Read Genesis chapter 4:1-16
1. What do you think Adam and Eve’s reaction was to the birth of their first child Cain? For Eve, the curse became real. Experienced a painful birth.
2. From what little is written about Cain and Abel in verse 2, what do you learn? They’re different. One liked to work with animals and the other with plants (wheat, vegetables, fruit). One was a shepherd and the other was a farmer. Ex. Kevin and myself.
3. Why did God accept Abel’s offering and reject Cain’s? (See also Hebrews 11:4)
a) vs. 3-4. What did Abel offer? Firstborn of his flock and their fat portions. See Leviticus chapter 3. Abel offered the best of the best from his labors. The fat portion was burned creating an aroma that pleased the Lord. How did Abel present his offering? Read Hebrews 11:4. By faith … Abel’s offering demonstrated his faith in God. It demonstrated the trust/confidence he had for God. It demonstrated the respect Abel had for God. How? Even though I am sacrificing/offering/tithing (at this time wealth based not on currency, but on size of herd or farm) my best animals to God, He will take care of me. Abel was not selfish. He did not keep the best of his flock for himself. How did God respond to Abel’s offering? He respected Abel’s offering. Found it acceptable. God acknowledged Abel as being righteous … doing what is right. Abel showed respect for me, I will return that respect to him.
b) What did Cain offer? Fruit of the ground. What’s missing from the description? The best, the first, without blemish. What impression do you have of Cain’s offering? Doesn’t seemed he offered God his best. Doesn’t seem Cain respected God enough to give Him his best. Doesn’t seem Cain has much faith in God. He appears to be selfish. Cain is keeping the best of his fruits for himself. How did God respond to Cain’s offering? God did not respect it. He found it unacceptable.
c) What’s more important to God, the offering or the condition of the heart of the one presenting the offering?
Micah 6:6-8 "With what shall I come before the LORD, and bow myself before God on high? Shall I come before him with burnt offerings, with calves a year old? Will the LORD be pleased with thousands of rams, with ten thousands of rivers of oil? Shall I give my firstborn for my transgression, the fruit of my body for the sin of my soul?" He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the LORD require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?
Hosea 6:6 – For I desire steadfast love and not sacrifice, the knowledge of God rather than burnt offerings.
I Samuel 15:22 - Has the LORD as great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices, as in obeying the voice of the LORD? Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, and to listen than the fat of rams.
Abel’s offering - Presented by faith from the heart of one who was righteous. Abel followed after God. He did what was right in the sight of God. God looked at the offering and then looked into the heart of the one giving it. What He saw pleased Him because it was the heart of a man who was faithful …. Who did what was right. Abel’s offering … his worship … was an extension of his faith … his consistent walk with God.
Cain’s offering - Presented not in faith and not from a righteous heart. Cain did not follow after God. He did not do what was right in the sight of God. God looked at the offering and then looked into the heart of the one giving it. What He saw displeased Him because it was the heart of a man who was not faithful …. who did not do what was right. Cain’s offering was rejected because of his lack of faith … his inconsistent walk with God.
What God is looking for in the heart of a worshipper/the presenter of an offering - faith, righteousness, obedience, justice, love, kindness, humility, knowledge of God, truth/honesty.
4. What does what we just learned about Cain and Abel’s offerings teach us about our approach to worship? What should our attitude be/the condition of our heart? On Sunday morning, you present your offerings of worship (song, prayer, tithes); God hears and sees your offering; He then looks into your heart, what does He see, a heart like Abel’s or Cain’s?
If He sees it like Cain’s you might want to check the condition of your heart on Mon., Tues., Wed., …. The condition of your heart (your walk with God/your faith) from Monday to Saturday carries over to your worship on Sunday.
You have a heart problem Monday-Saturday. Go to church on Sunday. Sing the songs, say Lord’s Prayer, tithe 10%, listen to sermon, or you just showed up for church (for a lot of folks that’s worship) You leave church expecting God to bless you, put a check mark by your name in the Book of Life, give you a pat on the back and say “Good job”. But God doesn’t see it that way. He looks into the heart and He sees a heart like Cain’s. It lacks faith/lacks righteousness/lacks obedience/lacks kindness … He rejects your worship/offering because it is not truthful/not honest. Example – Pharisees.
You have a healthy heart Monday-Saturday. Go to church on Sunday. Participate in worship (music, prayer, tithing, listening). God sees your worship/offering. Looks into your heart and sees a healthy heart because Mon.-Sat. it has fed on faith, righteousness, obedience, knowledge of God, … And He accepts your worship/offering because it is truthful/honest.
The heart you have Mon.-Sat. is the heart you have on Sunday morning. Have a heart problem, you don’t get a brand new heart on Sunday morning just because its Sunday and you’re going to church.
5. How did Cain react to God’s rejection of his offering? Angry, face was downcast. You could see his anger visible on his face. Cain’s reaction says a lot about the condition of Cain’s heart prior to presenting his offering. It says a lot about the path Cain is walking (Broad way that leads to destruction.) Why did he react this way? Did not like being rejected/ignored. Unfair. “God, do you know how hard it was for me to raise this food? You should! You cursed the ground making it difficult for me to farm. I put blood, sweat, and tears into raising this food! How dare you reject my offering? Being a farmer is a lot harder than being a shepherd. All you have to do is stand and watch the herds!” Ephesians 4:26-27 - In your anger do not sin … do not give the devil a foothold.
6. What was God’s response to Cain’s reaction? Why are you angry Cain? If you do well (righteous), I’ll accept you. (not offering, YOU!) Also, God pointing out to Cain the reason his offering was not accepted was because he, Cain, had a problem. Cain did not share that opinion.
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