Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Council of Jerusalem pt. 2

Read Acts 15:13-23

14. James, the leader of the Jerusalem church, pronounced the judgment of the council. Were the Gentiles required to be circumcised and observe the customs of the Mosaic Law? No. James said that Jewish Christians should not make life difficult for Gentile Christians

15. What did the Council of Jerusalem require of Gentile Christians? 1) Not to eat meat sacrificed to idols. 2) Abstain from sexual immorality – Adultery, promiscuity, homosexuality, pedophilia, etc., 3) Abstain from meat of strangled animals. 4) Do not drink/eat blood. Why these four? All four were common Gentile practices. They were not taboo in Gentile society. Being new to the faith, many Gentile Christians still practiced some of the four not realizing they were sinful. However, the Scriptures written by Moses (Genesis-Deuteronomy) that had been read for centuries in every city that had a synagogue regarded such activities as sinful. Therefore, Gentile Christians should abstain from such acts.

The Council of Jerusalem sent Paul and Barnabas along with two representatives from the Jerusalem church, Barsabbas and Silas, to Antioch with a letter regarding the council’s judgment to be read to Gentile Christians.

16. In verse 31, what was the reaction of the Gentile Christians to the judgment of the Council of Jerusalem? Encouragement.

Impact of Council of Jerusalem on future of Christianity –

1) Ensured that the Church would be inclusive. People of all nations could become Christians.

2) Over the course of the next century Christianity became more Gentile. Many Jews continued to believe that the Mosaic Law and the surrounding oral traditions were necessary to know true salvation. Given the choice between Christianity and Judaism, more Jews chose Judaism.

3) The decision made by the Council of Jerusalem did not end the friction between Jewish Christians and Gentile Christians. There was still among the Jewish Christians prejudice against Gentiles and a desire to hang on to the “Old Testament” style of worship.

4) The decision made by the Council of Jerusalem established the precedent that salvation was attained through the grace of Jesus Christ NOT by our works.

5) The decision made by the Council of Jerusalem marked the beginning of what we know today as denominationalism. Not everyone agreed on the role works played in salvation even after the council’s decision. Paul and his followers emphasized grace. James and his followers emphasized works.


Paul’s confrontation with Peter in Antioch and emerging split with Barnabas after the Council of Jerusalem. Read Galatians chapter 2.

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