Day 5 – Water creatures (whales down to shrimp) and birds according to their own kind; spoke them into being; said it was good. He was pleased with what He accomplished. After God created the water creatures and birds, what did He do that He did not do/say the previous days (vs. 22)? God blessed the water animals and birds. He exalted them. Why did He do so? God was excited at what He was witnessing on earth. Seeing whales swimming in the oceans. Dolphins playing in the water. Catfish wallowing around in the mud. Birds flying through the air. Penguins waddling around. Martins swooping all over the place. Eagles soaring in the sky. Robins, owls, sparrows, singing their songs. God was loving it. Earth had gone from darkness and desolation to now vibrant with life. God took joy in what He was seeing and hearing. And so, God blessed them and encouraged the water animals and birds to do what? Be fruitful and multiply. Fill up the earth that He created.
Day 6 – God created all the land animals (mammals, marsupials, reptiles, insects)
according to their own kind; spoke them into being; said it was good. He was pleased with what He accomplished. God was not finished. He had one more creation – humans.
Genesis 1:26 – God says, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness. Why does God say “us” and “our” and not “me” and “my”? Read John 1:1-5; Genesis 1:2. The Holy Trinity was present at Creation. Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Father – Creator; Son – Light; Spirit – Breath (Hebrew word – ruwach). Each played a role in the creation of man. Specifically, they gave man life.
How was the creation of humans different from everything else God created? Unlike everything else He created, God did not speak man into being. He formed man; He made man. ‘Asah – Hebrew word for “make.” It means to fashion. Bara’ – Hebrew word for “create.” It means to shape/form. How did God create man? Genesis 2:7 – God, with His two hands, reached down into dirt. He began to mold the dirt. Shape it. God created the cells. He formed the mitochondria and chromosomes. He formed the bones, muscles, tendons. He gave us eyes to see, ears to hear, nerves to feel, taste buds to taste, and a nose to smell. A brain - probably the most wondrous/marvelous/amazing part of man that God created. Finally, God breathed into man giving him the gift of life. Why did God create man in a different manner than He did everything else? God setting the tone for the unique/close relationship He would have with man … an expression of His deep, abiding love for man. What do you have a greater affinity for? Something you bought or something you made? Something you made. Why? A little piece of you is in whatever you made. Ex. Todd and Elyse
God created man in His image and likeness. What does that mean? Tselem – Hebrew word for “image”; Dmuwth – Hebrew word for “likeness” or “resemblance.” God created in man attributes/characteristics (physical, emotional, spiritual) that are found in Him. Physical – appearance (God does not look like an animal); Emotional – Love, Joy, Sadness, Anger, Patience; Spiritual – Righteousness, Holiness (Adam was created without sin.)
Of all the things God could have used to create man (gold, silver, precious stones, etc.), why dirt? You would think the zenith of God’s creation would have been made from something more valuable than dust. Hebrew word for dust is `aphar - dry earth, dust. Perhaps God did so to keep man humble. Although man was made in the image and likeness of God, we are not God. We are the created, not the Creator. Being made of dirt reminds us of that fact. Read Psalm 90:1-4.
Read vs. 28-31. God blessed man and woman. He exalted them. God was excited over his latest creation.
What did God say to man and woman? 1) Be fruitful and multiply – Fill the earth that I created. 2) Subdue it – bring it under your (man and woman’s) authority. 3) Have dominion/rule over all living things – animal and plant. What did God give man and woman? The keys to Creation. Man and woman were given the responsibility to oversee the earth God created. He gave them responsibility to take good care of what He created. Think about it. Days 1-6.5, God created light, atmosphere, land, oceans, celestial bodies, plants, water animals, birds, plants, and land animals. The second half of day 6, He creates man and woman and says “Here, it’s yours to look after.” Isn’t that amazing? It would be like if I spent a year building a house – 8 bedrooms, 10 baths, huge kitchen, dining room, entertainment room, swimming pool, etc. I built it with my own two hands. I paid for it with my own money. After it’s completed, I take the keys, give them to Paul, and tell him “it’s yours. Look after it.” Paul did nothing to build the house. I did so as an expression of grace (unmerited favor.) Giving man and woman dominion over the earth was an expression of God’s grace towards them. Another example found in John 3:16.
God created man and woman the way He did so that they could fulfill the responsibility God gave them. God created humanity with the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual characteristics necessary to fulfill its God given role. How good job is humanity doing today in fulfilling the responsibility given to it in Genesis 1:28-30?
At the end of day 6, what was God’s opinion of everything He created? It was very good. He looked back at everything He had made from Light to man and woman and was extremely pleased with what He had accomplished. Notice that humans were the ultimate expression of His Creation. Not galaxies, sun, moon, oceans, plant, or animal. Man is the cherry on top of the ice cream. How does that make you feel? How does that knowledge impact how you perceive yourself … your relationship with God? Go back and re-read predominant science’s version of creation and answer the previous questions. Probably will offer a different response.
Creation often is a reflection of the Creator. What does the Genesis account of Creation
say about God? Your thoughts.
Bonus points found in the Genesis account of Creation:
Genesis account completely undermines the central teachings of ancient religions. Ancient religions regarded celestial bodies and animals to be what? gods. The most popular gods were sun gods, moon gods, thunder gods, water gods, sea creature gods. They were responsible for creating everything even man. Purpose for creating humanity was to be slaves to gods … subject to the whimsical nature of the gods … pieces on a chess board. Genesis account of Creation regarded celestial bodies and animals to be what? Created objects … physical object that fulfilled a natural not supernatural purpose. God made the sun, moon, stars, animals. Nothing divine or supernatural about them. God created humans not to be His slaves, not to toy around with, take joy in their misery. Rather they were given a tremendous responsibility – stewards/managers over everything He created.
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