Genesis 21:1-7 – Covenant confirmed with birth of Isaac.
Genesis 22:1-19
Read verse 1
“After these things ….” A significant period of time has passed between chapters 21 and 22. See last verse in chapter 21. Probably years. Isaac perhaps a young teenager.
1. What was God’s reason for visiting Abraham? He wanted to test Abraham. The word test in Hebrew is “nasa” – pronounced nawsaw. It means “to test, to prove, put to the test.”
2. What is the purpose of a test? The method by which the presence, quality, or genuineness of anything is determined. The trial of the quality of something. Are tests easy? There is a level of stress/anxiety that comes with tests. That level depends upon the method used for testing. In chapter 22, God gives Abraham a test. As we read, be thinking about the definition of test.
Read verse 2-14
3. What did God tell Abraham to do? What method did God use to test Abraham? Hold off giving reason for test until question 8. Do you find how God phrased the wording of the test interesting? If you read this Scripture in the Hebrew Bible (Tanakh), it would read like this: Take now your son, your only son, whom you love, Isaac. God piles it on.
4. What was Abraham’s response? Similar to his response to God’s call to leave Haran back in chapter 12. He probably told Isaac and his servants they were going to the region of Moriah to offer a burnt offering to God and no more. Isaac and the servants may have thought it unusual that Abraham had brought wood for the sacrifice but no animal to sacrifice. Region of Moriah – according to tradition is where Jerusalem is located today. The mountain on which Abraham would offer Isaac as a sacrifice is where the Jewish temple was built – the Temple Mount.
5. During the three day journey, if you are Abraham, what’s going through your mind? What is your level of stress/anxiety? Emotional and spiritual. Abraham probably is questioning God. Wanting answers from God. What ever anxiety and stress Abraham is feeling, he continues to do what God has told him to do without hesitation. Lesson there for us.
6. What did Abraham say to his servants? We will worship and we will return. What does that tell you about Abraham? How is he doing in regards to the test so far?
Abraham and Isaac walk for a while. Isaac breaks the silence.
7. What obvious question did Isaac ask Abraham? Where’s the lamb that is to be sacrificed? What was Abraham’s response? God will provide. How is Abraham doing in regards to the test so far? And the two kept walking.
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Walking with Abraham pt. 6: Abraham – Intercessor
Define intercessor – someone who pleads on another’s behalf
Summarize Genesis 18:1-15 - God and the three visitors. Sarah’s reaction to the news she will bear a son in one year.
Genesis 18:16-33
1) What information does God share with Abraham? He’s going to pay a visit to Sodom and Gomorrah personally to determine if they are as wicked/sinful as He has heard. Walk the streets and see it with physical eyes. If they are, He is going to wipe them off the face of the earth. What if God personally walked Colonial Heights/Richmond/your neighborhood/your home? What is your reputation? What is God hearing about you?
2) Why does God share this with Abraham? Vs. 19 – God has chosen Abraham and his descendants to be His champions of righteousness and justice in the world – end result they would be blessed. Sodom and Gomorrah were the complete opposites of Abraham. Champions of sin/depravity in the world – end result they would receive God’s judgment. Point out whose responsibility it was teach God’s commandments – Abraham, the parent. Not church’s responsibility.
God did not have to share this information with Abraham but He did. Why? Why should Abraham be concerned with the fate of Sodom and Gomorrah? His nephew Lot lives in Sodom.
3) In verses 23-32, what does Abraham proceed to do? Act as an intercessor on behalf of Lot and any other righteous people who lived in Sodom and Gomorrah. Understand something … this would be like a Jew during WW II praying for God to spare Berlin, Germany if at least10 godly Jews lived in the city. Or a Christian praying for God to spare Las Vegas, Nevada (nickname Sin City) if at least 10 godly Christians lived in the city.
4) How would you characterize the discussion between God and Abraham? Abraham’s questions and God’s responses? Abraham – humility; God – patience. God owed Abraham no answers. Could have said to Abraham: “FYI … I’m on my way to destroy S & G. See ya.” But He didn’t. God had developed such a rapport/harmonious relationship with Abraham, He felt like He could share anything with Abraham.
5) What did Abraham appeal to in God? God’s sense of justice – doing what is fair. It was Abraham’s belief that if God destroyed S & G and if the cities had as many as 50 or as few as 10 righteous people were destroyed along with them, that was not just/fair. Therefore God was an unjust/unfair God. Look at how Abraham phrases his argument. Read vs. 25. Remember God chose Abraham to command his descendants to keep the way of the Lord by doing righteousness and JUSTICE. In this event Abraham proved/confirmed to God that He had chosen wisely. Abraham was a man of justice.
6) How does the discussion end? God departed for S & G; Abraham returned to his home perhaps hoping that there were at least 10 righteous people living in S & G for Lot’s sake.
7) What do you learn about Abraham’s character here? Man of humility, justice, and great love (for Lot – someone who rarely, if ever, returned his uncle’s love). If you were Abraham and God broached you about what He was going to do to S & G, how would you have responded? “Fine with me! They deserve it! Two less enemies I have to worry about. Lot deserves to be wiped out with them. He made his bed in Sodom. He chose to live there … he can die there as well!” But Abraham did not respond that way. A great example of why God made His covenant with Abraham.
8) What do you learn about God’s character here?
Lot's story - Read Genesis chapter 19
The two angels enter Sodom. They warn Lot that God is about to destroy Sodom. He and his family need to leave now. Lot was slow in leaving. Although he knew Sodom to be extremely wicked and it tormented him (read II Peter 2:7-9) there was something about Sodom that appealed to him. He couldn't let it go. Whatever that appeal was, it was going to cost him and his family their lives if they didn't leave. The angels practically had to drag Lot out of the city. They warned Lot and his family not to look back on Sodom as the destruction or they would die as well. As God rained down destruction on the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah, Lot's wife looked back and was turned into a pillar of salt. Lot and his daughters fled to the mountains. Lot's story ends with his daughters getting him drunk and committing incest with him. Lesson - Remember, Lot chose to live in Sodom. When his uncle Abraham gave him the choice of the land (Genesis 13), Lot chose to pitch his tents near Sodom because the land was beautiful. Didn't matter that Sodom had a well-known reputation for wickedness. It was not long before Lot found himself living IN Sodom. Consequences of Lot's choice - a) Spiritual stress/anxiety - He was tormented by the wickedness around him day and night. b) Lot's wife and daughters came under the influence of Sodom's wickedness, namely sexual immorality. His daughters were raised in this wicked environment. They continued to practice sexual immorality after Sodom was destroyed. Always remember that the consequences that come with the choice you make, to pursue godliness or wickedness, do not impact just you. The consequences will impact those around you as well.
Summarize Genesis 18:1-15 - God and the three visitors. Sarah’s reaction to the news she will bear a son in one year.
Genesis 18:16-33
1) What information does God share with Abraham? He’s going to pay a visit to Sodom and Gomorrah personally to determine if they are as wicked/sinful as He has heard. Walk the streets and see it with physical eyes. If they are, He is going to wipe them off the face of the earth. What if God personally walked Colonial Heights/Richmond/your neighborhood/your home? What is your reputation? What is God hearing about you?
2) Why does God share this with Abraham? Vs. 19 – God has chosen Abraham and his descendants to be His champions of righteousness and justice in the world – end result they would be blessed. Sodom and Gomorrah were the complete opposites of Abraham. Champions of sin/depravity in the world – end result they would receive God’s judgment. Point out whose responsibility it was teach God’s commandments – Abraham, the parent. Not church’s responsibility.
God did not have to share this information with Abraham but He did. Why? Why should Abraham be concerned with the fate of Sodom and Gomorrah? His nephew Lot lives in Sodom.
3) In verses 23-32, what does Abraham proceed to do? Act as an intercessor on behalf of Lot and any other righteous people who lived in Sodom and Gomorrah. Understand something … this would be like a Jew during WW II praying for God to spare Berlin, Germany if at least10 godly Jews lived in the city. Or a Christian praying for God to spare Las Vegas, Nevada (nickname Sin City) if at least 10 godly Christians lived in the city.
4) How would you characterize the discussion between God and Abraham? Abraham’s questions and God’s responses? Abraham – humility; God – patience. God owed Abraham no answers. Could have said to Abraham: “FYI … I’m on my way to destroy S & G. See ya.” But He didn’t. God had developed such a rapport/harmonious relationship with Abraham, He felt like He could share anything with Abraham.
5) What did Abraham appeal to in God? God’s sense of justice – doing what is fair. It was Abraham’s belief that if God destroyed S & G and if the cities had as many as 50 or as few as 10 righteous people were destroyed along with them, that was not just/fair. Therefore God was an unjust/unfair God. Look at how Abraham phrases his argument. Read vs. 25. Remember God chose Abraham to command his descendants to keep the way of the Lord by doing righteousness and JUSTICE. In this event Abraham proved/confirmed to God that He had chosen wisely. Abraham was a man of justice.
6) How does the discussion end? God departed for S & G; Abraham returned to his home perhaps hoping that there were at least 10 righteous people living in S & G for Lot’s sake.
7) What do you learn about Abraham’s character here? Man of humility, justice, and great love (for Lot – someone who rarely, if ever, returned his uncle’s love). If you were Abraham and God broached you about what He was going to do to S & G, how would you have responded? “Fine with me! They deserve it! Two less enemies I have to worry about. Lot deserves to be wiped out with them. He made his bed in Sodom. He chose to live there … he can die there as well!” But Abraham did not respond that way. A great example of why God made His covenant with Abraham.
8) What do you learn about God’s character here?
Lot's story - Read Genesis chapter 19
The two angels enter Sodom. They warn Lot that God is about to destroy Sodom. He and his family need to leave now. Lot was slow in leaving. Although he knew Sodom to be extremely wicked and it tormented him (read II Peter 2:7-9) there was something about Sodom that appealed to him. He couldn't let it go. Whatever that appeal was, it was going to cost him and his family their lives if they didn't leave. The angels practically had to drag Lot out of the city. They warned Lot and his family not to look back on Sodom as the destruction or they would die as well. As God rained down destruction on the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah, Lot's wife looked back and was turned into a pillar of salt. Lot and his daughters fled to the mountains. Lot's story ends with his daughters getting him drunk and committing incest with him. Lesson - Remember, Lot chose to live in Sodom. When his uncle Abraham gave him the choice of the land (Genesis 13), Lot chose to pitch his tents near Sodom because the land was beautiful. Didn't matter that Sodom had a well-known reputation for wickedness. It was not long before Lot found himself living IN Sodom. Consequences of Lot's choice - a) Spiritual stress/anxiety - He was tormented by the wickedness around him day and night. b) Lot's wife and daughters came under the influence of Sodom's wickedness, namely sexual immorality. His daughters were raised in this wicked environment. They continued to practice sexual immorality after Sodom was destroyed. Always remember that the consequences that come with the choice you make, to pursue godliness or wickedness, do not impact just you. The consequences will impact those around you as well.
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Walking with Abraham pt. 5 - Covenant Further Defined
Define covenant - a solemn agreement that is binding on all parties. In this case the parties are God and Abram. In this chapter, God provides Abram with more detail about the nature of their solemn agreement. What God agrees to do for Abram and what Abram agrees to do for God particularly the latter (Abram.)
Genesis 17:1-8
1. How old is Abram? 99. The event in this chapter takes place 13 years after the Hagar incident. The promised son still has not been born. Abram once again needs a booster shot of faith from God. God appears to Abram in his time of need.
2. How does God refer to Himself? God Almighty. In the Hebrew, translated El Shaddai. Define almighty – unlimited power. Why does God refer to Himself this way to Abram at this time? Abram is 99. Sarai is 90. It’s going to take a God with unlimited power to enable them to have a child.
3. What requirement does God give to Abram in relation to the covenant? Walk before me and be blameless. This is the spiritual requirement of the covenant. Why? God emphasizes the importance of Abram being obedient/holy particularly after the Hagar incident. What did God mean by “walk before me”? Abram was to be God’s herald to a world dominated by sin. In order to carry out that call, Abram had to be blameless/holy. He didn’t do a good job of it during the Hagar incident.
4. vs. 5 – What significant moment happens to Abram? God changes his name to Abraham. Why? To better reflect the promise made in the covenant (multitude of descendants.) Abram – “exalted father”; Abraham – father of multitude/many. The name change could also be God’s way of offering Abraham a fresh start after the Hagar incident. Abraham has clean slate.
Genesis 17:9-14
5) What is the second requirement God gives to Abraham in relation to the covenant? Circumcision. This is the physical requirement of the covenant. What was its purpose? Outward/physical expression of obedience to God. See vs. 11 – Finalizing/sealing of the covenant between Abraham and his descendants and God. Circumcision would be a constant reminder of the covenant agreement. Read Romans 2: 28-29. Unfortunately, over time the Jews placed more emphasis on the physical requirement of the covenant than they did on the spiritual requirement. Today, physical circumcision is no longer required. Christ fully met the physical requirement of the covenant when he shed his blood at Cavalry. Spiritual requirement still valid today. Are Christians guilt of the same thing? Emphasize the external and deemphasize the internal.
Genesis 17:15-22
6) What all did God say in reference to Sarai? Name change. See answer to quest. 4. Point out that this is the first time God says that Sarah will be the one to bear the promised son.
7) What is Abraham’s response? Laughter. Why did he respond this way? He and Sarah were now 99 and 90.
8) What did Abraham petition God? Let Ishmael be the promised son. Why? Perhaps impatience. Ishmael already born and is now 13. Wouldn’t be long before he’s married off and taking over the family business and having children. Abraham and Sarah have a child now … they’ll have to wait longer for the child to grow up. Moreover, Abraham loved Ishmael. He was his firstborn son.
9) What was God’s response to Abraham? No. What else did God tell Abraham? He’ll have a son by Sarah and will name him Isaac – “He laughs” Why? Perhaps as a constant reminder to Abraham of his reaction to God’s almighty power. Emphasize that God said “My covenant” not “our covenant” or “Abraham’s covenant”. God is the sole author of the covenant. Attempts by Abraham to make edits to a covenant God had written (ex. Hagar incident) only led to pain/failure. There is a lesson there for us.
10) When will the child be born? One year. God finally gives Abraham a date. Also, God reassured Abraham that he will not forget Ishmael.
God does not tell us everything He is going to do for us up front/at the beginning. Why? For one thing our limited brain would not be able to comprehend it all. More importantly, we would be less dependent on God during the journey. We would have no need of faith. That’s a dangerous place to be. Without faith, it is impossible to please God. What God does during our journey is tell us what we need to know at that time/moment so that we can mature. Result – we are better able to comprehend the journey.
Genesis 17:1-8
1. How old is Abram? 99. The event in this chapter takes place 13 years after the Hagar incident. The promised son still has not been born. Abram once again needs a booster shot of faith from God. God appears to Abram in his time of need.
2. How does God refer to Himself? God Almighty. In the Hebrew, translated El Shaddai. Define almighty – unlimited power. Why does God refer to Himself this way to Abram at this time? Abram is 99. Sarai is 90. It’s going to take a God with unlimited power to enable them to have a child.
3. What requirement does God give to Abram in relation to the covenant? Walk before me and be blameless. This is the spiritual requirement of the covenant. Why? God emphasizes the importance of Abram being obedient/holy particularly after the Hagar incident. What did God mean by “walk before me”? Abram was to be God’s herald to a world dominated by sin. In order to carry out that call, Abram had to be blameless/holy. He didn’t do a good job of it during the Hagar incident.
4. vs. 5 – What significant moment happens to Abram? God changes his name to Abraham. Why? To better reflect the promise made in the covenant (multitude of descendants.) Abram – “exalted father”; Abraham – father of multitude/many. The name change could also be God’s way of offering Abraham a fresh start after the Hagar incident. Abraham has clean slate.
Genesis 17:9-14
5) What is the second requirement God gives to Abraham in relation to the covenant? Circumcision. This is the physical requirement of the covenant. What was its purpose? Outward/physical expression of obedience to God. See vs. 11 – Finalizing/sealing of the covenant between Abraham and his descendants and God. Circumcision would be a constant reminder of the covenant agreement. Read Romans 2: 28-29. Unfortunately, over time the Jews placed more emphasis on the physical requirement of the covenant than they did on the spiritual requirement. Today, physical circumcision is no longer required. Christ fully met the physical requirement of the covenant when he shed his blood at Cavalry. Spiritual requirement still valid today. Are Christians guilt of the same thing? Emphasize the external and deemphasize the internal.
Genesis 17:15-22
6) What all did God say in reference to Sarai? Name change. See answer to quest. 4. Point out that this is the first time God says that Sarah will be the one to bear the promised son.
7) What is Abraham’s response? Laughter. Why did he respond this way? He and Sarah were now 99 and 90.
8) What did Abraham petition God? Let Ishmael be the promised son. Why? Perhaps impatience. Ishmael already born and is now 13. Wouldn’t be long before he’s married off and taking over the family business and having children. Abraham and Sarah have a child now … they’ll have to wait longer for the child to grow up. Moreover, Abraham loved Ishmael. He was his firstborn son.
9) What was God’s response to Abraham? No. What else did God tell Abraham? He’ll have a son by Sarah and will name him Isaac – “He laughs” Why? Perhaps as a constant reminder to Abraham of his reaction to God’s almighty power. Emphasize that God said “My covenant” not “our covenant” or “Abraham’s covenant”. God is the sole author of the covenant. Attempts by Abraham to make edits to a covenant God had written (ex. Hagar incident) only led to pain/failure. There is a lesson there for us.
10) When will the child be born? One year. God finally gives Abraham a date. Also, God reassured Abraham that he will not forget Ishmael.
God does not tell us everything He is going to do for us up front/at the beginning. Why? For one thing our limited brain would not be able to comprehend it all. More importantly, we would be less dependent on God during the journey. We would have no need of faith. That’s a dangerous place to be. Without faith, it is impossible to please God. What God does during our journey is tell us what we need to know at that time/moment so that we can mature. Result – we are better able to comprehend the journey.
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Walking with Abraham pt. 4 - The Hagar incident
Read Genesis 16:1-6
Abram in his mid-80's and Sarai in her mid-70’s. Still no child. God has yet to fulfill his promise. Sarai experiences her crisis of faith.
1) How did Sarai get a servant from Egypt? Read Genesis 12:12-20. Pharoah gave Sarai and Abram servants before they left Egypt. Abram's Egyptian trip is about to come back to haunt him.
2) What did Sarai tell Abram to do? Sleep with her handmaiden Hagar. Why? Sarai blamed God for her failure to bear children. It’s been 10 years since God promised Abram an heir.
3) What did Abram do and why did Abram do it? Took Hagar as his wife and slept with her. Did Abram consult God and ask Him if that was part of the Plan? Have a discussion with Sarai about whether or not her plan was a good idea? No. He listened to the voice of Sarai. No hesitation in Abram. Those of who have spouses. How much influence does your spouse have over the decisions you make? I don’t mean what color paint to use for the bathroom or what you drink, Coke or Pepsi. I’m talking about life-impacting decisions – financial (buying a house) and spiritual (sin or not to sin). Ex. Visit to Egypt. Abram used his influence as Sarai’s husband to cause her to do something that was wrong. Now, Sarai’s using her influence as Abram’s wife to cause him to do something wrong. How are you influencing your spouse/someone close to you? Positive or negative? Holiness or sin? Who should have the greater influence in a relationship? You, your spouse/friend/family member, or God?
Factor influencing Abram’s decision to have a child by Hagar is what God said to Abram in Genesis 15:4. Abram probably believed this is how God’s promise would be carried out. God said that he would have a child from his own flesh, not Sarai’s.
4) What happened? Hagar got pregnant immediately.
5) What problems arose from Hagar’s pregnancy? Tension within Abram’s household. between Sarai and Hagar and between Sarai and Abram. Despised/contempt – Two ways to interpret this word. 1) to make light of. Hagar began to rub it in Sarai’s face that she was pregnant and Sarai was not. 2) to treat with contempt. Hagar angry at Sarai for getting her pregnant. She did not choose to be with child. Who did Sarai blame? Abram. Why? He was the one that got Hagar pregnant. It’s so easy to blame others for our mistakes.
6) vs. 6. What was Abram’s response to Sarai? Sarai, you deal with her however you please. What is your opinion of Abram’s response? What did Sarai do? Abuse Hagar
7) What image of Abram do we gleam from this incident? Weakness as a husband/spiritual leader, impatience, lacking wisdom, lack of compassion
8) What lessons are we to learn from the “Hagar incident?” PATIENCE. Wait upon the Lord. Allow God to work out His plan for us in His timing. If we become impatient and try to carry out God’s plan on our own, the outcome will not be good. Negative consequences in the immediate and far reaching future. Impact Abram’s impatience – immediate: friction in the family (Sarai vs. Hagar; Sarai vs. Abram; Ishamael vs. Isaac) and friction between God and Abram (see in Genesis 17); Far-reaching future (Genesis 16:11-12) – According to Islamic tradition, the Arabs are descendants of Ishmael. Enemies of the descendants of Isaac – the Jews/Israel. Hit hard – Impact of sin can be felt for generations/centuries. Your sin does not just impact you, but impacts others around you. In the same way your obedience to God/your righteousness does not just impact you, but can impact others around you – your spouse, children, grandchildren, etc.
Summarize the rest of the story of Hagar and Ishmael. Rest of chapter 16 - Sarai kicked Hagar out of the house. She ran into the wilderness. An angel from God told her to go back to Sarai. Moreover, the angel told Hagar that she would have a multitude of descendants. Her son Ishmael would be constantly in conflict with his others especially his kinsmen (Isaac and his descendants the Jews); ch. 21:8-21 - After Sarai (no Sarah) gave birth to Isaac, she kicked Hagar and Ishmael out of the house. They fled to the wilderness. Hagar and Ishmael were dying of thirst. She walked away from her son not wanting to watch him die. An angel came and showed them a fountain of water in the wilderness. God told them that Ishmael would be the father of a great nation. Islamic tradition says this great nation is the Arabs. ch. 25:12-18 - Ishmael's descendants settle in Havilah and Shur - modern day Saudi Arabia and Egypt.
Abram in his mid-80's and Sarai in her mid-70’s. Still no child. God has yet to fulfill his promise. Sarai experiences her crisis of faith.
1) How did Sarai get a servant from Egypt? Read Genesis 12:12-20. Pharoah gave Sarai and Abram servants before they left Egypt. Abram's Egyptian trip is about to come back to haunt him.
2) What did Sarai tell Abram to do? Sleep with her handmaiden Hagar. Why? Sarai blamed God for her failure to bear children. It’s been 10 years since God promised Abram an heir.
3) What did Abram do and why did Abram do it? Took Hagar as his wife and slept with her. Did Abram consult God and ask Him if that was part of the Plan? Have a discussion with Sarai about whether or not her plan was a good idea? No. He listened to the voice of Sarai. No hesitation in Abram. Those of who have spouses. How much influence does your spouse have over the decisions you make? I don’t mean what color paint to use for the bathroom or what you drink, Coke or Pepsi. I’m talking about life-impacting decisions – financial (buying a house) and spiritual (sin or not to sin). Ex. Visit to Egypt. Abram used his influence as Sarai’s husband to cause her to do something that was wrong. Now, Sarai’s using her influence as Abram’s wife to cause him to do something wrong. How are you influencing your spouse/someone close to you? Positive or negative? Holiness or sin? Who should have the greater influence in a relationship? You, your spouse/friend/family member, or God?
Factor influencing Abram’s decision to have a child by Hagar is what God said to Abram in Genesis 15:4. Abram probably believed this is how God’s promise would be carried out. God said that he would have a child from his own flesh, not Sarai’s.
4) What happened? Hagar got pregnant immediately.
5) What problems arose from Hagar’s pregnancy? Tension within Abram’s household. between Sarai and Hagar and between Sarai and Abram. Despised/contempt – Two ways to interpret this word. 1) to make light of. Hagar began to rub it in Sarai’s face that she was pregnant and Sarai was not. 2) to treat with contempt. Hagar angry at Sarai for getting her pregnant. She did not choose to be with child. Who did Sarai blame? Abram. Why? He was the one that got Hagar pregnant. It’s so easy to blame others for our mistakes.
6) vs. 6. What was Abram’s response to Sarai? Sarai, you deal with her however you please. What is your opinion of Abram’s response? What did Sarai do? Abuse Hagar
7) What image of Abram do we gleam from this incident? Weakness as a husband/spiritual leader, impatience, lacking wisdom, lack of compassion
8) What lessons are we to learn from the “Hagar incident?” PATIENCE. Wait upon the Lord. Allow God to work out His plan for us in His timing. If we become impatient and try to carry out God’s plan on our own, the outcome will not be good. Negative consequences in the immediate and far reaching future. Impact Abram’s impatience – immediate: friction in the family (Sarai vs. Hagar; Sarai vs. Abram; Ishamael vs. Isaac) and friction between God and Abram (see in Genesis 17); Far-reaching future (Genesis 16:11-12) – According to Islamic tradition, the Arabs are descendants of Ishmael. Enemies of the descendants of Isaac – the Jews/Israel. Hit hard – Impact of sin can be felt for generations/centuries. Your sin does not just impact you, but impacts others around you. In the same way your obedience to God/your righteousness does not just impact you, but can impact others around you – your spouse, children, grandchildren, etc.
Summarize the rest of the story of Hagar and Ishmael. Rest of chapter 16 - Sarai kicked Hagar out of the house. She ran into the wilderness. An angel from God told her to go back to Sarai. Moreover, the angel told Hagar that she would have a multitude of descendants. Her son Ishmael would be constantly in conflict with his others especially his kinsmen (Isaac and his descendants the Jews); ch. 21:8-21 - After Sarai (no Sarah) gave birth to Isaac, she kicked Hagar and Ishmael out of the house. They fled to the wilderness. Hagar and Ishmael were dying of thirst. She walked away from her son not wanting to watch him die. An angel came and showed them a fountain of water in the wilderness. God told them that Ishmael would be the father of a great nation. Islamic tradition says this great nation is the Arabs. ch. 25:12-18 - Ishmael's descendants settle in Havilah and Shur - modern day Saudi Arabia and Egypt.
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