Read Genesis 7:1-16
1. What types of animals entered the ark and how many of each? One pair of unclean animals; seven pairs of clean animals; seven pairs of birds. Why more clean animals and birds than unclean animals? See at end of chapter 8. God defined clean and unclean animals in Leviticus 11. Pass out handout on clean and unclean animals.
Clean animal - Whatever parts the hoof and is cloven-footed (split-toed) and chews the cud. An animal that "chews the cud" simply re-chews plant foods that it has already partially digested in some way. This method of nutrient absorption extracts the ultimate benefit from nutrient-poor vegetation like grass and leaves.
Unclean animal – a) chews the cud but does not part the hoof. One solid hoof one each foot. b) parts the hoof and is cloven-footed (split toed) but does not chew the cud. c) All that walk on their paws, among the animals that go on all fours
Clean animals
Antelope, Bison (buffalo), Caribou, Cattle (beef, veal), Deer (venison), Elk, Gazelle, Giraffe, Goat, Hart, Ibex, Moose, Ox, Reindeer, Sheep (lamb, mutton)
Unclean animals
Swine, Boar, Pig (hog, bacon, ham, lard, pork, most sausage and pepperoni), Coyote, Dog, Fox, Hyena, Jackal, Wolf, Cat, Cheetah, Leopard, Lion, Panther, Tiger, Donkey, Horse, Mule, Zebra, Armadillo, Badger, Bat, Bear, Beaver, Camel, Elephant, Gorilla,
Groundhog, Hippopotamus, Kangaroo, Llama (alpaca), Mole, Monkey, Mouse, Muskrat
Opossum, Porcupine, Rabbit (hare), Raccoon, Rat, Rhinoceros, Skunk, Slug, Snail, Squirrel, Weasel, Wolverine, Worm
2. How did God bring about the flood? Opened up the waters below ground; Rain from the sky.
3. Who shut the door to the ark? God. Noah could not open or shut the door to the ark. God did not give him instructions on how to shut or open the door. Noah’s sons may have thought that was strange. Why is it significant that only God could open or shut the door to the ark? Think about it. Once the flood waters start to climb, who will want to get in the ark? Everyone outside. They will be screaming for Noah to let them in. He couldn’t save them if he wanted to. Only God could open or shut the door. The people’s opportunity for salvation had passed. They had their chance while Noah was building the ark. Too late now. See Luke 16 – Story of rich man and Lazarus. Also, there was no windows on the side of the ark. The only window was a skylight on the roof of the ark. Why? Perhaps to spare Noah from seeing the death and destruction around him.
Matthew 24:36-39 - But concerning that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father only. For as were the days of Noah, so will be the coming of the Son of Man. For as in those days before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day when Noah entered the ark, and they were unaware until the flood came and swept them all away, so will be the coming of the Son of Man.
4. What do you think Noah’s neighbors were thinking/doing as the rain came down and the waters rose? Japan and tsunami; New Orleans and Katrina. People were standing on the tops of their homes, hilltops, trees, screaming for Noah to let them in the ark. Some probably swam to the ark, scratched the sides with their fingernails in failed attempts to get inside.
5. How long did the rain fall and the waters rise? 40 days and nights.
Read Genesis 7:17-24; 8:1-5
6. How high did the flood waters get? Covered the highest mountains. Fossilized marine life have been discovered near the summit of Mt. Everest. It was underwater at some point in the past.
7. How long was it before the waters began to recede? 150 days.
8. What must life have been like for Noah and his family on the ark during that time? Bobbing up and down of the ark; the smell and noise of the animals; no way to see the world outside; claustrophobic
9. Where did the ark come to rest? Mountains of Arat in present day eastern Turkey. Show map.
Read Genesis 8:6-19
10. How did Noah determine if there was dry land outside the ark? He opened up the window on top of the ark and released a raven. He kept flying back and forth. Some interpret the Hebrew phrasing to mean that the raven would fly around a while and then land on the ark; fly and land on the ark; fly and land on the ark. Kept up this pattern until the waters were gone. Noah decided to send a dove next. Dove found no place to land and returned to Noah. After seven days, he sent out the dove again. The dove returned with an olive leaf. Confirmation for Noah that waters had receded. Vegetation had returned to the earth.
11. What was the total length of time Noah and his family was in the ark? About eleven months. See Genesis 7:11
12. What must Noah and his family felt when they were able to leave the ark?
Read Genesis 8:20-22
13. What did Noah do after he left the ark? Worshipped God. Built an altar and offered sacrifices. What did Noah sacrifice to God? Some of every clean animal and some of every bird who were on the ark. Not so bad to be an unclean animal.
14. What was God’s response to Noah’s act of worship? Pleased. God promised never again to curse the ground or kill the animals of the earth for man’s evil. Notice he did not say anything about never punishing humanity again for their evil.
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