can stand on. Why they can refuse the mark. Why they can endure tribulation and death. They know there enemy is a man and only a man.
1) What comes to mind when you hear the word “beast?”
2) How did John describe the beast? Description John uses were familiar to his readers living in the first century A.D. and not necessarily to us living in the 21st century A.D.
He has ten horns and seven heads – multiple horns on an animal commonly refers to successive nations (See Daniel 7). Seven heads possibly refers to rulers. All, nations and rulers, under the authority of the beast.
The beast wore ten diadems on its horns – Diadem is an ornamental headband. The Greeks differentiated between crown (stephanos) and diadem (diadema). The diadem was superior to a crown. The diadem represented absolute power. The diadems over the horns perhaps symbolize the beast’s authority over nations and rulers.
Blasphemous names written on its heads – Blasphemy – insulting, sacrilegious, irreverent, offensive words directed against God. example – Roman emperors often assumed titles of deity because they claimed to be gods. Roman emperor Domitian is said to have given himself the title “Our lord and god.” That was how people were to refer to him. In the same way, the beast will adopt titles/names that Christians will regard to be blasphemous.
The beast looked like a leopard with feet a bear, and mouth like a lion. Leopard – speed; Feet of bear – strength, power, ferocity; Mouth of a lion – a resounding roar that is intimidating. The beast rise to power is as swift as a leopard through ferocious tactics and intimidation.3) What did the dragon give the beast? Power, throne, and authority over this world system. The beast accepted from Satan what Jesus refused. Read Matthew 4:8-10.
4) What happened to one of the beast’s heads? Mortally wounded but was healed. The beast will nearly die from an attack but will miraculously recover. Sound familiar? A facsimile of Jesus’ death and resurrection experience.
5) How will people react to what happened the beast? People will be astounded by the beast’s “resurrection” from death. The event will lead people to worship the dragon (Satan) and the beast (AntiChrist).
6) vs. 4. What question did people ask and in what mind-set do you think they asked it? Who is like the beast, and who can fight against it? Mind-set – Confidence; arrogance. Unlike the mind-set people had in Revelation 6:16 … one of fear and uncertainty. In Revelation 13, the people have found a savior who is powerful and fearsome … who will stand up to God.
7) What was given/allowed to the beast? A) A mouth that uttered blasphemous and arrogant words. Directed against who? God and His followers. The beast will trash talk against God. Tear God down. For what purpose? To build himself up (example of arrogance). The beast will play on people’s fears/uncertainties/anger that stem from the chaotic events going on in the world (Revelation 6-9). In a very insulting/sacrilegious manner, the beast will make God and his followers the bad guys. God is to blame for all the bad things going on in the world which is true because God is pouring out His wrath upon the world. Rather than lead the people in repentance, the beast is taking advantage of events for his own ungodly goals. B) Allowed to rule for three and a half years over every nation on the planet. How will people respond to the beast? They will worship him. Give him ultimate reverence. C) Allowed to make war against the saints (followers of God) and conquer them. This act will gain the beast greater love from people in the world. The saints and their God are to blame for all the bad things happening in the world. Beast makes the saints scapegoats similar to what Hitler did to the Jews. Description of what the beast will do sounds very similar to the rider of the white horse found in Revelation 6.
8) What do verses 9-10 mean to you? These verses give credence to commentators who teach that the Church will go through at least half of the 7 year Great Tribulation.
Revelation 13:9-18
9) How did John describe the second beast? Two horns like a lamb – horns referred to nations. Second beast is powerful but not as powerful as the first beast. Lamb – non-threatening animal unlike a leopard, bear, or lion. However, it has the voice of a dragon – extremely intimidating.10) What role does the second beast play in end times events? Make people worship the first beast. He is the anti-Holy Spirit. The role of the Holy Spirit is to lead people to become followers of God. The role of the second beast, or false prophet as he is also referred to, is to lead people to become followers of the AntiChrist.
11) How will he be able to carry out that role? Through great signs such as causing fire to rain down from the sky. Similar miracle performed by Elijah in I Kings 18 in the contest to determine who in Israel is the one true God – Yahweh or Baal? Another sign – Second beast convinced people to create an image of the first beast. He enabled the image to speak. Convinced many to worship the first beast. Those who didn’t were put to death.12) What did the second beast require of every person on earth? To be marked on right hand or forehead with the name of the beast or his number. For what purpose? To acknowledge their loyalty to the first beast/AntiChrist. Just as God marked the 144,000 which identified them as His servants, the second beast has people marked to identify them as followers of the Antichrist.
13) How does he convince people to receive this mark? A person will not be able to buy or sell without the mark. A person will not be able to buy food, clothing, and shelter without the mark. A person will not be able make a wage without the mark. A person will not be able to do business without the mark. The AntiChrist will have absolute control over the world economy.
14) Verse 18 - John writes, “Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast ….” How does knowing the number of the beast (666) give wisdom concerning WHO/WHAT the beast is? There has been much speculation and commentary concerning the meaning the mark of the beast and 666. John perhaps using a secret code that only his readers would know to identify the AntiChrist. Other commentators assigned the numbers to letters, a practice called numerology, which was not uncommon in John’s day. Using numerology, commentators believe 666 spells “Neron” or “Nero.” John was warning his readers that the coming AntiChrist would be like Nero.
Greg’s commentary on the mark of the beast/666 -
Verse 18 is huge/significant in understanding who the beast is or I should say who he is NOT!!!!!!!! The beast is not a god, not an archangel, not an angel, not a demon, not an animal (referred to as a beast to describe not outer appearance but inner appearance), not a superior being. He is a MAN AND ONLY A MAN!!!!
How does such understanding give us today and people living at this time understanding/wisdom? Yes, the AntiChrist will have tremendous authority and power - political, economic, military, and spiritual. But those qualities do not make him a god to be worshipped or an angel or demon to be feared. Stripped of all these “superior” qualities he is only a man. Should a man be feared? Even one as evil as he? Who bears the sword and foments persecution, famine, nakedness, and peril?
Should a man be worshipped as a god? Even one who performs signs and wonders, comes back from death or the brink of death? Does all this make him a god?
Pharoah of Egypt (his priests could perform miracles), Nebuchadnezzer, Alexander the Great, Antiochus Epiphanes (forced Greek culture upon Jews - abomination of desolation - died of appendicitis), Domitian, Diocletian – all claimed to be gods.
Question - Did true followers of God fear the power and might of these? Did they worship them as god? NO!!! Why? True followers of God saw them for who they really were - MEN. Man is not to be feared only God. Men are not to be worshipped only God.
Coming back from dead? Is coming back from the dead a prerequisite for making one a god. Been done before (a widow’s son, a Shunammite boy, Moabite man thrown onto Elisha’s bones, Jairus’ daughter, Lazarus, Tabitha) What’s the big deal? Should returning from death astonish and amaze the true followers of God? It’s the foundation of our faith!!! It should only astonish and amaze those who do not know the WORD.
So again here in verse 18 what is John telling us and those who will be living at this time about the beast? The AntiChrist will be a man not a god. Read Romans 8:35-39. The words in these verses are a promise true followers of God in the past (three Hebrew children, Moses, Daniel, the Maccabbees, the early church) and those during this time can stand on. Why they can refuse the mark. Why they can endure tribulation and death. They know there enemy is a man and only a man.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Revelation 7-12 pt. 2
Revelation chapter 12:1-6
6) What does John see and hear? A pregnant woman crying out in pain because she is about to give birth. A red dragon with seven heads wearing seven crowns and also having ten horns. Seven diadems on each horn.
7) Who is the pregnant woman? Common teaching is she symbolizes the nation of Israel. Twelve stars=Twelve tribes of Israel. Also based on who she gave birth to – a male child who will rule with a rod of iron. Who do you suppose he symbolizes? Jesus Christ – see Revelation 19:15. Jesus is a Jew.
8) Who is the red dragon? Satan. What words do you associate with description? Red – danger, blood. Dragon – large, powerful, evil
9) What do you think the first sentence in verse 4 is in reference to? Predominant teaching – Satan convinced one third of the angels to follow him in his rebellion against God.
10) What did the red dragon plan to do? Devour/kill the child. Why? He perceived Jesus to be a threat and was determined to remove that threat. Was he successful? No. The woman fled to safety where she was cared for by God.
Revelation 12:7-17
11) What images come to mind when you read the first sentence in verse 7?
12) What did Satan and his allies lose? Access to heaven. Up to those point, Satan was permitted entry into Heaven where he carried out his role as accuser of the followers of God. See Job chapters 1-2 and Zechariah chapter 3.
13) What names are associated with Satan in this chapter and what does each tell you about him? Great dragon – see answer to question 8; Ancient serpent – reference to Genesis. Satan entered the serpent, the craftiest creature in the Garden of Eden, in order to tempt Adam and Eve; devil and Satan – both mean Adversary/Accuser. Legal terms. A prosecutorial role; Deceiver of the whole world - Liar
14) What was Heaven’s reaction to Satan's defeat? Extreme joy. Great celebration.
15) What did Satan’s defeat mean for earth? Not good. He is mad and is going to take it out on earth. Why is he so upset? His time on earth is short.16) After his defeat, what did Satan do? Pursued after the woman (Israel.) He attempted to destroy her. Was he successful? No. She escaped him.
17) What was his next objective? Attack the woman’s offspring. Those who were loyal to God. Followed His commands faithfully and believed the words of Jesus.
Chapter 12 ends with Satan standing on the sand of the sea. He’s waiting for someone. We’ll meet that someone in two weeks.
6) What does John see and hear? A pregnant woman crying out in pain because she is about to give birth. A red dragon with seven heads wearing seven crowns and also having ten horns. Seven diadems on each horn.
7) Who is the pregnant woman? Common teaching is she symbolizes the nation of Israel. Twelve stars=Twelve tribes of Israel. Also based on who she gave birth to – a male child who will rule with a rod of iron. Who do you suppose he symbolizes? Jesus Christ – see Revelation 19:15. Jesus is a Jew.
8) Who is the red dragon? Satan. What words do you associate with description? Red – danger, blood. Dragon – large, powerful, evil
9) What do you think the first sentence in verse 4 is in reference to? Predominant teaching – Satan convinced one third of the angels to follow him in his rebellion against God.
10) What did the red dragon plan to do? Devour/kill the child. Why? He perceived Jesus to be a threat and was determined to remove that threat. Was he successful? No. The woman fled to safety where she was cared for by God.
Revelation 12:7-17
11) What images come to mind when you read the first sentence in verse 7?
12) What did Satan and his allies lose? Access to heaven. Up to those point, Satan was permitted entry into Heaven where he carried out his role as accuser of the followers of God. See Job chapters 1-2 and Zechariah chapter 3.
13) What names are associated with Satan in this chapter and what does each tell you about him? Great dragon – see answer to question 8; Ancient serpent – reference to Genesis. Satan entered the serpent, the craftiest creature in the Garden of Eden, in order to tempt Adam and Eve; devil and Satan – both mean Adversary/Accuser. Legal terms. A prosecutorial role; Deceiver of the whole world - Liar
14) What was Heaven’s reaction to Satan's defeat? Extreme joy. Great celebration.
15) What did Satan’s defeat mean for earth? Not good. He is mad and is going to take it out on earth. Why is he so upset? His time on earth is short.16) After his defeat, what did Satan do? Pursued after the woman (Israel.) He attempted to destroy her. Was he successful? No. She escaped him.
17) What was his next objective? Attack the woman’s offspring. Those who were loyal to God. Followed His commands faithfully and believed the words of Jesus.
Chapter 12 ends with Satan standing on the sand of the sea. He’s waiting for someone. We’ll meet that someone in two weeks.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Revelation 7-12 pt. 1
The Great Tribulation and the Seventh Seal
Read Revelation 7:1-8
1. What are the four angels told not to do until what happens? Do not harm the earth, seas, or trees until the 144,000 are sealed.
2. Why are the 144,000 sealed? For their protection. Read Ezekiel 9:1-10. In these verses, God is passing judgment on the Jews in Jerusalem for their many sins. He is pouring out His wrath upon them. Everyone in Jerusalem was to be killed except for those who had a mark upon their forehead. They were the few who were found righteous. The mark was the last letter of the Hebrew alphabet, taw, which originally looked like an “X.” When the men God sent to execute His wrath saw the seal upon a person’s forehead they were not to harm that person. What God did to Jerusalem in Ezekiel chapter nine He will do to the entire world in Revelation. He is about to pass judgment on humanity. God is going to pour out His wrath on the world. Before He does, He places his mark (taw) upon the foreheads of 144,000 people so that they would be spared his wrath.
3. From where did the 144,000 come from? The Twelve Tribes of Israel. Some commentators on Revelation teach that the 144,000 are Jews who are believers. They acknowledge Jesus as their Savior/Messiah. Others teach that the 144,000 represent a remnant, a minority of people, who come to know Jesus and reject the Antichrist during the Great Tribulation.
Revelation 7:9-17
4. What does John see and hear in verses 9-12? People from different nations, races, and languages clothed in white robes and holding palm branches (symbol of victory) worshipping Jesus.
5. Who are these people? They are the ones coming out of the great tribulation. They came out of the tribulation with their robes washed clean and made white by the blood of Jesus. They have been cleansed of their unrighteousness and made righteous by the blood of Jesus. Define tribulation – a period of severe trial or suffering, oppression, persecution, affliction. Traditional teaching of the Great Tribulation – a seven year period when God pours out His wrath upon the world. The Antichrist uses the chaos that arises from God’s wrath to his advantage. He rises to power and proceeds to make war against everything that is of God. People who choose to follow the true Christ and reject the Antichrist are persecuted to the point of death. In, chapter 7:9-17 we see these martyrs receiving their reward. Questions: Will Jesus return before the Tribulation to take His followers so that they will not experience it? OR will Christians experience the Great Tribulation? The predominant teaching is that Christians will not experience the Great Tribulation. Jesus will return to earth prior to the Great Tribulation in an event known as the Rapture. This belief is based on verses found in I and II Thessalonians. Unbelievers who remain on earth will go through the Great Tribulation and be ruled by the Antichrist. However, a small remnant will choose to follow after Jesus and reject the Antichrist. They will be persecuted by the Antichrist to the point of death and enter heaven to receive their reward.
Summary of Revelation chapters 8-11
The seventh seal is opened. Seven trumpets are blown. After each is blown, various calamities afflict the earth bringing death and destruction. Point out verses of interest: Revelation 9:4 – people sealed by God were not to be harmed. Who were they? 144,000. Revelation 9:20-21 – Despite the calamities, what did people refuse to do? Repent. Revelation chapter 11, two men appear in Jerusalem and for three and a half years they speak the word of God. They perform miracles similar to those done by Moses and Elijah. They are put to death and their bodies are put on display like trophies. The world celebrates their death because the two were viewed as tormentors. After three and a half days God breathes life into the two and brings them to Heaven.
Read Revelation 7:1-8
1. What are the four angels told not to do until what happens? Do not harm the earth, seas, or trees until the 144,000 are sealed.
2. Why are the 144,000 sealed? For their protection. Read Ezekiel 9:1-10. In these verses, God is passing judgment on the Jews in Jerusalem for their many sins. He is pouring out His wrath upon them. Everyone in Jerusalem was to be killed except for those who had a mark upon their forehead. They were the few who were found righteous. The mark was the last letter of the Hebrew alphabet, taw, which originally looked like an “X.” When the men God sent to execute His wrath saw the seal upon a person’s forehead they were not to harm that person. What God did to Jerusalem in Ezekiel chapter nine He will do to the entire world in Revelation. He is about to pass judgment on humanity. God is going to pour out His wrath on the world. Before He does, He places his mark (taw) upon the foreheads of 144,000 people so that they would be spared his wrath.
3. From where did the 144,000 come from? The Twelve Tribes of Israel. Some commentators on Revelation teach that the 144,000 are Jews who are believers. They acknowledge Jesus as their Savior/Messiah. Others teach that the 144,000 represent a remnant, a minority of people, who come to know Jesus and reject the Antichrist during the Great Tribulation.
Revelation 7:9-17
4. What does John see and hear in verses 9-12? People from different nations, races, and languages clothed in white robes and holding palm branches (symbol of victory) worshipping Jesus.
5. Who are these people? They are the ones coming out of the great tribulation. They came out of the tribulation with their robes washed clean and made white by the blood of Jesus. They have been cleansed of their unrighteousness and made righteous by the blood of Jesus. Define tribulation – a period of severe trial or suffering, oppression, persecution, affliction. Traditional teaching of the Great Tribulation – a seven year period when God pours out His wrath upon the world. The Antichrist uses the chaos that arises from God’s wrath to his advantage. He rises to power and proceeds to make war against everything that is of God. People who choose to follow the true Christ and reject the Antichrist are persecuted to the point of death. In, chapter 7:9-17 we see these martyrs receiving their reward. Questions: Will Jesus return before the Tribulation to take His followers so that they will not experience it? OR will Christians experience the Great Tribulation? The predominant teaching is that Christians will not experience the Great Tribulation. Jesus will return to earth prior to the Great Tribulation in an event known as the Rapture. This belief is based on verses found in I and II Thessalonians. Unbelievers who remain on earth will go through the Great Tribulation and be ruled by the Antichrist. However, a small remnant will choose to follow after Jesus and reject the Antichrist. They will be persecuted by the Antichrist to the point of death and enter heaven to receive their reward.
Summary of Revelation chapters 8-11
The seventh seal is opened. Seven trumpets are blown. After each is blown, various calamities afflict the earth bringing death and destruction. Point out verses of interest: Revelation 9:4 – people sealed by God were not to be harmed. Who were they? 144,000. Revelation 9:20-21 – Despite the calamities, what did people refuse to do? Repent. Revelation chapter 11, two men appear in Jerusalem and for three and a half years they speak the word of God. They perform miracles similar to those done by Moses and Elijah. They are put to death and their bodies are put on display like trophies. The world celebrates their death because the two were viewed as tormentors. After three and a half days God breathes life into the two and brings them to Heaven.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Revelation chapter 6 – Beginning of the End
Summary of Revelation chapters 4 and 5
John is taken up to Heaven and finds himself before the throne of God. He witnesses the hosts of Heaven worship God – sing praises, bow down, and cast crowns before the throne. John sees a scroll in the right hand of God that is sealed with seven seals. No one throughout creation was worthy of breaking the seals to open the scroll except one. John identifies him as the Lamb who was slain. Revelation 5:9-10 provides clues as to who the Lamb is. Who is he? Jesus. Notice the hosts of heaven worship Him by singing a new song, not an old song. The Lamb takes the scroll from the right hand of God and in chapter 6 he proceeds to break the seals.
Revelation chapter 6:1-8
1. What did John see after the opening of each of the first four seals and what were each given authority to do? Four horsemen.
A) Rider of the white horse. He had a bow (weapon) and was given a crown (political authority.) He was given authority to conquer. White horse associated with royalty. The rider is someone who has political authority and will seek to expand his rule through conquest. More on who this rider might be in a moment.
B) Rider of the red horse – Greek word for “red” – having the color of fire. Red color could also represent blood. The rider was given a great sword (Greek word Machaira similar to Spanish/English word “machete”). He was permitted to encourage war among the peoples of the earth.
C) Rider of the black horse – He held a pair of scales in his hand. The words that were spoken essentially mean that staple foods made of wheat and barley will become scarce. The rider represents economic instability and famine. As essential foods such as bread become scarce they increase in price. Inflation runs rampant. Denarius was worth a day’s wages. It will cost two days wages to purchase a quart of wheat (which is enough to feed one person) and three quarts of barley (less nutritious and was enough to feed a small family.) Notice that the rider of the black horse was not given authority to damage wine and oil. Only the wealthy could afford those. While the lower economic classes are suffering, the wealthy are doing fine. The poor resent the wealthy. The recipe for class warfare which will add to the growing chaos leading to the end times.
D) Rider of the pale horse – Greek word for “pale” is chloros, a yellowish pale color. The rider’s name was Death and Hades (the grave, the abode of the dead) followed after him. It makes sense that the rider of the pale horse would be last, why? Riders of the red horse and black horse bringing death to the world. Death and Hades was given authority over a fourth of the earth to kill with the sword (red horse) and famine (black horse); pestilence (disease which often occurs during war and famine - malnutrition) and wild beasts.
Revelation chapter 6:12-17
2. What happens on earth after the sixth seal is opened? Natural disasters – massive earthquakes that moves mountains and islands, sun turns black and moon turns red perhaps due to volcanic eruptions, stars (meteorites) fall from the sky.
3. How do people react to what’s happening? There is great fear and anxiety.
The Four Horsemen and the natural disasters are the prologue to the End. They are setting the stage for the End. These catastrophic events (war, famine, disease, natural disasters) will provide an opportunity for a certain someone to attain greater political power. He will take advantage of people’s fears and anxieties in order to conquer. He will present himself to the world as a man of strength, courage, boldness, and great vision. As the world is seemingly falling apart, this man will come forth figuratively as a hero riding a white horse to save the day to restore order out of chaos. The world will see this man as their savior. He will regard himself as a god to be worshiped. He is the rider of the white horse – the Antichrist.
There is disagreement within Christianity over who the rider of the white horse is. Some say he is the Antichrist which is the interpretation I accept and I will explain why in a moment. Others say the ride of the white horse is Jesus. Their reasoning is based on Revelation chapter 19 where Jesus returns to earth on a white horse conquering evil. However, the description of the rider of the white horse in Revelation 6 differs from that of Revelation 19.
The reason I believe the rider of the white horse is the Antichrist has to do with a common pattern in history. If you look to the past to see how dictators from Julius Caesar to Adolf Hitler came to power it often came about at a time of great anxiety, fear, and uncertainty. The people were looking for someone, anyone to restore order and stability and these men succeeded in doing so. The people were willing to give up their rights and freedoms in exchange for economic and political stability. Men like Caesar, Hitler, and Mussolini were successful in restoring order out of chaos and consequently people hailed them as saviors. Talk about Germany during the 1930’s. Same is true in democracies. A president that is in power during an economic recession and high unemployment is replaced by the public with someone who promises to restore economic order. Ex. FDR, Reagan, Clinton, Obama. My opinion is that the Antichrist will present himself as the world’s savior and the world will accept him as such. They will willingly give him the authority he needs to save the planet from the abyss.
Revelation chapter 6:9-11
4. What did John see and hear after the opening of the fifth seal? An altar and underneath it were the souls of those who had been slain for obeying the word of God and for being witnesses of the Gospel. They were martyrs. What is done on an altar? Sacrifices are offered to God. Blood is shed. These souls sacrificed their lives/shed their blood for God. What did they cry out to God for? Vengeance. How long before God will pour out His wrath upon sinners for the transgressions they have committed against His people? How much longer will the martyrs have to wait before God will carry out His judgment? Who are these people? Abel to Stephen to Christians today who have had their life taken for daring to be a follower of Jesus. What was the response to their cry? A) given a white robe (righteousness) B) Told to rest a little while longer …. Be patient. The time for God’s final judgment is drawing near.
These verses contain a reason why God is doing what He is doing in the Book of Revelation. It also explains why much of Revelation is so dark and dismal. God is passing final judgment upon the earth. He is pouring out wrath upon the earth that has been building up since the Flood. For millennia, God’s people have been waiting for this moment when He will exact final punishment upon all that is evil. Repeatedly through the Old Testament God says, “Vengeance is mine.” All who have harmed my people will experience my wrath. All who hear the Gospel of salvation and yet continue to pursue unrighteousness … who reject and mock the sacrifice of His Son … they will find themselves in the hands of an angry God. It will not be pretty.
John is taken up to Heaven and finds himself before the throne of God. He witnesses the hosts of Heaven worship God – sing praises, bow down, and cast crowns before the throne. John sees a scroll in the right hand of God that is sealed with seven seals. No one throughout creation was worthy of breaking the seals to open the scroll except one. John identifies him as the Lamb who was slain. Revelation 5:9-10 provides clues as to who the Lamb is. Who is he? Jesus. Notice the hosts of heaven worship Him by singing a new song, not an old song. The Lamb takes the scroll from the right hand of God and in chapter 6 he proceeds to break the seals.
Revelation chapter 6:1-8
1. What did John see after the opening of each of the first four seals and what were each given authority to do? Four horsemen.
A) Rider of the white horse. He had a bow (weapon) and was given a crown (political authority.) He was given authority to conquer. White horse associated with royalty. The rider is someone who has political authority and will seek to expand his rule through conquest. More on who this rider might be in a moment.
B) Rider of the red horse – Greek word for “red” – having the color of fire. Red color could also represent blood. The rider was given a great sword (Greek word Machaira similar to Spanish/English word “machete”). He was permitted to encourage war among the peoples of the earth.
C) Rider of the black horse – He held a pair of scales in his hand. The words that were spoken essentially mean that staple foods made of wheat and barley will become scarce. The rider represents economic instability and famine. As essential foods such as bread become scarce they increase in price. Inflation runs rampant. Denarius was worth a day’s wages. It will cost two days wages to purchase a quart of wheat (which is enough to feed one person) and three quarts of barley (less nutritious and was enough to feed a small family.) Notice that the rider of the black horse was not given authority to damage wine and oil. Only the wealthy could afford those. While the lower economic classes are suffering, the wealthy are doing fine. The poor resent the wealthy. The recipe for class warfare which will add to the growing chaos leading to the end times.
D) Rider of the pale horse – Greek word for “pale” is chloros, a yellowish pale color. The rider’s name was Death and Hades (the grave, the abode of the dead) followed after him. It makes sense that the rider of the pale horse would be last, why? Riders of the red horse and black horse bringing death to the world. Death and Hades was given authority over a fourth of the earth to kill with the sword (red horse) and famine (black horse); pestilence (disease which often occurs during war and famine - malnutrition) and wild beasts.
Revelation chapter 6:12-17
2. What happens on earth after the sixth seal is opened? Natural disasters – massive earthquakes that moves mountains and islands, sun turns black and moon turns red perhaps due to volcanic eruptions, stars (meteorites) fall from the sky.
3. How do people react to what’s happening? There is great fear and anxiety.
The Four Horsemen and the natural disasters are the prologue to the End. They are setting the stage for the End. These catastrophic events (war, famine, disease, natural disasters) will provide an opportunity for a certain someone to attain greater political power. He will take advantage of people’s fears and anxieties in order to conquer. He will present himself to the world as a man of strength, courage, boldness, and great vision. As the world is seemingly falling apart, this man will come forth figuratively as a hero riding a white horse to save the day to restore order out of chaos. The world will see this man as their savior. He will regard himself as a god to be worshiped. He is the rider of the white horse – the Antichrist.
There is disagreement within Christianity over who the rider of the white horse is. Some say he is the Antichrist which is the interpretation I accept and I will explain why in a moment. Others say the ride of the white horse is Jesus. Their reasoning is based on Revelation chapter 19 where Jesus returns to earth on a white horse conquering evil. However, the description of the rider of the white horse in Revelation 6 differs from that of Revelation 19.
The reason I believe the rider of the white horse is the Antichrist has to do with a common pattern in history. If you look to the past to see how dictators from Julius Caesar to Adolf Hitler came to power it often came about at a time of great anxiety, fear, and uncertainty. The people were looking for someone, anyone to restore order and stability and these men succeeded in doing so. The people were willing to give up their rights and freedoms in exchange for economic and political stability. Men like Caesar, Hitler, and Mussolini were successful in restoring order out of chaos and consequently people hailed them as saviors. Talk about Germany during the 1930’s. Same is true in democracies. A president that is in power during an economic recession and high unemployment is replaced by the public with someone who promises to restore economic order. Ex. FDR, Reagan, Clinton, Obama. My opinion is that the Antichrist will present himself as the world’s savior and the world will accept him as such. They will willingly give him the authority he needs to save the planet from the abyss.
Revelation chapter 6:9-11
4. What did John see and hear after the opening of the fifth seal? An altar and underneath it were the souls of those who had been slain for obeying the word of God and for being witnesses of the Gospel. They were martyrs. What is done on an altar? Sacrifices are offered to God. Blood is shed. These souls sacrificed their lives/shed their blood for God. What did they cry out to God for? Vengeance. How long before God will pour out His wrath upon sinners for the transgressions they have committed against His people? How much longer will the martyrs have to wait before God will carry out His judgment? Who are these people? Abel to Stephen to Christians today who have had their life taken for daring to be a follower of Jesus. What was the response to their cry? A) given a white robe (righteousness) B) Told to rest a little while longer …. Be patient. The time for God’s final judgment is drawing near.
These verses contain a reason why God is doing what He is doing in the Book of Revelation. It also explains why much of Revelation is so dark and dismal. God is passing final judgment upon the earth. He is pouring out wrath upon the earth that has been building up since the Flood. For millennia, God’s people have been waiting for this moment when He will exact final punishment upon all that is evil. Repeatedly through the Old Testament God says, “Vengeance is mine.” All who have harmed my people will experience my wrath. All who hear the Gospel of salvation and yet continue to pursue unrighteousness … who reject and mock the sacrifice of His Son … they will find themselves in the hands of an angry God. It will not be pretty.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Revelation chapters 4 and 5 – Worship
Read Revelation chapter 4
1. Where and when is John? In Heaven. In the future.
2. Where specifically in heaven is John? Before the throne of God.
3. Put yourself in John’s shoes, what are you thinking/feeling?
4. vs. 4-5. Who does John see? 24 elders sitting on thrones located on either side of God’s throne. They are all wearing crowns and white garments. What is an elder? A person who is in authority. Someone who is greatly respected. Tradition teaches that these 24 elders are representatives from the Twelve tribes of Israel of the Old Testament plus 12 Apostles of the New Testament. Or, the 24 elders could be individuals whom God deemed worthy of a place of honor and authority in heaven because of their faithfulness/righteousness. The location of their thrones next to God’s throne would be a place of honor. White garments represent righteousness/holiness. Their crowns represent authority.
5. What is found before the throne of God? A sea of glass/crystal. The glory of God shines upon this sea of glass/crystal which refracts the glory of God making it even more brilliant and more colorful.
6. vs. 6-9. What does John see and hear? Four strange looking creatures. They have wings and are covered in eyes. They fly around the throne of God night and day. Due to their multitude of eyes, they are able to bear witness to the glory of God all around them. What role doe the four living creatures play in heaven? They lead all heaven in worship to God. They are Heaven’s worship leaders.
7. In the first song, what do the four living creatures sing about God specifically? Holy – God is unique. He is not tainted; Lord – God is supreme above anyone else; Almighty – God is all-powerful. No is stronger than He; who was and is and is to come. God is eternal. The focus of their worship is solely on God. He is the audience.
8. What do the 24 elders do in response to the song of the four living creatures? They get off their thrones, get on their knees, fall on their faces, and cast their crowns as an act of worship. Despite the fact the 24 elders have a position of honor and authority in Heaven, they humble themselves before God. Humility is an important part of worship. Who gave the 24 elders their position of honor and authority in Heaven? It wasn’t them. It was God. When we worship God, it is to be directed at God not us or people around us. God is worthy of worship, we are not.
9. In the second song, what are the 24 elders saying? Only you God are worthy to receive glory, honor, and power. Even though we hold positions of glory, honor, and power, we are not worthy of worship. You created all things including us. By your will we exist. If it wasn’t your will, we would not be here. Therefore, we are not worthy of worship. Only you.
Read Revelation chapter 5
10. vs. 1-4. What does John see? God on His throne holding a scroll sealed with seven seals. It has never been open. No one in Heaven is able to open it which upsets John. He weeps profusely because he knows something important is written on the scroll; yet, no one will ever be able to read it because no one can open the seals. However, John is told by one of the elders not to worry. There is someone who is worthy to open the seals.
11. Who does John see that is able to open the seals? He describes Him as the Lamb who was slain.
12. What is the significance of a lamb? What does it represent? In the Old Testament, a pure, spotless lamb was sacrificed for the sins of the people. Knowing that, who is the Lamb that was slain? Jesus Christ – the sacrifice for our sins. Evidently, Jesus still bears the scars from His crucifixion.
13. What happened after the Lamb took the scroll from the right hand of God? The four living creatures and 24 elders worshipped the Lamb who was slain. They did so by singing a new song, not an old song. A song that was fresh. It was in response to a defining act.
14. What do the four living creatures and 24 elders sing about in their new song? They explain Jesus was worthy of taking the scroll. He gave His life in order to bring salvation to everyone in the world. He and he alone did this. Not the 24 elders; not the four living creatures; not angels; not Abraham, Moses, David, Peter, or Paul.
15. What happened next? The hosts of Heaven and all of creation joined in the song. They sang praises to the Lamb and to God on His throne. They sang about how both were worthy of glory, honor, and power. The 24 elders concluded the worship by saying “Amen!” In other words, every word that was sung was true beyond all doubt.
Does our worship whether on Sunday mornings or at home during the week mirror the worship is done in Heaven? What is done in Heaven is to be done on earth. Focus of worship is on our Creator and Savior. Worship took on various forms – speaking, singing, kneeling. Worship celebrated the character/essence of God; attributes that make Him unique (holiness, eternal, mercy, compassion, power.) The same God who created us also (Revelation chapter 4) also took on human form to redeem us (Revelation chapter 5.) Worship should always be fresh and never stale. Continue to sing the same songs over and over, our hearts become numb. If that happens, we are no longer worshipping. Worship should be contagious. Notice in Revelation – one group starts worshipping, others quickly join in which leads to the final point about worship – it creates unity among the followers of God. Everyone is on the same page.
1. Where and when is John? In Heaven. In the future.
2. Where specifically in heaven is John? Before the throne of God.
3. Put yourself in John’s shoes, what are you thinking/feeling?
4. vs. 4-5. Who does John see? 24 elders sitting on thrones located on either side of God’s throne. They are all wearing crowns and white garments. What is an elder? A person who is in authority. Someone who is greatly respected. Tradition teaches that these 24 elders are representatives from the Twelve tribes of Israel of the Old Testament plus 12 Apostles of the New Testament. Or, the 24 elders could be individuals whom God deemed worthy of a place of honor and authority in heaven because of their faithfulness/righteousness. The location of their thrones next to God’s throne would be a place of honor. White garments represent righteousness/holiness. Their crowns represent authority.
5. What is found before the throne of God? A sea of glass/crystal. The glory of God shines upon this sea of glass/crystal which refracts the glory of God making it even more brilliant and more colorful.
6. vs. 6-9. What does John see and hear? Four strange looking creatures. They have wings and are covered in eyes. They fly around the throne of God night and day. Due to their multitude of eyes, they are able to bear witness to the glory of God all around them. What role doe the four living creatures play in heaven? They lead all heaven in worship to God. They are Heaven’s worship leaders.
7. In the first song, what do the four living creatures sing about God specifically? Holy – God is unique. He is not tainted; Lord – God is supreme above anyone else; Almighty – God is all-powerful. No is stronger than He; who was and is and is to come. God is eternal. The focus of their worship is solely on God. He is the audience.
8. What do the 24 elders do in response to the song of the four living creatures? They get off their thrones, get on their knees, fall on their faces, and cast their crowns as an act of worship. Despite the fact the 24 elders have a position of honor and authority in Heaven, they humble themselves before God. Humility is an important part of worship. Who gave the 24 elders their position of honor and authority in Heaven? It wasn’t them. It was God. When we worship God, it is to be directed at God not us or people around us. God is worthy of worship, we are not.
9. In the second song, what are the 24 elders saying? Only you God are worthy to receive glory, honor, and power. Even though we hold positions of glory, honor, and power, we are not worthy of worship. You created all things including us. By your will we exist. If it wasn’t your will, we would not be here. Therefore, we are not worthy of worship. Only you.
Read Revelation chapter 5
10. vs. 1-4. What does John see? God on His throne holding a scroll sealed with seven seals. It has never been open. No one in Heaven is able to open it which upsets John. He weeps profusely because he knows something important is written on the scroll; yet, no one will ever be able to read it because no one can open the seals. However, John is told by one of the elders not to worry. There is someone who is worthy to open the seals.
11. Who does John see that is able to open the seals? He describes Him as the Lamb who was slain.
12. What is the significance of a lamb? What does it represent? In the Old Testament, a pure, spotless lamb was sacrificed for the sins of the people. Knowing that, who is the Lamb that was slain? Jesus Christ – the sacrifice for our sins. Evidently, Jesus still bears the scars from His crucifixion.
13. What happened after the Lamb took the scroll from the right hand of God? The four living creatures and 24 elders worshipped the Lamb who was slain. They did so by singing a new song, not an old song. A song that was fresh. It was in response to a defining act.
14. What do the four living creatures and 24 elders sing about in their new song? They explain Jesus was worthy of taking the scroll. He gave His life in order to bring salvation to everyone in the world. He and he alone did this. Not the 24 elders; not the four living creatures; not angels; not Abraham, Moses, David, Peter, or Paul.
15. What happened next? The hosts of Heaven and all of creation joined in the song. They sang praises to the Lamb and to God on His throne. They sang about how both were worthy of glory, honor, and power. The 24 elders concluded the worship by saying “Amen!” In other words, every word that was sung was true beyond all doubt.
Does our worship whether on Sunday mornings or at home during the week mirror the worship is done in Heaven? What is done in Heaven is to be done on earth. Focus of worship is on our Creator and Savior. Worship took on various forms – speaking, singing, kneeling. Worship celebrated the character/essence of God; attributes that make Him unique (holiness, eternal, mercy, compassion, power.) The same God who created us also (Revelation chapter 4) also took on human form to redeem us (Revelation chapter 5.) Worship should always be fresh and never stale. Continue to sing the same songs over and over, our hearts become numb. If that happens, we are no longer worshipping. Worship should be contagious. Notice in Revelation – one group starts worshipping, others quickly join in which leads to the final point about worship – it creates unity among the followers of God. Everyone is on the same page.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Revelation chapter 3: Seven Churches - Laodicia
VII. Laodicia – Background – Named for the wife of a Hellenistic king during the 200’s B.C. An extremely wealthy city perhaps the wealthiest of the seven cities listed in Revelation. Source of wealth – trade, banking, and textiles (primary source for black wool.) Laodicea was the financial and banking center of the region. Communities near Laodicea placed their wealth in the city’s banks. Following an earthquake in 60 A.D., Laodicea was the only city to refuse financial assistance from Rome. Paid for the recovery themselves. Laodicea’s wealth was evident in its massive architecture – monuments, temples, theaters, etc. A large percentage of the population was in the upper income bracket, including Jews who lived in Laodicea. They annually sent 20 bags of gold to Jerusalem for the support of the Temple. In modern terms, Laodicea=Northern VA; Philadelphia=SW VA. The city worshipped Greek gods such as Zeus, Apollo, and Asclepius. Participated in mystery cults. The city also had a renowned medical school that produced and manufactured a popular eye salve. Laodicea’s biggest problem was its water supply. The Lycus river was a mile away but it dried up every summer. The nearest water supply was a hot springs 5 miles away. The city built an aqueduct to bring the water to the city. By the time the water reached Laodicea it was lukewarm.
1. How does Jesus introduce Himself? a) the Amen – a solemn expression of certainty. Every word spoken prior to saying “amen” is true with emphasis. b) Faithful and True Witness – Ever watching. Speak truth about everything He sees. c) the beginning of God’s creation – the First. I cam before everything in creation.
2. Words of praise – none
3. Words of criticism – plenty. I know your works: you are neither cold nor hot … you are lukewarm. Basically Jesus is telling the church you are useless in a way they could understand and in graphic language. Cold water is useful/has benefits: drinking. Hot water is useful/has benefits: healing properties (hot springs); bathing; killing germs. Lukewarm water is pretty much useless – not good for bathing or drinking. Not good for drinking or anything else. In order for the Laodiceans to make their lukewarm water useful, they put the water in animal skins to make it cooler for drinking and they had to boil it in order to bathe in it. Jesus angrily informed the Laodicean church I would prefer you to be hot or cold, in other words useful, to me. At least you would be doing some good. However you are lukewarm, useless, therefore I am going to spit you out of my mouth. For an example of a lukewarm church in the Bible, read the book of James. Another issue the Laodicean church had was with hubris/pride/arrogance. But Jesus, the Faithful and True witness, saw the members for what they truly were. Read vs. 17. The church believed it was self-sufficient. It did not need anything from anybody including God. Their faith in God rested in their possessions. What might have happened to their faith in God had they lost all their wealth and possessions? Tell story of foolish rich man. Read Luke 12:16-21. Jesus gave the church some advice using three things the city was renowned for as illustrations – banking, textiles, and eye salve. Jesus told the church to seek Him for their wealth not banks, seek him to clothe their nakedness in white garments (purity) not black garments (sin), and seek him for eye salve that will enable them to see spiritually. Jesus explains that the reason He is coming down so hard on the church is so that they might repent. If they do so, He will welcome them back
4. If they don’t repent… - Jesus will not fellowship with them
5. Promise if they overcome – Just as I got to sit on the throne with my Father and ruled after I conquered sin and death so shall you sit with me on My throne and rule after you conquer sin and death.
1. How does Jesus introduce Himself? a) the Amen – a solemn expression of certainty. Every word spoken prior to saying “amen” is true with emphasis. b) Faithful and True Witness – Ever watching. Speak truth about everything He sees. c) the beginning of God’s creation – the First. I cam before everything in creation.
2. Words of praise – none
3. Words of criticism – plenty. I know your works: you are neither cold nor hot … you are lukewarm. Basically Jesus is telling the church you are useless in a way they could understand and in graphic language. Cold water is useful/has benefits: drinking. Hot water is useful/has benefits: healing properties (hot springs); bathing; killing germs. Lukewarm water is pretty much useless – not good for bathing or drinking. Not good for drinking or anything else. In order for the Laodiceans to make their lukewarm water useful, they put the water in animal skins to make it cooler for drinking and they had to boil it in order to bathe in it. Jesus angrily informed the Laodicean church I would prefer you to be hot or cold, in other words useful, to me. At least you would be doing some good. However you are lukewarm, useless, therefore I am going to spit you out of my mouth. For an example of a lukewarm church in the Bible, read the book of James. Another issue the Laodicean church had was with hubris/pride/arrogance. But Jesus, the Faithful and True witness, saw the members for what they truly were. Read vs. 17. The church believed it was self-sufficient. It did not need anything from anybody including God. Their faith in God rested in their possessions. What might have happened to their faith in God had they lost all their wealth and possessions? Tell story of foolish rich man. Read Luke 12:16-21. Jesus gave the church some advice using three things the city was renowned for as illustrations – banking, textiles, and eye salve. Jesus told the church to seek Him for their wealth not banks, seek him to clothe their nakedness in white garments (purity) not black garments (sin), and seek him for eye salve that will enable them to see spiritually. Jesus explains that the reason He is coming down so hard on the church is so that they might repent. If they do so, He will welcome them back
4. If they don’t repent… - Jesus will not fellowship with them
5. Promise if they overcome – Just as I got to sit on the throne with my Father and ruled after I conquered sin and death so shall you sit with me on My throne and rule after you conquer sin and death.
Revelation chapter 3: Seven Churches - Philadelphia
VI. Philadelphia – Background – Founded by a Lydian king named Attalus II Philadelphus. He was known for his devotion to his brother hence the surname “brotherly love.” Philadelphia was an important trading city. It was also a major producer of wine. One of the more popular gods worshipped was Dionysus – god of wine and feasts. Unfortunately, the city was built on top of an earthquake fault. Philadelphia experienced a disastrous earthquake in 17 A.D. Aftershocks continued for the next 20 years. The city had a sizeable Jewish population.
1. How does Jesus introduce Himself? The holy one; the true one; who has the key of David, who opens doors that no one shuts and shuts doors no one opens. Read Isaiah 22:20-22. God gives a man named Eliakim the key to the house of David, the ruling family of Israel. If you wanted to speak to the king you had to first go through Eliakim. He was the “key” to the door to the throne. He had the authority to open or shut the door. Modern day example – Chief of staff in the White House. He is the “key” to the President. In speaking to the church of Philadelphia, Jesus introduces Himself as the one has the key of David. He opens and shuts the door to the throne of God. Read John 14:6.
2. Words of praise – I know your works. I know you have little power, and yet you have kept my word and have not denied my name. Little power – very little influence. A church with a small membership. It was probably the smallest and least influential of the seven churches. Unlike Sardis, it does not have a strong reputation. Sardis – large membership, carpeted floors, cushioned pews, orchestral music, large budget. Philadelphia – small membership, dirt floor, wooden chairs, out of tune piano, small budget. Sardis experienced no persecution. Philadelphia was heavily persecuted by Jews. Accused Jewish Christians of being “false” Jews. Jesus said it was the other way around. Why was Philadelphia experiencing persecution? They kept the Word of God. They listened, received, and obeyed the Word of God. Because Philadelphia was faithful to the Word, the church got Satan’s attention. He viewed the church in Philadelphia as a threat unlike Sardis. Encouraged his followers to attack the little church. Despite the persecution, Philadelphia refused to deny the name of Jesus. They obeyed His word to endure persecution with patient endurance (vs. 10.) Again, Jesus’ evaluation of a church to determine if it is alive or not is not based on membership, wealth, church architecture, musical style, or level of emotion. He bases it on whether the church is listening, receiving, and obeying His word.
3. Words of criticism – none
4. If they don’t repent… - no need to repent.
5. Promise if they overcome – a) Make him a pillar in the temple of my God never to be removed. What is the purpose of a pillar? It supports the whole building. It is strong and steady. Doesn’t move even in times of disaster such as earthquakes. Rest of the building may collapse but the pillars usually remain standing. b) I will write on you the name of my God (symbol – belong to God) and the name of the city of God, the new Jerusalem (symbol – citizen of the new Jerusalem. c) I will write on you my new name. As we’ll se later, everyone and everything in the new Jerusalem will be brand new. Even Jesus will have a new name. Why? The name Jesus in Hebrew means “the Lord saves.” No one in the new Jerusalem will need saving.
1. How does Jesus introduce Himself? The holy one; the true one; who has the key of David, who opens doors that no one shuts and shuts doors no one opens. Read Isaiah 22:20-22. God gives a man named Eliakim the key to the house of David, the ruling family of Israel. If you wanted to speak to the king you had to first go through Eliakim. He was the “key” to the door to the throne. He had the authority to open or shut the door. Modern day example – Chief of staff in the White House. He is the “key” to the President. In speaking to the church of Philadelphia, Jesus introduces Himself as the one has the key of David. He opens and shuts the door to the throne of God. Read John 14:6.
2. Words of praise – I know your works. I know you have little power, and yet you have kept my word and have not denied my name. Little power – very little influence. A church with a small membership. It was probably the smallest and least influential of the seven churches. Unlike Sardis, it does not have a strong reputation. Sardis – large membership, carpeted floors, cushioned pews, orchestral music, large budget. Philadelphia – small membership, dirt floor, wooden chairs, out of tune piano, small budget. Sardis experienced no persecution. Philadelphia was heavily persecuted by Jews. Accused Jewish Christians of being “false” Jews. Jesus said it was the other way around. Why was Philadelphia experiencing persecution? They kept the Word of God. They listened, received, and obeyed the Word of God. Because Philadelphia was faithful to the Word, the church got Satan’s attention. He viewed the church in Philadelphia as a threat unlike Sardis. Encouraged his followers to attack the little church. Despite the persecution, Philadelphia refused to deny the name of Jesus. They obeyed His word to endure persecution with patient endurance (vs. 10.) Again, Jesus’ evaluation of a church to determine if it is alive or not is not based on membership, wealth, church architecture, musical style, or level of emotion. He bases it on whether the church is listening, receiving, and obeying His word.
3. Words of criticism – none
4. If they don’t repent… - no need to repent.
5. Promise if they overcome – a) Make him a pillar in the temple of my God never to be removed. What is the purpose of a pillar? It supports the whole building. It is strong and steady. Doesn’t move even in times of disaster such as earthquakes. Rest of the building may collapse but the pillars usually remain standing. b) I will write on you the name of my God (symbol – belong to God) and the name of the city of God, the new Jerusalem (symbol – citizen of the new Jerusalem. c) I will write on you my new name. As we’ll se later, everyone and everything in the new Jerusalem will be brand new. Even Jesus will have a new name. Why? The name Jesus in Hebrew means “the Lord saves.” No one in the new Jerusalem will need saving.
Revelation chapter 3: Seven Churches - Sardis
V. Sardis – Background – Former capital of the ancient kingdom of Lydia. Very wealthy kingdom. Lydia was the first to adopt the use of coins. The city was built on a steep hill and was thought to be impregnable. Captured twice by surprise. No one was watching. No one anticipated an invasion. Over the centuries, Sardis thrived under the rule of Persians, Greeks, and Romans. Recently archeologists uncovered a vast gymnasium and bath complex. At some point, a large portion of it was converted into a Jewish synagogue. It was the largest ancient synagogue yet to be discovered. It gives one an idea of the wealth enjoyed by the people of Sardis.
1. How does Jesus introduce Himself? One who holds the seven spirits of God and seven stars. Perhaps another metaphor for the seven churches and their leaders.
2. Words of praise – Very little. Reference to a few church members who have not soiled their garments … stained by sin.
3. Words of criticism – Plenty. The church has a reputation of being alive but really is dead. What does it mean to have a reputation? Everybody knows about you. What all gives a church a reputation for being alive? A) large number of members. B) Large meeting place – recall synagogue. C) Active in the community – service/works. D) Wealth – size of budget E) Activities/programs – pre-school, children, youth, married, singles, senior citizens. F) Worship style – charismatic. The church of Sardis was the talk of the region/of the seven churches. It had a reputation of being alive. But Jesus did an evaluation of the church and determined it to be dead. How did He reach this determination? There deeds were not complete in the sight of God. Something was lacking. Jesus tells them to remember which must mean they have forgotten something. Remember what? What you have received and heard – life through the Word of God (Matthew 4:4; John 1:1-4). It was Jesus who gave the church life. His Words enabled the church to be a vibrant, living church. At some point, the church no longer regarded the Words of God to be important. Other things became important (Review list.) Once a church regards God’s word to be unimportant, it begins to die. Once a church stops feeding on the Word of God (bread of life), it begins to die. When church members tune out/ignore the Word of God, the church becomes a mausoleum/tomb. Examples – Pastors telling feel good stories/using other sources – magazines; Joel Osteen books. Members deaf to Words of God. Attending church for other reasons. Church continues to exist because it is living off its reputation as being a cornerstone of the community. Another way Jesus determined Sardis was dead. He makes no mention of the church experiencing persecution. Why not? Satan had no reason to attack a dead body. A church that is not experiencing spiritual warfare/persecution is a dead church.
4. If they don’t repent… - I will come against you like a thief and you won’t know when it will be. Perhaps remove the candlestick like Ephesus. Those in the church familiar with the history of Sardis probably would understand this statement. Remember from background – The city was captured twice by surprise. No one was watching. No one anticipated an invasion.
5. Promise if they overcome – a) clothed in white – represents purity/innocence; b) never blot out name from the book of life; c) I will confess/acknowledge his name before God the Father and the angels. Cool stuff! Don’t you want to hear Jesus say the following, “Father, Gabriel, Michael, angels of the heavenly host, I present to you Greg Crawford. He is worthy of being dressed in white; he is worthy of walking with me for he has been faithful, obedient, and holy in all his ways.”
1. How does Jesus introduce Himself? One who holds the seven spirits of God and seven stars. Perhaps another metaphor for the seven churches and their leaders.
2. Words of praise – Very little. Reference to a few church members who have not soiled their garments … stained by sin.
3. Words of criticism – Plenty. The church has a reputation of being alive but really is dead. What does it mean to have a reputation? Everybody knows about you. What all gives a church a reputation for being alive? A) large number of members. B) Large meeting place – recall synagogue. C) Active in the community – service/works. D) Wealth – size of budget E) Activities/programs – pre-school, children, youth, married, singles, senior citizens. F) Worship style – charismatic. The church of Sardis was the talk of the region/of the seven churches. It had a reputation of being alive. But Jesus did an evaluation of the church and determined it to be dead. How did He reach this determination? There deeds were not complete in the sight of God. Something was lacking. Jesus tells them to remember which must mean they have forgotten something. Remember what? What you have received and heard – life through the Word of God (Matthew 4:4; John 1:1-4). It was Jesus who gave the church life. His Words enabled the church to be a vibrant, living church. At some point, the church no longer regarded the Words of God to be important. Other things became important (Review list.) Once a church regards God’s word to be unimportant, it begins to die. Once a church stops feeding on the Word of God (bread of life), it begins to die. When church members tune out/ignore the Word of God, the church becomes a mausoleum/tomb. Examples – Pastors telling feel good stories/using other sources – magazines; Joel Osteen books. Members deaf to Words of God. Attending church for other reasons. Church continues to exist because it is living off its reputation as being a cornerstone of the community. Another way Jesus determined Sardis was dead. He makes no mention of the church experiencing persecution. Why not? Satan had no reason to attack a dead body. A church that is not experiencing spiritual warfare/persecution is a dead church.
4. If they don’t repent… - I will come against you like a thief and you won’t know when it will be. Perhaps remove the candlestick like Ephesus. Those in the church familiar with the history of Sardis probably would understand this statement. Remember from background – The city was captured twice by surprise. No one was watching. No one anticipated an invasion.
5. Promise if they overcome – a) clothed in white – represents purity/innocence; b) never blot out name from the book of life; c) I will confess/acknowledge his name before God the Father and the angels. Cool stuff! Don’t you want to hear Jesus say the following, “Father, Gabriel, Michael, angels of the heavenly host, I present to you Greg Crawford. He is worthy of being dressed in white; he is worthy of walking with me for he has been faithful, obedient, and holy in all his ways.”
Revelation chapter 2: Seven Churches - Thyatira
IV. Thyatira – Background – Founded around 300 B.C. as a military outpost. It was an important trading city. Thyatira had numerous trade guilds/unions. A person who wanted to do business in Thyatira had to be a member of a guild. Guild meetings usually involved banquets that involved much drinking and eating. They also involved worshipping the gods of their respective occupations. For these reasons, Christians in Thyatira refused to join guilds which made Christians unpopular in the city.
1. How does Jesus introduce Himself? Son of God; flaming eyes – intense/stern/angry/serious; feet like burnished bronze - Symbol of strength. Bronze used to create weapons, tools, armor, etc. Symbol of purity – Bronze resists corrosion better than other metals such as steel.
2. Words of praise – Praises Thyatira for their good works, love, faith, service. and perseverance. The church is doing more now than when they began.
3. Words of criticism – Tolerated false teaching and sin in the church. Underneath all the good of Thyatira was a great evil – an evil the church tolerated. There was a woman in the church who held a position of authority/leadership in the church – a prophetess. What is a prophet/prophetess? They are not someone who predicts future events. A prophet/prophetess is someone who proclaims the word of God, “thus saith the Lord …” A prophet is similar to a preacher. This woman who held a respected/important a church position. In her position, she was leading Christians in the church to sin. What Jesus call this prophetess? That woman Jezebel! If I were to call one of you ladies here “Jezebel,” how would you take it? Not very good. Who was Jezebel? Her story can be found in I Kings chapter 16-II Kings chapter 9. Jezebel is regarded as the most evil queen/woman in Israel’s history. She was the daughter of the king of Sidon. Her husband was Ahab, ruler of the Northern Kingdom of Israel. When Jezebel married Ahab, she brought her gods with her, primarily Baal – a fertility god. Worship rituals involved sexual immorality. Her god’s name found in her name. She used her influence over her husband to lead Israel to worship Baal. Jezebel was also into witchcraft (II Kings 9:22.) Jezebel’s character traits – a) Domineering, strong-willed, unsubmissive b) manipulative c) seductive d) self-centered e) ambitious f) fearsome demeanor/scary/intimidating – Elijah, a man of God feared Jezebel more than he did God (II Kings 19.) The prophetess in the church of Thyatira mirrored the actions, character, and attitude of Jezebel. She used her position and character traits (read Jezebel list) to lead church members to sin. The prophetess promoted a false teaching that involved learning what some called the deep things of Satan. She probably called it the deep things of God. Her teachings were probably a mixture of mystery cults and Christianity. It bore just enough resemblance to Christianity to seduce members of Thyatira to commit sin. Those in the church who refused to accept her teachings were too intimidated/scared by her character to openly oppose her. They acted like Ahab and Elijah. Consequently, she controlled the church.
4. If they don’t repent… - Jesus says He has given the prophetess and her children (followers in the church) ample time to repent but she and they have refused to do so. Consequently, He is going to hand down severe punishment. She will be made an example to other churches that might have similar issues. Verse 23 – he who searches the minds and hearts – Jesus acknowledged the church’s good works, love, faith, service, and perseverance. However, He looked deeper and saw a tolerance for sin. To Jesus, that is unacceptable. He demands holiness in His church.
5. Promise if they overcome – Jesus acknowledged that there members of the church who rejected the false teachings of the prophetess. Encouraged them to persevere. To those who overcome, He will give them authority over nations (see later in Revelation) and He will give them the Morningstar. What does the Morningstar symbolize? The end of a long night and the beginning of a new day. The darkness of Jezebel is coming to an end. Dawn will break soon.
1. How does Jesus introduce Himself? Son of God; flaming eyes – intense/stern/angry/serious; feet like burnished bronze - Symbol of strength. Bronze used to create weapons, tools, armor, etc. Symbol of purity – Bronze resists corrosion better than other metals such as steel.
2. Words of praise – Praises Thyatira for their good works, love, faith, service. and perseverance. The church is doing more now than when they began.
3. Words of criticism – Tolerated false teaching and sin in the church. Underneath all the good of Thyatira was a great evil – an evil the church tolerated. There was a woman in the church who held a position of authority/leadership in the church – a prophetess. What is a prophet/prophetess? They are not someone who predicts future events. A prophet/prophetess is someone who proclaims the word of God, “thus saith the Lord …” A prophet is similar to a preacher. This woman who held a respected/important a church position. In her position, she was leading Christians in the church to sin. What Jesus call this prophetess? That woman Jezebel! If I were to call one of you ladies here “Jezebel,” how would you take it? Not very good. Who was Jezebel? Her story can be found in I Kings chapter 16-II Kings chapter 9. Jezebel is regarded as the most evil queen/woman in Israel’s history. She was the daughter of the king of Sidon. Her husband was Ahab, ruler of the Northern Kingdom of Israel. When Jezebel married Ahab, she brought her gods with her, primarily Baal – a fertility god. Worship rituals involved sexual immorality. Her god’s name found in her name. She used her influence over her husband to lead Israel to worship Baal. Jezebel was also into witchcraft (II Kings 9:22.) Jezebel’s character traits – a) Domineering, strong-willed, unsubmissive b) manipulative c) seductive d) self-centered e) ambitious f) fearsome demeanor/scary/intimidating – Elijah, a man of God feared Jezebel more than he did God (II Kings 19.) The prophetess in the church of Thyatira mirrored the actions, character, and attitude of Jezebel. She used her position and character traits (read Jezebel list) to lead church members to sin. The prophetess promoted a false teaching that involved learning what some called the deep things of Satan. She probably called it the deep things of God. Her teachings were probably a mixture of mystery cults and Christianity. It bore just enough resemblance to Christianity to seduce members of Thyatira to commit sin. Those in the church who refused to accept her teachings were too intimidated/scared by her character to openly oppose her. They acted like Ahab and Elijah. Consequently, she controlled the church.
4. If they don’t repent… - Jesus says He has given the prophetess and her children (followers in the church) ample time to repent but she and they have refused to do so. Consequently, He is going to hand down severe punishment. She will be made an example to other churches that might have similar issues. Verse 23 – he who searches the minds and hearts – Jesus acknowledged the church’s good works, love, faith, service, and perseverance. However, He looked deeper and saw a tolerance for sin. To Jesus, that is unacceptable. He demands holiness in His church.
5. Promise if they overcome – Jesus acknowledged that there members of the church who rejected the false teachings of the prophetess. Encouraged them to persevere. To those who overcome, He will give them authority over nations (see later in Revelation) and He will give them the Morningstar. What does the Morningstar symbolize? The end of a long night and the beginning of a new day. The darkness of Jezebel is coming to an end. Dawn will break soon.
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Revelation chapter 2: Seven Churches - Pergamum
III. Pergamum – Background – A very prominent city in the history of Asia Minor. It was the capital city for the Macedonian kings who ruled Asia Minor following the death of Alexander the Great. In 133 B.C., the last king of Pergamum willed his kingdom to Rome. Under Roman rule, Pergamum continued to serve as the capital of the region. It was a very religious city. The first temple to Roman emperor was built here. Overtime, imperial cult worship flourished in Pergamum with more shrines and temples built to dead Roman emperors. The city also had temples to various Roman and Greek gods. The two largest were for Zeus, the king of the Greek gods, who was referred to by his followers as “Zeus the Savior” and Asclepius, a god of healing whose symbol was the caduceus – a snake wrapped around a staff. Moreover, there were also many in Pergamum who practiced mystery cults – religions that had secret rituals and teachings. Gods worshipped in mystery cults were commonly fertility gods which means sexual immorality was one of the rituals. They were a mixture of Greek, Roman, and Eastern religions. From all of this, one can conclude that Pergamum was extremely tolerant of religions. One can worship Zeus one day, Asclepius the next, a Roman Caesar the next, a mystery cult the next, etc. You can practice Christianity as long as you did not speak disparagingly of other religions (example - don’t say that someone other than Zeus is a Savior) and you participated in the imperial cult which was required in Pergamum.
1. How does Jesus introduce Himself? The words of him who has the sharp two-edged
sword. Does not sound good for Pergamum
2. Words of praise – They have not renounced Jesus despite the fact that a) they live in a very ungodly city. Jesus called it the place where Satan’s throne is/where Satan dwells. Implies that Satan has a firm grip on the city. Evident in all the temples and shrines to other gods. Satan’s throne may be a reference to popular imperial cult. b) Christians have experienced persecution. Antipas – according to church tradition John ordained Antipas as bishop of the Pergamum during the reign of the Roman emperor Domitian. Around 90 A.D., he was brought before an image of Caesar and told to confess that Caesar was God. When he refused, the Roman official said, "Antipas, don't you know that the whole world is against you?" to which he replied, "Then Antipas is against the whole world!" Antipas was then placed inside of a brass bull which was heated with fire until he was roasted to death.
3. Words of criticism – There were people in the church who practiced false teachings. Specifically, the teachings of Balaam. For the full story of Balaam read Numbers 22-25; 31:15-16. In short, Balaam was a prophet hired by some kings to get God to curse the Israelites. When Balaam tried to curse the Israelites, all that came out of his mouth were blessings. Balaam then advised the kings to send young women to seduce the Israelite men to commit sexual immorality and join them in worshipping Baal. Balaam’s plan was successful. Evidently, there were members of the church in Pergamum who were doing the same. They probably were participating in mystery cults that practiced sexual immorality. Other members who accepted the beliefs of the Nicolaitans (See notes on Ephesus.) Evidently, no one in the church was condemning their fellow church members for compromising their faith. They exhibited a tolerant attitude. Given the tolerant religious culture of the city that is not surprising. As long as they worshipped God on Sunday, they can worship whoever they want Monday-Saturday. The spirit of tolerance was the Achilles’ heel for the church of Pergamum. Jesus knew it and Satan knew it. Satan attempted to kill the church through persecution. Didn’t work. He went to plan B. Corrupt the church from within. Satan took advantage of their tolerance toward other religions. People practicing other religions attended the church. They enticed Christians to sin by encouraging them to participate in their immoral activities.
4. If they don’t repent… - I will come soon and war against you with the sword of my mouth. What does that mean? How did Jesus introduce himself to Pergamum? What is significant about a two-edged sword? Very sharp and cuts both ways. Read Hebrews 4:12. Jesus will use the Word of God to clean house in Pergamum.
5. Promise if they overcome – a) Hidden manna – food given to the Israelites that enabled them to survive in the wilderness. Manna’s significance in the spiritual sense equates to eternal life (John 6:49-50.) b) Given a white stone with a new name – Symbolized acquittal by a jury. Defendant was given a white stone symbolizing his innocence. White stones also used as admission to a banquet. In the context of Revelation, white stone with a new name that no one knows except the one who receives it symbolizes the innocence one receives through Christ. You are a new person with a new name. The white stone also represents your invitation to a blessed eternity.
1. How does Jesus introduce Himself? The words of him who has the sharp two-edged
sword. Does not sound good for Pergamum
2. Words of praise – They have not renounced Jesus despite the fact that a) they live in a very ungodly city. Jesus called it the place where Satan’s throne is/where Satan dwells. Implies that Satan has a firm grip on the city. Evident in all the temples and shrines to other gods. Satan’s throne may be a reference to popular imperial cult. b) Christians have experienced persecution. Antipas – according to church tradition John ordained Antipas as bishop of the Pergamum during the reign of the Roman emperor Domitian. Around 90 A.D., he was brought before an image of Caesar and told to confess that Caesar was God. When he refused, the Roman official said, "Antipas, don't you know that the whole world is against you?" to which he replied, "Then Antipas is against the whole world!" Antipas was then placed inside of a brass bull which was heated with fire until he was roasted to death.
3. Words of criticism – There were people in the church who practiced false teachings. Specifically, the teachings of Balaam. For the full story of Balaam read Numbers 22-25; 31:15-16. In short, Balaam was a prophet hired by some kings to get God to curse the Israelites. When Balaam tried to curse the Israelites, all that came out of his mouth were blessings. Balaam then advised the kings to send young women to seduce the Israelite men to commit sexual immorality and join them in worshipping Baal. Balaam’s plan was successful. Evidently, there were members of the church in Pergamum who were doing the same. They probably were participating in mystery cults that practiced sexual immorality. Other members who accepted the beliefs of the Nicolaitans (See notes on Ephesus.) Evidently, no one in the church was condemning their fellow church members for compromising their faith. They exhibited a tolerant attitude. Given the tolerant religious culture of the city that is not surprising. As long as they worshipped God on Sunday, they can worship whoever they want Monday-Saturday. The spirit of tolerance was the Achilles’ heel for the church of Pergamum. Jesus knew it and Satan knew it. Satan attempted to kill the church through persecution. Didn’t work. He went to plan B. Corrupt the church from within. Satan took advantage of their tolerance toward other religions. People practicing other religions attended the church. They enticed Christians to sin by encouraging them to participate in their immoral activities.
4. If they don’t repent… - I will come soon and war against you with the sword of my mouth. What does that mean? How did Jesus introduce himself to Pergamum? What is significant about a two-edged sword? Very sharp and cuts both ways. Read Hebrews 4:12. Jesus will use the Word of God to clean house in Pergamum.
5. Promise if they overcome – a) Hidden manna – food given to the Israelites that enabled them to survive in the wilderness. Manna’s significance in the spiritual sense equates to eternal life (John 6:49-50.) b) Given a white stone with a new name – Symbolized acquittal by a jury. Defendant was given a white stone symbolizing his innocence. White stones also used as admission to a banquet. In the context of Revelation, white stone with a new name that no one knows except the one who receives it symbolizes the innocence one receives through Christ. You are a new person with a new name. The white stone also represents your invitation to a blessed eternity.
Revelation chapter 2: Seven Churches - Smyrna
II. Smyrna – Background – A major port city on the Aegean Sea. Famous for science, medicine, and beautiful buildings. Consequently, Smyrna was a wealthy city. The city historically had a close relationship with Rome. Smyrna built a temple for the worship of Emperor Tiberius. Imperial cult – worship of dead Roman emperors – was very popular in Smyrna. As we’ll read, it also had a sizable and influential Jewish population.
1. How does Jesus introduce Himself? The First and the Last; who died and came to life
2. Words of praise – They are rich. Let me read these verses again. You are a Christian in Smyrna. What are Christians in Smyrna experiencing? A) Tribulation – severe suffering; distress; affliction. B) Poverty – huh? Doesn’t the background section say that Smyrna was wealthy? Christians are experiencing poverty, why? They are not participating in the imperial cult. Consequently, Christians are ostracized by the community. No one will do business with them. C) Slander – a malicious, false, and defamatory statement for the purpose of making someone look bad. Source of slander – people who claimed to be Jews and are not but are a synagogue of Satan. These were unbelieving Jews who viewed Christians as heretics who have distorted the true faith Judaism. These Jews spread lies in Smyrna about Christians in order to get them in trouble and to prevent nonbelievers from becoming Christians. One popular slander used against Christians was they practiced cannibalism. They had a ritual that involved eating flesh and drinking blood – The Lord’s Supper. These Jews claimed to be the true followers of God/the true children of God. According to Jesus, who were these Jews the children of? Read John 8:42-47. Who was the ultimate enemy of the church of Smyrna? Satan, the Adversary. The Smyrnan Christians are experiencing serious spiritual warfare. He’s unloading the full arsenal against them. Jesus goes on to tell you that things aren’t going to get any better. The Enemy will soon test your faith as he did Job in the Old Testament. Christians will be thrown into prison and experience serious persecution for ten days. Some will die. Again you are a Christian in Smyrna experiencing all this, it’s going to get worse not better, and you hear what Jesus tell you you are rich. How are you rich? Rich in faith. Any church that has been experiencing what Smyrna has and continues to worship God, to spread the Gospel, and refuse to compromise with idolatry has a faith that cannot be measured. Example – Christians in China.
3. Words of criticism – None. Only words of encouragement. Jesus has not turned a blind eye to Smyrna. He knows what they are experiencing and what they will be going through in the near future. He knows who is persecuting them. He knows their lies. He knows Satan is behind it all. Hang in there. Continue to be faithful.
4. If they don’t repent… - Nothing to repent.
5. Promise if they overcome – will not be hurt by the second death – eternal damnation in the lake of fire. Forever separated from God. Forever experiencing unbelievable pain. You are member of the church of Smyrna. How can Jesus guarantee you this? How did Jesus introduce himself to you? See answer to question 1. What did he promise you if you remained faithful unto death? Crown of life – symbol of eternal life.
1. How does Jesus introduce Himself? The First and the Last; who died and came to life
2. Words of praise – They are rich. Let me read these verses again. You are a Christian in Smyrna. What are Christians in Smyrna experiencing? A) Tribulation – severe suffering; distress; affliction. B) Poverty – huh? Doesn’t the background section say that Smyrna was wealthy? Christians are experiencing poverty, why? They are not participating in the imperial cult. Consequently, Christians are ostracized by the community. No one will do business with them. C) Slander – a malicious, false, and defamatory statement for the purpose of making someone look bad. Source of slander – people who claimed to be Jews and are not but are a synagogue of Satan. These were unbelieving Jews who viewed Christians as heretics who have distorted the true faith Judaism. These Jews spread lies in Smyrna about Christians in order to get them in trouble and to prevent nonbelievers from becoming Christians. One popular slander used against Christians was they practiced cannibalism. They had a ritual that involved eating flesh and drinking blood – The Lord’s Supper. These Jews claimed to be the true followers of God/the true children of God. According to Jesus, who were these Jews the children of? Read John 8:42-47. Who was the ultimate enemy of the church of Smyrna? Satan, the Adversary. The Smyrnan Christians are experiencing serious spiritual warfare. He’s unloading the full arsenal against them. Jesus goes on to tell you that things aren’t going to get any better. The Enemy will soon test your faith as he did Job in the Old Testament. Christians will be thrown into prison and experience serious persecution for ten days. Some will die. Again you are a Christian in Smyrna experiencing all this, it’s going to get worse not better, and you hear what Jesus tell you you are rich. How are you rich? Rich in faith. Any church that has been experiencing what Smyrna has and continues to worship God, to spread the Gospel, and refuse to compromise with idolatry has a faith that cannot be measured. Example – Christians in China.
3. Words of criticism – None. Only words of encouragement. Jesus has not turned a blind eye to Smyrna. He knows what they are experiencing and what they will be going through in the near future. He knows who is persecuting them. He knows their lies. He knows Satan is behind it all. Hang in there. Continue to be faithful.
4. If they don’t repent… - Nothing to repent.
5. Promise if they overcome – will not be hurt by the second death – eternal damnation in the lake of fire. Forever separated from God. Forever experiencing unbelievable pain. You are member of the church of Smyrna. How can Jesus guarantee you this? How did Jesus introduce himself to you? See answer to question 1. What did he promise you if you remained faithful unto death? Crown of life – symbol of eternal life.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Revelation chapter 2: Seven Churches - Ephesus
I. Ephesus – Background - Major commercial, cultural, and religious center. Important seaport on the Aegean Sea. Extremely wealthy city. It had a theater that could 25,000 people, sports arenas, library, etc. Comparable to New York City. Temple of Artemis, one of the seven wonders of the ancient world, located in Ephesus. Source of great pride among the Ephesians. People from all over the Roman Empire came to worship Artemis. Also the center of Christianity in Asia Minor. Church in Ephesus founded by Paul. Christianity grew rapidly among the populace. At the time Revelation was written, Ephesus probably held an influential position over the other churches in Asia Minor. May explain why of the seven churches Jesus addressed the Ephesian church first.
1. How does Jesus introduce Himself? The one who holds the seven stars (pastors) in his right hand and walks among the seven golden lamp stands (I’ve walked in the churches)
2. Words of praise - I know your works (good deeds, ex. hungry, widows, orphans, sick, imprisoned, etc.), toil , perseverance (hard work, perseverance – roll up sleeves and get the job done no matter how long it takes), don’t tolerate false teaching – put men who claimed to be apostles to the test. How? Compare what they teach to Scripture/Paul’s teachings. Ex. Nicolaitans – name means “conquer laity.” Nothing much really known about them. Believed their teachings were a mixture of Christianity and pagan religions (idolatry and immorality.) It was like a weed growing in the flower bed of Christianity. Jesus despised the Nicolaitans and so did Ephesian church. Perseverance in the face of persecution.
3. Words of criticism - Abandoned the love you had in the beginning when you were established and nurtured by Paul. The love that motivated you in the beginning to do good works, to serve others, to do the hard work of ministry. If love was not motivating the church to do the previous, what was? Why are they doing these things? Tradition, routine. Ephesian church now about 50 years old. Tradition beginning to set in. Do good works because that is what a church is suppose to do. Motivated out of tradition/routine not because of a love for God and fellow man. Attend church not because of a love for God but because they were born into it. Their hearts are not involved in what they are doing. Everything a Christian/church does from attending church on Sunday to ministry to acts of service has to originate in a love for God. Not from tradition, sense of guilt, or pride. Jesus pleaded with Ephesus to remember from where you have fallen and repent – remember what you were like years ago under Paul when your love for me motivated you to worship Me, to learn about Me, to minister to others. Turn away from tradition and routine and recapture that love for Me. Another example – marriage. Beginning full of love and passion. Year 5– where’s the passion/love?
4. If they don’t repent… - I will remove my Light from your presence. I will no longer be in your midst. You will be swallowed by the Darkness of this world. Right now, Jesus is in the Ephesian church. He sees all that they are doing. Commends them for it. But. He also walking in their midst asking the members “do you love (agapao) me? Do you want to know me … share your heart with me? This relationship as it stands now is not working for me.”
5. Promise if they overcome - Eternal life
1. How does Jesus introduce Himself? The one who holds the seven stars (pastors) in his right hand and walks among the seven golden lamp stands (I’ve walked in the churches)
2. Words of praise - I know your works (good deeds, ex. hungry, widows, orphans, sick, imprisoned, etc.), toil , perseverance (hard work, perseverance – roll up sleeves and get the job done no matter how long it takes), don’t tolerate false teaching – put men who claimed to be apostles to the test. How? Compare what they teach to Scripture/Paul’s teachings. Ex. Nicolaitans – name means “conquer laity.” Nothing much really known about them. Believed their teachings were a mixture of Christianity and pagan religions (idolatry and immorality.) It was like a weed growing in the flower bed of Christianity. Jesus despised the Nicolaitans and so did Ephesian church. Perseverance in the face of persecution.
3. Words of criticism - Abandoned the love you had in the beginning when you were established and nurtured by Paul. The love that motivated you in the beginning to do good works, to serve others, to do the hard work of ministry. If love was not motivating the church to do the previous, what was? Why are they doing these things? Tradition, routine. Ephesian church now about 50 years old. Tradition beginning to set in. Do good works because that is what a church is suppose to do. Motivated out of tradition/routine not because of a love for God and fellow man. Attend church not because of a love for God but because they were born into it. Their hearts are not involved in what they are doing. Everything a Christian/church does from attending church on Sunday to ministry to acts of service has to originate in a love for God. Not from tradition, sense of guilt, or pride. Jesus pleaded with Ephesus to remember from where you have fallen and repent – remember what you were like years ago under Paul when your love for me motivated you to worship Me, to learn about Me, to minister to others. Turn away from tradition and routine and recapture that love for Me. Another example – marriage. Beginning full of love and passion. Year 5– where’s the passion/love?
4. If they don’t repent… - I will remove my Light from your presence. I will no longer be in your midst. You will be swallowed by the Darkness of this world. Right now, Jesus is in the Ephesian church. He sees all that they are doing. Commends them for it. But. He also walking in their midst asking the members “do you love (agapao) me? Do you want to know me … share your heart with me? This relationship as it stands now is not working for me.”
5. Promise if they overcome - Eternal life
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