I. Armageddon
Background: Read Revelation 16:12-16. The Unholy Trinity convinces the rulers of earth to gather their armies at the plain of Megiddo.
Read Revelation 19:11-21
1) In vs. 11-16, how does John describe Jesus? Sitting on a white horse; Called Faithful and True; Judges and makes war – qualified to do so based on the fact that he has committed no wrong; eyes like flames; wearing multiple diadems - The diadem represented absolute power; a name that only he knows; clothed in a robe dipped in blood – whose blood? His enemies. Read Isaiah 63:1-6; called the Word of God, King of kings, Lord of Lords; from his mouth comes a sharp sword to strike down His enemies; rule with a rod of iron. Read Psalm 2
2) How was Armageddon fought? How did it go down? Did anything happen between verses 19 and 20? John didn’t describe a battle. No big movie battle scene like Gladiator or Lord of the Rings movies. The battle of Armageddon was somewhat anti-climatic. The beast and the false prophet were captured and were thrown alive into the lake of fire. How was the army of the beast defeated? Defeated by the word of God. No fighting.
II. Millenial Reign
Read Revelation 20:1-3.
3) What happened to Satan? Imprisoned in a bottomless pit for a thousand years. For what purpose? So that he would not be able to tempt the people of earth for a thousand years.
4) What happens to the followers of God who died during the Great Tribulation? They come to life and reign with Jesus for a thousand years. What about the followers of the AntiChrist who died? They are not resurrected … yet.
5) What do you think life on earth will be like during the thousand years after Armageddon? After Armageddon, God did not create a new heaven and new earth. Still old earth. Because Satan is imprisoned, does that mean no one will sin? No. People will sin. Man still has free will. Man still has sinful nature. People who survived the Tribulation who are non-believers are around.
6) Why is Satan released from the abyss after a thousand years? Satan’s version of the Second Coming. Greg’s speculation - He is released for the same reason he was allowed to tempt Adam and Eve. Test of obedience/faith. How much do you love me (God)? Do you really have faith in me (God)? Who comes first? Me or you? How will Satan go about deceiving the nations? How many will fall prey to his deception? Go back to the garden. What did the old serpent dangle in front of Eve? Why should you be subservient to God? You are like Him. He’s trying to keep you down. Prevent you from being like Him. From being gods. Why will people fall prey to Satan after all that they have witnessed? Why did Adam and Eve? Why did children of Israel? Why did David? Why did Judas?
Gog and Magog - Read Ezekiel Chapters 38 and 39. Gog - prince. Magog – nation
7) How were the enemies of the saints defeated? Fire from Heaven. Sodom and Gomorrah part 2. Again, not much of a fight. What will be the final outcome for Satan? Same as the AntiChrist and false prophet. Thrown into the lake of fire.
III. Great White Throne Judgment
Read Revelation 20:11-15
8) Who fled from the presence of Him who sat upon the great white throne? Earth and sky - all creation fled from his presence. Why? Fear. Where did they flee to? Nowhere. Could not hide from God.
Define judgment - Greek krisis - justice, concept of determining the correctness of a matter
9) Who were being judged? The dead. The great (Kings, dictators, CEOs, scientists, philosophers, evangelists, popes,) and small (nobodies of history). Specifcally, non-believers. Focus is on judgment of non-believers. Read Matthew chapter 25:41-46. Where did they come from? Sea, death, and Hades/hell/the grave) Who were not present? Believers - Already given their reward. Read Matthew 25:31-40. The righteous sheep have been separated from unrighteous goats. Read John 5:22-29.
10) What is the difference between “the books” and the “book of life”? What is in each?
The dead were judged by what was found in the books – deeds. Book of life contains the names of those who will receive eternal life.
11) Why are the dead being put on trial? What do you think is the purpose of it? Won’t God already know their guilt? Yes. But God is not only a God of wrath, He is also a God of justice. Justice - the administration of what is just by the administration of merited awards or punishment. Paraphrase – you get what you deserve based on your actions. Justice demands that the guilty know why they are being punished. Example of God’s justice is found in Matthew 25. Purpose of Judgment Day - Prove, not to God, but to man & woman why they are guilty and why they are being punished.
12) How were the dead being judged? According to their deeds. What kind of deeds? Matthew 25. Why are the dead being judged on the basis of deeds?
Person 1: Adolf Hitler
Jesus: Let’s look at the books. Reads: Mass murderer. Looks at the book of life. No name. Depart from me, accursed one, into the eternal fire.
Person 2: He performed a lot of good deeds in his life. He was a philanthropist gave billions of dollars to stamp out world hunger, visited prisoners, provided shelter to homeless, etc., etc., He’s no Hitler. Not a rapist, robber, liar, or thief. He’s up next to be judged. How do you think he’s feeling about his chances of getting into heaven?
Jesus: Let’s look at the books. Reads: liar, covetousness, adulterer, took God’s name in vain, lover of money, etc. Looks at the book of life. No name. Depart from me, accursed one, into the eternal fire.
Accused: Look at the books again!!!! I did many good deeds
Jesus: Depart from me, accursed one
Why was he judged? Why wasn’t his good deeds in the books?
John 5:19-20, 30-36; John 3:16-21; John 10:37-38; James chapters 1 and 2.
His good deeds did not reflect the fact that God was in him and he in God. They did not bear witness/testify that he believed Jesus was the Son of God. The good deeds that he performed were not wrought in God. His good deeds did not testify/give evidence to his relationship with God.
Deeds/Works - Do not grant us salvation/they play no role in our salvation. Purpose of deeds/works is to be 1) a witness to others of God in our life and 2) an extension of our relationship with Him, drawing me closer to Him. Deeds are a reflection of God within us. That Jesus is in me and I in Him. Deeds are a testimony that God is within me. The world sees that and God sees that. That is why I do Matthew chapter 25. That is why what I do is not to reflect on me. To make me look good in the eyes of others or myself. What I do should reflect on God so that others can see God in me. To be a witness to others. And draw me closer to God.
When Judgment Day comes, and all of the dead stands before the Judge, the books are open listing that person’s deeds, they will provide ample evidence to the accused that he is guilty of NOT believing in Jesus.
13) What is the final outcome of death and the grave? What is the final outcome for those whose names were not written in the book of life? Lake of fire.
1. Do you believe Jesus is the Son of God? God sent Him into the world to die for our sins and raised Him from the dead so that we know eternal life and not experience the judgment?
2. If you believe Jesus is the Son of God, do you KNOW Him? Do you have an intimate relationship with Him?
3. Do you seek His will for you in your life? Do you seek to do His will?
4. Are the answers to these questions manifested in your works/deeds? Do they give testimony to others of your relationship with Jesus? Preach the Gospel to all the world and if necessary, use words - St. Francis of Assisi. Find out the answers today. Don’t wait until Judgment Day.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Marriage Supper - Revelation 19:6-10
1) Who is the bride? Church - followers of God. What is the bride wearing? White linen. What does the clothing represent? Righteousness. Key word - GIVEN. The saints are given righteousness by God. It is not anything we earn on our own.
2) In verse 9, what does the angel tell John to write? a Beatitude. Who were meant to read/hear these words? Those invited to the marriage supper. Where did these words originate? From God
Who are invited to attend the marriage supper? Believers. Not only invited, but blessed!!! On whose authority? God! Not John. Not the angel. Not 4 beasts. Not 24 elders. God!
3) In verse 10, what did John do? Fell down on his knees before the angel. Why?
John is in awe of God’s word. He hears angel say “These are true words of God”. John realized this angel was in the presence of God. The words He was to write came directly from the lips of God. Have you ever been in awe of the word of God?
4) What did the angel mean when he said “the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy”?Testimony - evidence. The very essence of prophecy is Jesus. He was the fulfillment of prophecy both OT and NT. Evidence that prophecy is true. Moses, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Malachi, Elijah, Elisha, Ezekiel, Amos, etc.
2) In verse 9, what does the angel tell John to write? a Beatitude. Who were meant to read/hear these words? Those invited to the marriage supper. Where did these words originate? From God
Who are invited to attend the marriage supper? Believers. Not only invited, but blessed!!! On whose authority? God! Not John. Not the angel. Not 4 beasts. Not 24 elders. God!
3) In verse 10, what did John do? Fell down on his knees before the angel. Why?
John is in awe of God’s word. He hears angel say “These are true words of God”. John realized this angel was in the presence of God. The words He was to write came directly from the lips of God. Have you ever been in awe of the word of God?
4) What did the angel mean when he said “the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy”?Testimony - evidence. The very essence of prophecy is Jesus. He was the fulfillment of prophecy both OT and NT. Evidence that prophecy is true. Moses, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Malachi, Elijah, Elisha, Ezekiel, Amos, etc.
Revelation 17 – The Great Prostitute and the Scarlet Beast pt. 2
II. Notes on the Scarlet Beast
John sees woman/prostitute sitting on a beast.
Why does John see a woman/prostitute and a ferocious beast and not a city and a man? Why the imagery?
John’s vision is being focused through the prism of the Holy Spirit. He sees the city as God sees the city. Not a place of buildings and streets. God sees a prostitute who is seducing rulers and peoples to sin/to commit abominable, detestable acts. John sees the man as God sees the man. Not a powerful ruler. God sees a beast.
Today, God sees our nation through the prism of His Spirit. How does He see us? A huge cave. In center of cave is a small lit candle. Light of candle is struggling against the darkness to bring light to the cave. Darkness is winning the battle. Pushing the light further and further back towards the candle.
Angel’s description of the beast:
Scarlet in color - Blood red
Beast - Dark, ferocious, savage, strong
Full of blasphemous names - Define blasphemous - slanderous, abusive, evil, hurtful speech
Seven heads & ten horns
After seeing the vision, John wonders greatly. Verse 7 - Angel explains vision.
Focus on the beast:
vs. 8 - Angel says that “he was, is not, and is about to come up out of the abyss”
What does that mean?
“He was…” - He has been on the earth before.
“ … is not …” - He is not on the earth during John’s day. Where is he?
Could be that he is in the Abyss.
“ ….is about to come …” - In the future, he will appear. Come up out of the
Abyss. What is his final fate? Destruction
When he does show himself, who are the ones who will not recognize him for what he really is? People whose names are not written in the book of life (non-believers). Who is this guy?
Seven heads - begin with verse 9.
Seven heads = seven mountains - What do mountains symbolize? Strength/power, majesty, authority.
Seven mountains = seven kings (Strong, powerful, majesty, authority)
Where does the woman sit? On the mountains/on the kings. What does that tell you about the power/might of this city? See vs. 18. Where does that political power originate? The 7. You remove the throne (mountains), where would the political authority come from?
Economically powerful city; has tremendous influence in the world (Economics)
Confederation of Seven rulers (Political) -equal in power
City is the dominant power in the world
This city, along with rest of the world, experiences a crisis of historic proportions: Revelation 5: Wars, famine, pestilence, disease, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions …
These myriad of crises has hurt this powerful city, economically - Hard to gain wealth during a time of world-wide crisis.
Read verse 10 - the other has not yet come; and when he comes, he must remain a little while. What does that tell you about this ruler? His staying power?
Politically - Five rulers have fallen. One remains. A seventh ruler joins the confederation. As we’re going to see, he’s only going to be a part of the group for a short time. Loss of five rulers has greatly weakened the political authority of the city/confederation. A power vacuum.
Greg’s speculation -
Read vs. 11-13 -
The beast makes his appearance. He is an eighth ruler. Distinct/separate from the others. Somehow, he manages to become one of the seven. In my opinion, he replaces one of the 7. The one that remains a little while.
The Beast becomes a part of the confederation that is the basis of this city’s political power. He does so at a time when the world is in chaos. The confederation … the world, are longing for a strong leader who can bring stability to the world … bring food, jobs, shelter, protection, wealth, prosperity, peace. A savior riding a white horse. The Beast takes advantage of the situation. Uses his charisma, sweet talk, lies … to attain great power in order to carry out HIS agenda (see vs. 14). He tells leaders of confederation - Our confederation has been weakened. We have lost five nations. Let’s add 10 more nations to our confederation. Give the rulers of these nations the same authority within the confederation that I have. We’ll be strong enough to restore stability to the world. The other confederation ruler and city leaders are like “I’m not sure ….” They are nations the city/confederation have little respect for. The 10 are perhaps rivals of the city/confederation on the world stage. Beast – “I know the rulers of these nations. They are allies of mine. They can be trusted” Still reluctance by the city/confederation. Beast - “We won’t have to give them power permanently. Just long enough to restore world stability.” Confederation agrees. Soon after the ten received authority, what did they do? Verse 13. Hand over their power to the Beast. He is in complete control.
With backing of ten, the Beast gains control over the confederation and the city. He attains greater political power in the world. He uses his newly won power in conjunction with the city’s wealth and influence in the world to carry out his agenda. Which is what? See vs. 14.
Historical precedence - Ancient Rome - Julius Caesar; France – Napoleon; Germany - Adolf Hitler. All rose to power in times of crises. They won support of the masses. They promised stability, peace, prosperity which was a cover for their hidden agenda. They were given power supposedly for a brief period of time. They used the instruments of government to attain greater power. They put trusted people in certain positions. Before you know it, they became dictators for life.
Vs. 16 -18
What happens? Beast and the 10 destroy the great city. Lover (beast) turns on prostitute (Babylon). The Beast got what he wanted out of this city
Why? God’s purpose - The 10 and the beast are instruments of God’s wrath/judgment. He used them to execute His judgment.
What was the common purpose of the ten? What united them? Hatred for this city/confederation. Economic/political rivals. Cut a deal with the beast. We help you gain power, you help us destroy this city.
Precedence: God used immoral/pagan nations to execute judgment - Assyria, Babylon, Egypt …. Eventually, he executes judgment on them.
John sees woman/prostitute sitting on a beast.
Why does John see a woman/prostitute and a ferocious beast and not a city and a man? Why the imagery?
John’s vision is being focused through the prism of the Holy Spirit. He sees the city as God sees the city. Not a place of buildings and streets. God sees a prostitute who is seducing rulers and peoples to sin/to commit abominable, detestable acts. John sees the man as God sees the man. Not a powerful ruler. God sees a beast.
Today, God sees our nation through the prism of His Spirit. How does He see us? A huge cave. In center of cave is a small lit candle. Light of candle is struggling against the darkness to bring light to the cave. Darkness is winning the battle. Pushing the light further and further back towards the candle.
Angel’s description of the beast:
Scarlet in color - Blood red
Beast - Dark, ferocious, savage, strong
Full of blasphemous names - Define blasphemous - slanderous, abusive, evil, hurtful speech
Seven heads & ten horns
After seeing the vision, John wonders greatly. Verse 7 - Angel explains vision.
Focus on the beast:
vs. 8 - Angel says that “he was, is not, and is about to come up out of the abyss”
What does that mean?
“He was…” - He has been on the earth before.
“ … is not …” - He is not on the earth during John’s day. Where is he?
Could be that he is in the Abyss.
“ ….is about to come …” - In the future, he will appear. Come up out of the
Abyss. What is his final fate? Destruction
When he does show himself, who are the ones who will not recognize him for what he really is? People whose names are not written in the book of life (non-believers). Who is this guy?
Seven heads - begin with verse 9.
Seven heads = seven mountains - What do mountains symbolize? Strength/power, majesty, authority.
Seven mountains = seven kings (Strong, powerful, majesty, authority)
Where does the woman sit? On the mountains/on the kings. What does that tell you about the power/might of this city? See vs. 18. Where does that political power originate? The 7. You remove the throne (mountains), where would the political authority come from?
Economically powerful city; has tremendous influence in the world (Economics)
Confederation of Seven rulers (Political) -equal in power
City is the dominant power in the world
This city, along with rest of the world, experiences a crisis of historic proportions: Revelation 5: Wars, famine, pestilence, disease, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions …
These myriad of crises has hurt this powerful city, economically - Hard to gain wealth during a time of world-wide crisis.
Read verse 10 - the other has not yet come; and when he comes, he must remain a little while. What does that tell you about this ruler? His staying power?
Politically - Five rulers have fallen. One remains. A seventh ruler joins the confederation. As we’re going to see, he’s only going to be a part of the group for a short time. Loss of five rulers has greatly weakened the political authority of the city/confederation. A power vacuum.
Greg’s speculation -
Read vs. 11-13 -
The beast makes his appearance. He is an eighth ruler. Distinct/separate from the others. Somehow, he manages to become one of the seven. In my opinion, he replaces one of the 7. The one that remains a little while.
The Beast becomes a part of the confederation that is the basis of this city’s political power. He does so at a time when the world is in chaos. The confederation … the world, are longing for a strong leader who can bring stability to the world … bring food, jobs, shelter, protection, wealth, prosperity, peace. A savior riding a white horse. The Beast takes advantage of the situation. Uses his charisma, sweet talk, lies … to attain great power in order to carry out HIS agenda (see vs. 14). He tells leaders of confederation - Our confederation has been weakened. We have lost five nations. Let’s add 10 more nations to our confederation. Give the rulers of these nations the same authority within the confederation that I have. We’ll be strong enough to restore stability to the world. The other confederation ruler and city leaders are like “I’m not sure ….” They are nations the city/confederation have little respect for. The 10 are perhaps rivals of the city/confederation on the world stage. Beast – “I know the rulers of these nations. They are allies of mine. They can be trusted” Still reluctance by the city/confederation. Beast - “We won’t have to give them power permanently. Just long enough to restore world stability.” Confederation agrees. Soon after the ten received authority, what did they do? Verse 13. Hand over their power to the Beast. He is in complete control.
With backing of ten, the Beast gains control over the confederation and the city. He attains greater political power in the world. He uses his newly won power in conjunction with the city’s wealth and influence in the world to carry out his agenda. Which is what? See vs. 14.
Historical precedence - Ancient Rome - Julius Caesar; France – Napoleon; Germany - Adolf Hitler. All rose to power in times of crises. They won support of the masses. They promised stability, peace, prosperity which was a cover for their hidden agenda. They were given power supposedly for a brief period of time. They used the instruments of government to attain greater power. They put trusted people in certain positions. Before you know it, they became dictators for life.
Vs. 16 -18
What happens? Beast and the 10 destroy the great city. Lover (beast) turns on prostitute (Babylon). The Beast got what he wanted out of this city
Why? God’s purpose - The 10 and the beast are instruments of God’s wrath/judgment. He used them to execute His judgment.
What was the common purpose of the ten? What united them? Hatred for this city/confederation. Economic/political rivals. Cut a deal with the beast. We help you gain power, you help us destroy this city.
Precedence: God used immoral/pagan nations to execute judgment - Assyria, Babylon, Egypt …. Eventually, he executes judgment on them.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Revelation 17 – The Great Prostitute and the Scarlet Beast pt. 1
I. The Great Prostitute
Angel’s description of the Great Prostitute.
1) The Great Prostitute sits on many waters (vs.1).
b) Prostitute/Woman - the great city that reigns (has a kingdom, lit.) over the kings of the earth (vs.18)
c) Waters - peoples, nations, multitudes, nations, and tongues (vs. 15)
Knowing that, what does that tell you about what the Prostitute is?
Powerful city rules over the earth.
2) a. The rulers of the earth committed sinful, immoral acts with her.
Seduced by her (vs. 2)
b. People of the earth drink her immorality/sin . Seduced by her (vs.2)
John is taken by the Spirit into a wilderness where he sees the Great Prostitute for himself.
What does John see?
A woman sitting on a scarlet beast. Beast has seven heads and ten horns.
Focus on Prostitute:
vs. 4 What description does John give of the woman/harlot?
The woman is clothed in purple and scarlet and wearing gold, precious stones, and pearls. Holding a gold cup full of sin. On her forehead is written, as John put it a mystery, her name - Babylon the Great, Mother of Prostitutes and of the Abominations of the Earth. John saw that she was drunk with the blood of the saints and witnesses of Jesus.
John (like us) could not figure out what the vision meant. Scratching his head. The angel - “why don’t you understand?” He proceeds to explain the vision to John.
The woman/prostitute -
According to the angel, the woman symbolizes a city. (Revel. 17: 18). It is the city that reigns over the rulers of the earth.
Her clothing has symbolic meaning:
a) Purple - symbolizes royalty/government authority
b) Scarlet - symbolizes blood city shed to attain power/authority
c) Gold, precious stones, pearls - symbolizes city’s wealth
d) Gold cup symbolizes seduction (beautiful on outside; ugly on inside) - filled with numerous, awful sins. Not for her to drink. Offering it to the kings and peoples of the world to drink. (vs.
2) Get them drunk. Part of the seduction.
What was she drinking? drunk with the blood of the saints and witnesses of Jesus.
The Woman’s name -
a) Babylon - Babylon was a city in ancient world. Its beginning traced back to the Tower of Babel in Genesis. Babylon was the capital of a couple of empires. In Scripture, the city is associated with tyranny and brutality (Babylonian captivity - Jews sent into exile to Babylon; fiery furnace) and SIN - Babylon set standard for sin - Committed many abominations (idolatry, astrology, sexual immorality, drunkenness, you name it, they did it). The peoples they ruled over followed Babylon’s example including the Jewish people. Early church referred to Rome as Babylon.
b) the Great - what do associate with this word?
c) Mother of Prostitutes - what do you associate with this name? What does a mother do? Gives birth. What does this city give birth to? Prostitutes who seduce people to sin.
d) Mother of the Abominations of the Earth - what do associate with this name? (Abomination - something detestable). Gives birth to detestable things. Source of sin in the world.
Here in Revelation, God identifies this powerful city with immoral Babylon of the ancient world and a prostitute. Why? Like Babylon, this city will be the capital of a great empire, a wealthy city, the source of tyranny (persecution of believers) and SIN. Like a prostitute, this city will SEDUCE peoples of the world to commit acts of immorality that God finds abominable. SEDUCE peoples of the world to oppose God and all He stands for.
City will have tremendous influence in the world. How?
Economic power - great wealth. See in Chapter 18. This city will dominate banking, investing, trade. In turn, economic power gives the city political power in the world. “Don’t support our policies, we won’t do business with you.”
So you are the anti-Christ, goal is to take over the world. Sway peoples of the world to oppose God. To commit every sin in the book. To worship him as god. Where do you start? Become the leader of this city. City/Prostitute accepts him. Makes himself a god. City accepts him as a god. Christians are to be persecuted. City persecutes Christians. Uses city’s status in the world to sway world opinion in his favor. Rest of the world follows suit. Anti-Christ’s agenda goes worldwide Why? The city’s economic, political, cultural power. And now add religion. The city is the home of their god.
Angel’s description of the Great Prostitute.
1) The Great Prostitute sits on many waters (vs.1).
b) Prostitute/Woman - the great city that reigns (has a kingdom, lit.) over the kings of the earth (vs.18)
c) Waters - peoples, nations, multitudes, nations, and tongues (vs. 15)
Knowing that, what does that tell you about what the Prostitute is?
Powerful city rules over the earth.
2) a. The rulers of the earth committed sinful, immoral acts with her.
Seduced by her (vs. 2)
b. People of the earth drink her immorality/sin . Seduced by her (vs.2)
John is taken by the Spirit into a wilderness where he sees the Great Prostitute for himself.
What does John see?
A woman sitting on a scarlet beast. Beast has seven heads and ten horns.
Focus on Prostitute:
vs. 4 What description does John give of the woman/harlot?
The woman is clothed in purple and scarlet and wearing gold, precious stones, and pearls. Holding a gold cup full of sin. On her forehead is written, as John put it a mystery, her name - Babylon the Great, Mother of Prostitutes and of the Abominations of the Earth. John saw that she was drunk with the blood of the saints and witnesses of Jesus.
John (like us) could not figure out what the vision meant. Scratching his head. The angel - “why don’t you understand?” He proceeds to explain the vision to John.
The woman/prostitute -
According to the angel, the woman symbolizes a city. (Revel. 17: 18). It is the city that reigns over the rulers of the earth.
Her clothing has symbolic meaning:
a) Purple - symbolizes royalty/government authority
b) Scarlet - symbolizes blood city shed to attain power/authority
c) Gold, precious stones, pearls - symbolizes city’s wealth
d) Gold cup symbolizes seduction (beautiful on outside; ugly on inside) - filled with numerous, awful sins. Not for her to drink. Offering it to the kings and peoples of the world to drink. (vs.
2) Get them drunk. Part of the seduction.
What was she drinking? drunk with the blood of the saints and witnesses of Jesus.
The Woman’s name -
a) Babylon - Babylon was a city in ancient world. Its beginning traced back to the Tower of Babel in Genesis. Babylon was the capital of a couple of empires. In Scripture, the city is associated with tyranny and brutality (Babylonian captivity - Jews sent into exile to Babylon; fiery furnace) and SIN - Babylon set standard for sin - Committed many abominations (idolatry, astrology, sexual immorality, drunkenness, you name it, they did it). The peoples they ruled over followed Babylon’s example including the Jewish people. Early church referred to Rome as Babylon.
b) the Great - what do associate with this word?
c) Mother of Prostitutes - what do you associate with this name? What does a mother do? Gives birth. What does this city give birth to? Prostitutes who seduce people to sin.
d) Mother of the Abominations of the Earth - what do associate with this name? (Abomination - something detestable). Gives birth to detestable things. Source of sin in the world.
Here in Revelation, God identifies this powerful city with immoral Babylon of the ancient world and a prostitute. Why? Like Babylon, this city will be the capital of a great empire, a wealthy city, the source of tyranny (persecution of believers) and SIN. Like a prostitute, this city will SEDUCE peoples of the world to commit acts of immorality that God finds abominable. SEDUCE peoples of the world to oppose God and all He stands for.
City will have tremendous influence in the world. How?
Economic power - great wealth. See in Chapter 18. This city will dominate banking, investing, trade. In turn, economic power gives the city political power in the world. “Don’t support our policies, we won’t do business with you.”
So you are the anti-Christ, goal is to take over the world. Sway peoples of the world to oppose God. To commit every sin in the book. To worship him as god. Where do you start? Become the leader of this city. City/Prostitute accepts him. Makes himself a god. City accepts him as a god. Christians are to be persecuted. City persecutes Christians. Uses city’s status in the world to sway world opinion in his favor. Rest of the world follows suit. Anti-Christ’s agenda goes worldwide Why? The city’s economic, political, cultural power. And now add religion. The city is the home of their god.
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Revelation chapter 14
Revelation 14:1-5
1) The Beast/Anti-Christ is triumphant on earth. He is in total control. In the midst of this evil/destruction/persecution/fear/anxiety/pain/death happening on earth, what’s going on top of Mt. Zion? The Lamb, Jesus, and the 144,000 are holding a worship service. Mount Zion – reference to the heavenly dwelling of God. End time commentators believe the events in verses 1-5 will take place in Heaven. References to the throne of God, the four living creatures, and 24 elders seen in Revelation chapters 4 and 5.
2) How would you describe the atmosphere surrounding the event in chapter 14:1-5?
Celebration. Joyful worship. 144,000 are worshipping the Lamb. The world is coming to an end and they are worshipping Jesus.
3) What did the 144,000 have stamped on their foreheads? The names of the Lamb and his Father. Jesus and God. What did it signify? They were servants God. Protection from God’s wrath being poured out on the world.
4) What kind of song were the 144,000 singing? A new song. In Scripture, a new song is associated with a major event … a turning point in one’s life. Person’s response to mark the occasion by singing a new song. Major event – The 144,000 had been redeemed from the earth. Redeem – to purchase for a price. They will not experience the terrible events to come.
5) Why were the 144,000 the only ones singing? Why couldn't the four living creatures and 24 elders?
The four living creatures and the 24 elders could not relate to the unique experience of the 144,000. Redemption experience. None of the heavenly creatures know what it means to be redeemed/saved. Only those redeemed by the Lamb do.
6) How did John describe the 144,000 in verses 4-5? Give a description of 144,000 using your own words.
Virgin, holy, righteous, dedicated followers of Christ, chosen by God, the best of the best of humanity. One can look at this description through a spiritual eyes. In Scripture, a person or group of people who pursue wickedness/sin are often referred to as prostitutes. They have abandoned their husband, God, to pursue adultery with other gods. Their bodies are polluted. A person/group of people who pursue righteousness/holiness are referred to as a virgin. They have kept themselves pure for their husband, God. Their bodies are not tainted. The 144,000 have gone through Hell on earth. They have been walking through a world where evil and immorality reign. Through it all the 1440,000 have maintained their purity. They refused to worship the Beast or take his mark. If one refused to worship the beast, they were slain. Here in chapter 14, the 144,000 receive the reward for their faithfulness.
Revelation 14:6-13
7) In 14:6-12, what are the messages of the three angels and to whom are they proclaiming them?
First angel - the gospel (Greek – good news): What was the news? Fear God - Give him glory - judgment is near – worship God. Who was it good for? Followers of God. The end is near. God is about to pass judgment on the wicked.
Second angel - Proclaims fall of Babylon - What is Babylon? City in ancient world. Capital of a couple of empires. Associated with tyranny (Babylonian captivity) and SIN - set standard for sin - (idolatry, astrology, sexual immorality, drunkenness, you name it, they did it). A city that led the world to sin including the Jewish people. For early Christians, the word Babylon had the same connotation as Jezebel. Hear the name immediately awful things come to mind. Early church referred to Rome as Babylon. Here in Revelation Babylon is believed to refer to the capital of the Anti-Christ’s kingdom. God identifies that city with immoral Babylon of the ancient world. This city will lead the world to sin/encourage immorality. This city is portrayed as a prostitute. Opposite of the 144,000.
Name a city today that you would connote with Babylon.
Third angel - Words of warning for anyone who receives the mark of the Beast. They will receive the full measure of God’s wrath. It will not be pretty. Imagery is similar to how God poured out His wrath upon Sodom and Gomorrah (Genesis chapter 19)
8) What does verse 12 mean to you? These verses give credence to commentators who teach that the Church will go through at least half of the 7 year Great Tribulation. Hang in there a little while longer.
9) In verse 13, what was John told to write? What do you think it means?
Read verses 14-20
John sees a preview of God’s judgment upon the just and unjust.
Man on white cloud (Jesus) - Harvest of the followers of God.
Second angel – Harvest of the wicked who will experience the wrath of God.
1600 = about 185 miles
1) The Beast/Anti-Christ is triumphant on earth. He is in total control. In the midst of this evil/destruction/persecution/fear/anxiety/pain/death happening on earth, what’s going on top of Mt. Zion? The Lamb, Jesus, and the 144,000 are holding a worship service. Mount Zion – reference to the heavenly dwelling of God. End time commentators believe the events in verses 1-5 will take place in Heaven. References to the throne of God, the four living creatures, and 24 elders seen in Revelation chapters 4 and 5.
2) How would you describe the atmosphere surrounding the event in chapter 14:1-5?
Celebration. Joyful worship. 144,000 are worshipping the Lamb. The world is coming to an end and they are worshipping Jesus.
3) What did the 144,000 have stamped on their foreheads? The names of the Lamb and his Father. Jesus and God. What did it signify? They were servants God. Protection from God’s wrath being poured out on the world.
4) What kind of song were the 144,000 singing? A new song. In Scripture, a new song is associated with a major event … a turning point in one’s life. Person’s response to mark the occasion by singing a new song. Major event – The 144,000 had been redeemed from the earth. Redeem – to purchase for a price. They will not experience the terrible events to come.
5) Why were the 144,000 the only ones singing? Why couldn't the four living creatures and 24 elders?
The four living creatures and the 24 elders could not relate to the unique experience of the 144,000. Redemption experience. None of the heavenly creatures know what it means to be redeemed/saved. Only those redeemed by the Lamb do.
6) How did John describe the 144,000 in verses 4-5? Give a description of 144,000 using your own words.
Virgin, holy, righteous, dedicated followers of Christ, chosen by God, the best of the best of humanity. One can look at this description through a spiritual eyes. In Scripture, a person or group of people who pursue wickedness/sin are often referred to as prostitutes. They have abandoned their husband, God, to pursue adultery with other gods. Their bodies are polluted. A person/group of people who pursue righteousness/holiness are referred to as a virgin. They have kept themselves pure for their husband, God. Their bodies are not tainted. The 144,000 have gone through Hell on earth. They have been walking through a world where evil and immorality reign. Through it all the 1440,000 have maintained their purity. They refused to worship the Beast or take his mark. If one refused to worship the beast, they were slain. Here in chapter 14, the 144,000 receive the reward for their faithfulness.
Revelation 14:6-13
7) In 14:6-12, what are the messages of the three angels and to whom are they proclaiming them?
First angel - the gospel (Greek – good news): What was the news? Fear God - Give him glory - judgment is near – worship God. Who was it good for? Followers of God. The end is near. God is about to pass judgment on the wicked.
Second angel - Proclaims fall of Babylon - What is Babylon? City in ancient world. Capital of a couple of empires. Associated with tyranny (Babylonian captivity) and SIN - set standard for sin - (idolatry, astrology, sexual immorality, drunkenness, you name it, they did it). A city that led the world to sin including the Jewish people. For early Christians, the word Babylon had the same connotation as Jezebel. Hear the name immediately awful things come to mind. Early church referred to Rome as Babylon. Here in Revelation Babylon is believed to refer to the capital of the Anti-Christ’s kingdom. God identifies that city with immoral Babylon of the ancient world. This city will lead the world to sin/encourage immorality. This city is portrayed as a prostitute. Opposite of the 144,000.
Name a city today that you would connote with Babylon.
Third angel - Words of warning for anyone who receives the mark of the Beast. They will receive the full measure of God’s wrath. It will not be pretty. Imagery is similar to how God poured out His wrath upon Sodom and Gomorrah (Genesis chapter 19)
8) What does verse 12 mean to you? These verses give credence to commentators who teach that the Church will go through at least half of the 7 year Great Tribulation. Hang in there a little while longer.
9) In verse 13, what was John told to write? What do you think it means?
Read verses 14-20
John sees a preview of God’s judgment upon the just and unjust.
Man on white cloud (Jesus) - Harvest of the followers of God.
Second angel – Harvest of the wicked who will experience the wrath of God.
1600 = about 185 miles
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