What is a Church?
I. Introduction
If someone on the street came up to you and asked, “What is a church?” what would you tell them?
II. Origin of Small Group Ministry - Acts 2:42-47
1. The church that was established after Pentecost met where? (Hint: two places) The first Christians gathered at the temple (large group) and in homes (small groups.) They left the temple and gathered in smaller numbers in people’s homes.
2. When the first Christians met together, they continually devoted themselves to doing what? For what purposes?
Continually – on a regular basis; constantly
Devoting – to give attention to; to be faithful; to spend much time together
1. vs. 42 “the apostles’ teaching …”
a) How did that work? Listen to Peter or John teach in the temple about Jesus. Shared the teachings of Jesus (ex. Sermon on the Mount). Use the Old Testament to prove that Jesus was the Promised Messiah. People would gather in their homes to discuss what they heard. Ex. Love your enemy, forgiveness.
For what purpose? To become Christ-like; to have the mind of Christ; to be salt of the earth.
2. Fellowship - vs. 42
a) Define fellowship - Greek koinonia - the close association between persons, emphasizing what is common between them. What was common? Christ. Love, worship, serve, Christ. Their desire to be more like Him.
b) For what purpose? Hebrews 10:24-25 – Someone in group share how God blessed them – gave
encouragement to someone who needed to hear it. Someone had a rough day or week, share with
group, group expressed love/encouragement.
3. Breaking of bread - vs. 42
a) What does this mean? 1. Communion 2. Share a meal together.
b) How did it work? Vs. 46 – from house to house breaking bread; sharing meals together.
c) For what purpose? 1. Remember Christ’s sacrifice 2. Promote fellowship. A time of happiness, joy
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