V. Revelation 12:9; I Peter 5:8; Ephesians 4:26-27; Genesis 4:6-7
Revelation 12:9 - Dragon – When I say dragon, what comes to mind? You see a dragon what are you going to feel/do? Monstrous, scary, intimidating, wicked, nasty, mean, angry. Tactics – Use intimidation to instill fear. Seeks to destroy/devour everything in its path.
I Peter 5:8 - Roaring lion - When I say roaring lion, what comes to mind? You see a roaring lion what are you going to feel/do? tactics - Exploit weaknesses/use intimidation to instill fear. Seeks to destroy/devour everything in its path.
When you hear roaring lion, what image comes to mind? Ever see wildlife shows on Animal Planet that are about lions? How they hunt their prey? Lions stealthily prowling through the high grass keeping a close eye on their prey. Looking for a weakness … looking for a prey that may have let its guard down … maybe a gazelle that’s frolicking around the grassland with no cares in the world. The lions see the gazelle and are ready to pounce at a moment’s notice. When the moment comes to attack, they leap with a loud roar … the roar instills fear in the heart of its prey … the gazelle attempts to flee but it’s too late … he is trapped in the claws of the lions. Soon will be devoured by the lions. Satan attacks us in a similar fashion. The Enemy is not sitting on the sidelines taking a nap. He’s constantly prowling to and fro across the earth looking to attack. He’s looking for weaknesses to exploit. When are we most vulnerable to be pounced on by Satan? Hint – Peter lets us know in the first third of verse 8. a) We do not have a sober spirit or another way of putting it - lack self-control. Self-control over what? Fears, worries, anxieties, doubts, lusts, anger. Read Ephesians 4:26-27. Don’t allow anger to give the enemy an opportunity to attack you. Example – Cain, Genesis 4:6-7. Cain was angry at God for rejecting his sacrifice. He failed to control his anger. Consequently, the Enemy pounced on Cain. Devoured Cain. Cain’s failure to control his anger led to the first murder. This is true of any negative emotion. If we fail to control fear, doubt, anxiety, etc., that cracks door open enough for the Enemy to stick his foot in or like a lion pounce into. He’ll start roaring. The sound of a roaring lion is very intimidating. (ex. recent visit to zoo) And that’s exactly what Satan wants you to feel – intimidated. He wants you to say to yourself “I can’t overcome this temptation, it’s too hard.” Makes easier for him to attack you in the future. b) When we are not alert. Alert to what? 1) Our surroundings. Are you someplace/somewhere that makes you an easy target for the Enemy. A gazelle that’s frolicking around the open meadow … straying from the herd… straying close to the high grass where the lions are … is just begging to be lion dinner. Same with us. If we are not mindful of our surroundings … if we are somewhere/someplace we should not be … we’re just making it easy for the Enemy to pounce us. We might as well have a bulls-eye on our heart. 2) Enemy’s movements. While feeding, a gazelle always keeps one eye watching for lions in the grass. Both ears constantly listening for unusual sounds. When it comes to Satan, we are to do the same. What are some things that can cause us to not be alert? Complacency – life is good … everything is going my way … I’m in no danger; laziness/slothfulness – become lax in our spiritual growth … stop praying, stop reading God’s Word, stop attending Church; ignorance – I have an Enemy?; pride – I’m so spiritual that Satan would not have a chance against me. Review names and tactics
VI. John 10:10; Mark 4:15; Luke 8:12; Matthew 13:19 – thief. Tactics - steal, kill, and destroy.
1) Steal – what does the Enemy steal? Read Mark 4:15. Parable of sower. The Enemy steals the Word from people as soon as they hear it. Why? Luke 8:12. Same parable. So people will not believe and be saved. Who does the Enemy target specifically? Matthew 13:19 – Same parable. People who hear the Word and do not understand it. Not enough to sit in church on Sunday morning and just hear the Word. We need to know it. That’s why it is important that people who do not understand the Word need to be in an environment where they are gaining understanding. Examples – Sunday School, Bible study groups offered by Church (Discipleship University), in people’s homes, or one-on-one with a spiritually mature believer. The more you know and understand God’s Word the harder it will be for the Enemy to steal it from you. How does he steal the Word? Primarily through distractions designed to prevent you from understanding the Word. A tactic similar to pickpocket artists in Europe. One person is begging for money or wanting to take your picture for a buck while the other is picking your pockets. Distractions offered by Satan – entertainment, relationships, work, family activities (particularly those re: children) – enable him to sneak into one’s heart and steal the Word that person has heard.
2) Kill/Murderer from the beginning – ex. Cain and Abel – who was it that fanned the flame of hatred in Cain’s heart to the point where he killed his brother? Satan is a murderer. Responsible for the deaths of drug addicts who have overdosed, suicides, aborted fetuses, genocide. Leads to number three.
3) Destroy – in the Greek the word “destroy” refers to the following: to perish, to be lost, ruined; render useless. Ever since the Creation of man, Satan has sought to destroy what God has created. He has sought to bring to ruin what God has built up. Ex. Garden of Eden. When God chose Abraham and his descendants (the Jews) to be people through whom He would redeem humanity, Satan attempted to destroy the plan by destroying the people. There were many times when it seemed he would succeed. Anyone think of an example? Book of Esther. Satan’s target for destruction now is the Church. It’s through the Church that God’s plan of redemption is being made known to the world. He’s used every means at his disposal from gossip to persecution. Unsuccessful because Jesus said in Matthew 16:18 that his Church will never be destroyed. However, Satan has done the next best thing and that is divided the Church. According to Christianity Today, there are approximately 38,000 Christian denominations. All agree on the fundamental truth that Jesus is the key to salvation but they all disagree on practically everything else re: Gospel. These disagreements were stimulated and encouraged by the Enemy in order to promote division within the body of Christ. Because an enemy divided is an enemy who is weak/who is less threatening. Taking this to a personal level … if you are a believer, Satan wants to destroy you. You are his enemy. He wants to beat you down until you are a quivering mass of useless flesh and bones. Satan is fighting a serious war. He takes Christians serious. My questions is do Christians take him serious? Are you taking him serious? If you aren’t, you are making yourself an easy target for destruction.
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Thursday, March 22, 2012
III. Revelation 12:10; Zechariah 3:1-7 – Devil – Greek diabolos; Satan – Hebrew satan pronounced saw-tawn. Both are translated Adversary/Accuser; tactics - accusations
He makes accusations against the followers of God (Revelation 12:10). See an example of this in Zechariah 3:1-7.
This Joshua is not to be confused with the Joshua from the book of Joshua. This Joshua was a high priest at the time the Jews returned to Jerusalem following the Babylonian exile. He led a remnant to Jerusalem from Babylonia. Being high priest meant Joshua was the people’s spiritual leader. If you read the book of Ezra, Joshua helped lead efforts to rebuild the temple. Zechariah has a vision of Joshua being put on trial. He’s standing before God in filthy garments which represent what? Sin/iniquity. Who was his chief accuser? Satan. What was accusation against Joshua? What sin had Joshua committed? If you read the books of Ezra, Zechariah, and Haggai, you’ll read that Joshua failed to carry out his responsibility as spiritual leader – to exhort the people to continue to obey God’s commandments. He perhaps pursued materialism rather than God. Consequently, the people had wandered away from God and towards self interests. Satan’s evidence? The people had stopped rebuilding the temple and were focused on making money and building nice houses for themselves. God was no longer the number one priority in their lives. (See Haggai) Joshua was no longer worthy of being the people’s spiritual leader all of which was true. But before Satan could make his case against Joshua, what did God do? Rebuked Satan. Get lost! Cleansed Joshua of his sin and re-established him as spiritual leader of the people.
Satan makes accusations against us to God. For what purpose? To bring to God’s attention to all the bad things we’ve done. To make us seem unworthy of God’s grace. You sure someone like him/her deserves forgiveness? But understand something … Satan’s accusations against us are not just directed towards God. He also directs them at us. Believe me, Joshua the high priest was getting a spiritual earful from Satan about how bad a job he was doing. How he had let the people down and more importantly let God down. God has rejected you as high priest. By using this tactic (accusations), what did Satan hope to succeed in doing? To fill Joshua with so much guilt, self-pity, doubt, etc., to the point where he no longer desires to carry out his responsibility as the Jews’ spiritual leader. Satan uses this tactic against us today. He constantly puts back in our face all the sins God has forgiven us for. Remember this, this, and this? You really believe God has forgiven you of these sins? All in an effort to instill in us doubt, guilt, etc. To get us to focus on our past sins rather than our present grace. Don’t allow him to question your salvation. When the accuser brings up your past sins, do not allow him to instill guilt in you. Once he does, he’s going to feed it until it becomes a massive beast of burden that will prove difficult to unload. If Satan proves successful, he will make you ineffective as a servant of God just as he did Joshua for a time.
IV. John 8:42-47; Acts 5:1-5 - father of lies; tactics – falsehood (talk about murderer later)
Jesus said that the devil is not just a liar but he is the father of lies. Why does Jesus use that descriptor? The devil was the first liar and the progenitor of lies. Progenitor - a person or thing that first originates something or serves as a model. He spoke the first lie (Garden of Eden) and is the source of all lies ever since. Definition of “lie” - a false statement made with deliberate intent to deceive; an intentional untruth; to convey a false impression. What are some examples of lies that Satan throws at people? In order to be truly happy, you must have a Mercedes Benz, 60 inch Plasma TV, 10 bedroom/8 bathroom/4 car garage house with an Olympic size pool and tennis court out back. Real pleasure found in pornography, drugs, alcohol, or food. Your mistakes/sins are so heinous that God will never forgive you. Your sin is insignificant that God didn’t see it. God is not concerned with the issues you’re experiencing. He’s got more important matters on His plate than your piddly problems. Why are you still praying? God’s not listening. There is no God. Jesus was an ordinary human … not God in flesh. The Bible is a mixture of myths and history written by men and not the Word of God. Satan’s primary goal in using lying as a tactic is to hide/conceal truth so that people will not believe/accept it. John 8:45 "But because I speak the truth, you do not believe Me.” Why did the people Jesus was speaking to not believe the truth (Jesus was Son of God)? Because they listened to and believed the lies crafted by Satan. Satan also uses the tactic of lies to create a false impression of God in order to undermine our faith in Him. (See his temptation of Eve) He also seeks to create a false impression of ourselves (view ourselves as unlovable, unforgivable, insignificant or view ourselves more highly than we should … we are not answerable for our sins) in order to undermine our mission to share the truth of God to a world trapped by Satan’s lies.
As the father of lies, Satan has produced many children of different shapes and sizes. The little white lies that are “harmless”. The elephant size lies that have started wars between countries and promoted genocide. Perhaps the one lie that Satan has produced that many followers of God have fallen prey to is the lie that we can conceal truth from God… that we can lie to God and get away with it. Ex. Story of David and Bathsheba found in II Samuel chapters 11 & 12. Story of Ananias in Acts 5:1-5. Both David and Ananias were fed their lies by Satan. He convinced them that no one would learn of their actions not even God. They were wrong and they paid the price for it. Not only them, but those close to them as well (David’s family and Ananias’ wife). There is no such thing as a secret sin. You may be able to conceal the truth of your sin (pornography, drugs, inner hatred for someone which Jesus says is murder) from your spouse, your children, or your friends but you cannot conceal your sin from God. Don’t fall prey to Satan’s lie that you can. If you do, you are walking a dangerous path. See David and Ananias.
He makes accusations against the followers of God (Revelation 12:10). See an example of this in Zechariah 3:1-7.
This Joshua is not to be confused with the Joshua from the book of Joshua. This Joshua was a high priest at the time the Jews returned to Jerusalem following the Babylonian exile. He led a remnant to Jerusalem from Babylonia. Being high priest meant Joshua was the people’s spiritual leader. If you read the book of Ezra, Joshua helped lead efforts to rebuild the temple. Zechariah has a vision of Joshua being put on trial. He’s standing before God in filthy garments which represent what? Sin/iniquity. Who was his chief accuser? Satan. What was accusation against Joshua? What sin had Joshua committed? If you read the books of Ezra, Zechariah, and Haggai, you’ll read that Joshua failed to carry out his responsibility as spiritual leader – to exhort the people to continue to obey God’s commandments. He perhaps pursued materialism rather than God. Consequently, the people had wandered away from God and towards self interests. Satan’s evidence? The people had stopped rebuilding the temple and were focused on making money and building nice houses for themselves. God was no longer the number one priority in their lives. (See Haggai) Joshua was no longer worthy of being the people’s spiritual leader all of which was true. But before Satan could make his case against Joshua, what did God do? Rebuked Satan. Get lost! Cleansed Joshua of his sin and re-established him as spiritual leader of the people.
Satan makes accusations against us to God. For what purpose? To bring to God’s attention to all the bad things we’ve done. To make us seem unworthy of God’s grace. You sure someone like him/her deserves forgiveness? But understand something … Satan’s accusations against us are not just directed towards God. He also directs them at us. Believe me, Joshua the high priest was getting a spiritual earful from Satan about how bad a job he was doing. How he had let the people down and more importantly let God down. God has rejected you as high priest. By using this tactic (accusations), what did Satan hope to succeed in doing? To fill Joshua with so much guilt, self-pity, doubt, etc., to the point where he no longer desires to carry out his responsibility as the Jews’ spiritual leader. Satan uses this tactic against us today. He constantly puts back in our face all the sins God has forgiven us for. Remember this, this, and this? You really believe God has forgiven you of these sins? All in an effort to instill in us doubt, guilt, etc. To get us to focus on our past sins rather than our present grace. Don’t allow him to question your salvation. When the accuser brings up your past sins, do not allow him to instill guilt in you. Once he does, he’s going to feed it until it becomes a massive beast of burden that will prove difficult to unload. If Satan proves successful, he will make you ineffective as a servant of God just as he did Joshua for a time.
IV. John 8:42-47; Acts 5:1-5 - father of lies; tactics – falsehood (talk about murderer later)
Jesus said that the devil is not just a liar but he is the father of lies. Why does Jesus use that descriptor? The devil was the first liar and the progenitor of lies. Progenitor - a person or thing that first originates something or serves as a model. He spoke the first lie (Garden of Eden) and is the source of all lies ever since. Definition of “lie” - a false statement made with deliberate intent to deceive; an intentional untruth; to convey a false impression. What are some examples of lies that Satan throws at people? In order to be truly happy, you must have a Mercedes Benz, 60 inch Plasma TV, 10 bedroom/8 bathroom/4 car garage house with an Olympic size pool and tennis court out back. Real pleasure found in pornography, drugs, alcohol, or food. Your mistakes/sins are so heinous that God will never forgive you. Your sin is insignificant that God didn’t see it. God is not concerned with the issues you’re experiencing. He’s got more important matters on His plate than your piddly problems. Why are you still praying? God’s not listening. There is no God. Jesus was an ordinary human … not God in flesh. The Bible is a mixture of myths and history written by men and not the Word of God. Satan’s primary goal in using lying as a tactic is to hide/conceal truth so that people will not believe/accept it. John 8:45 "But because I speak the truth, you do not believe Me.” Why did the people Jesus was speaking to not believe the truth (Jesus was Son of God)? Because they listened to and believed the lies crafted by Satan. Satan also uses the tactic of lies to create a false impression of God in order to undermine our faith in Him. (See his temptation of Eve) He also seeks to create a false impression of ourselves (view ourselves as unlovable, unforgivable, insignificant or view ourselves more highly than we should … we are not answerable for our sins) in order to undermine our mission to share the truth of God to a world trapped by Satan’s lies.
As the father of lies, Satan has produced many children of different shapes and sizes. The little white lies that are “harmless”. The elephant size lies that have started wars between countries and promoted genocide. Perhaps the one lie that Satan has produced that many followers of God have fallen prey to is the lie that we can conceal truth from God… that we can lie to God and get away with it. Ex. Story of David and Bathsheba found in II Samuel chapters 11 & 12. Story of Ananias in Acts 5:1-5. Both David and Ananias were fed their lies by Satan. He convinced them that no one would learn of their actions not even God. They were wrong and they paid the price for it. Not only them, but those close to them as well (David’s family and Ananias’ wife). There is no such thing as a secret sin. You may be able to conceal the truth of your sin (pornography, drugs, inner hatred for someone which Jesus says is murder) from your spouse, your children, or your friends but you cannot conceal your sin from God. Don’t fall prey to Satan’s lie that you can. If you do, you are walking a dangerous path. See David and Ananias.
Thursday, March 15, 2012
One way of knowing the Enemy’s tactics/strategy is by knowing the various names the Enemy is given in Scripture. Read the following Scriptures and answer the following questions: What is the name the Enemy is given? What does his name tell you about the tactics he uses?
I. Genesis 3:1-6; II Corinthians 11:3; Revelation 12:9 - Serpent; tactics - subtlety, craftiness, charm. The Enemy was purposeful in selecting the form of a serpent to tempt Eve. The serpent had the characteristics necessary for the job as opposed to say an armadillo.
subtle, crafty - skillful, clever, sly; beguile - to please or persuade by use of wiles; charm
How did the Enemy in the form of the serpent exhibit craftiness to beguile/charm Eve?
A) The Enemy laid a snare by invoking God’s name and using God’s words. Genesis 3:1 Purpose – to make his words enticing; a subtle/understated move to get Eve’s attention; to encourage a dialogue between him and Eve. How did the discussion between Eve and the serpent begin? The Enemy did not make a statement; rather, he asked a question. Purpose - to elicit a response from Eve. To initiate a dialogue. What was the focal point of the question? The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. For what purpose?
B) Placed Eve’s thoughts on the source of the temptation – the Tree. Once Eve entered into a dialogue with the Enemy, she was well on her way down the road to sin. Eve had one foot in the snare. Her attention was now on the tree.
C) Made temptation appealing in order to spring the snare. True God doesn’t want you to eat the fruit, but not for the reasons he told you. Real reason - to keep you from being like Him, a god. God’s motive for denying you the fruit from the Tree is not pure. In fact, it is selfish. He wants to be the one and only god. God is intentionally denying you and Adam the opportunity to improve your position on the organizational chart of Creation. Instead of turning away from the serpent and the tree, what did Eve do? She stared intently at the fruit on the tree and began to think/ponder on the serpent’s words. “Be like God, be like God, be like God …” She reached up, grabbed one of the fruit, and ate. She gave one to Adam and he ate. Did they become gods like the serpent said they would? No. Did they know the difference between good and evil? Yes. After eating the fruit, they quickly realized what they did was wrong. The Enemy was successful in deceiving Eve to disobey God. He did so using thes tactics - subtlety, craftiness, charm
II. II Corinthians 11:1-6, 12-15; Galatians 1:6-10 - angel of light; tactics - use appearance of beauty, innocence, and/or the divine to deceive
Angel of light - what image comes to mind? Lovely, beautiful, innocence, supernatural. Angels come from where and usually for what purpose? From heaven to deliver a message from God. Knowing that and from reading these verses in II Corinthians, what does all this tell you about one of Satan’s tactics? Deception. To deceive people into thinking that the lies he’s feeding them are a message from God. To deceive people into thinking they are receiving authority/supernatural power from God to carry out a divine mission. When in truth, they are carrying out a demonic mission. For what purpose? II Corinthians 11:3-4 – lead people astray from the true, pure gospel of Christ.
Before I get into the heavy stuff, what are some examples of how the Enemy uses the appearance of beauty/innocence to deceive? Horoscopes, psychic network, in the 19th and early 20th centuries spiritualism was very popular among the wealthy class – attend séances and used ouija boards. More recently the New Age movement – transcendental meditation, reincarnation, etc.
How many cults and religions have been founded by individuals who claimed to have heard or seen a revelation from an angelic being or God Himself? Ex. Islam – Following the death of one of his children and discontented with his life as a trader, Muhammed went off to a cave by himself for a period of time to meditate and reflect on his life. He went without food and drink for a long period of time. One day Muhammed claimed to receive a revelation from God. This God claimed to be the God of Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, David, and the other OT prophets as well as the God of Jesus, who was not the Son of God but a human prophet. This God told Muhammed that He was anointing Muhammed to be the next prophet to spread God’s message to the world – there was only one God, Allah. In fact, Muhammed would be the last prophet. The Jews and Christians had failed to carry out this mission. Muhammed would succeed where they failed. He would restore the one true faith. I do not doubt that Muhammed heard a voice in the cave that day. However, the voice Muhammed heard that day was not God’s. It was the Enemy posing as an angel of light. During his many travels as a trader, Muhammed came across Jews and Christians regularly. What might have been had Muhammed became a believer? I wonder if a Christian missed their divine opportunity to witness to Muhammed? Or if a Christian mistreated Muhammed causing him to reject Christianity?
Another example: Mormonism/Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints – founded by Joseph Smith in the early 1800’s. The followers of Mormonism regard Smith to be a prophet like Moses, Elijah, etc., whose mission was to restore the original Christian church following centuries of corruption. Smith was confused as to which denomination (Baptist, Methodist, Episcopal, Presbyterian, etc.) was the true church. They all claimed to have the one true doctrine. Beginning at age 14, Smith received regular visions of God, Jesus, and John the Baptist. They told him that none of the churches established at the time (Baptist, Methodist, Episcopal, Presbyterian, etc.) were correct, and that he should join none of them. Smith told a local pastor about his vision. Rather than counsel Smith by asking him questions about the visions and compare the messages Smith heard in the visions with the truths in the Bible, the pastor treated Smith harshly by telling him that his visions were of the devil (true) and that God no longer reveals himself to man through miracles (false). Shortly afterwards, Smith received a visit from an angel named Moroni which led to his finding and unearthing a long-buried book, inscribed on metal plates. Moroni charged Smith with translating the plates into English. This translation is known as the Book of Mormon regarded by Mormons as sacred scripture on par with the Holy Bible. Book of Mormon contains God’s revelations to the ancient Israelites (descendants of Jews who fled Jerusalem after its destruction by the Babylonian empire) living in North America between 600 BC and 800 AD. In every one of Smith’s accounts about the visitations from God, Jesus, and Moroni, there is a common description – a very brilliant bright light emanated from and surrounded his heavenly visitors. I do not doubt/question that Joseph Smith saw what he claimed to see and hear. However, it was not God, Jesus, or Moroni he saw. It was the Enemy posing as an angel of light. What might have been had the pastor Smith sought for counsel had done a better job of reaching out to Smith?
The god that the Muslims and Mormons worship is not the true God although they say otherwise. The god they worship is Satan masquerading as God. Read I Corinthians10:14-21. What is it that Satan desired more than anything when he rebelled against God? To be like the Most High (Isaiah 14:14). In his own twisted/perverse way, he has succeeded. His worshippers number in the billions.
Don’t get the impression that the Enemy only poses as an angel of light to start false religions and cults. He has posed as an angel of light to Church leaders/Christian leaders in an effort to promote division/confusion within the Church in order to lead Christians astray from their sincere and pure devotion to Christ and to hinder the mission of the Church given to it by Christ – making followers of Christ.
If you read the teachings of false religions and cults such as Islam, Mormonism, Jehovah’s Witnesses, etc., you will find a lot of references to Biblical Scriptures and individuals. But, even if 99% of their message is true that doesn’t make that message the pure Gospel of Christ. Moreover, if a “Christian” came to you and tells you he has a message for you from God and proceeds by saying “Thus saith the Lord…”, you better double check what he says by what God says here. Even if that someone is an angel. Read Galatians 1:6-10
I. Genesis 3:1-6; II Corinthians 11:3; Revelation 12:9 - Serpent; tactics - subtlety, craftiness, charm. The Enemy was purposeful in selecting the form of a serpent to tempt Eve. The serpent had the characteristics necessary for the job as opposed to say an armadillo.
subtle, crafty - skillful, clever, sly; beguile - to please or persuade by use of wiles; charm
How did the Enemy in the form of the serpent exhibit craftiness to beguile/charm Eve?
A) The Enemy laid a snare by invoking God’s name and using God’s words. Genesis 3:1 Purpose – to make his words enticing; a subtle/understated move to get Eve’s attention; to encourage a dialogue between him and Eve. How did the discussion between Eve and the serpent begin? The Enemy did not make a statement; rather, he asked a question. Purpose - to elicit a response from Eve. To initiate a dialogue. What was the focal point of the question? The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. For what purpose?
B) Placed Eve’s thoughts on the source of the temptation – the Tree. Once Eve entered into a dialogue with the Enemy, she was well on her way down the road to sin. Eve had one foot in the snare. Her attention was now on the tree.
C) Made temptation appealing in order to spring the snare. True God doesn’t want you to eat the fruit, but not for the reasons he told you. Real reason - to keep you from being like Him, a god. God’s motive for denying you the fruit from the Tree is not pure. In fact, it is selfish. He wants to be the one and only god. God is intentionally denying you and Adam the opportunity to improve your position on the organizational chart of Creation. Instead of turning away from the serpent and the tree, what did Eve do? She stared intently at the fruit on the tree and began to think/ponder on the serpent’s words. “Be like God, be like God, be like God …” She reached up, grabbed one of the fruit, and ate. She gave one to Adam and he ate. Did they become gods like the serpent said they would? No. Did they know the difference between good and evil? Yes. After eating the fruit, they quickly realized what they did was wrong. The Enemy was successful in deceiving Eve to disobey God. He did so using thes tactics - subtlety, craftiness, charm
II. II Corinthians 11:1-6, 12-15; Galatians 1:6-10 - angel of light; tactics - use appearance of beauty, innocence, and/or the divine to deceive
Angel of light - what image comes to mind? Lovely, beautiful, innocence, supernatural. Angels come from where and usually for what purpose? From heaven to deliver a message from God. Knowing that and from reading these verses in II Corinthians, what does all this tell you about one of Satan’s tactics? Deception. To deceive people into thinking that the lies he’s feeding them are a message from God. To deceive people into thinking they are receiving authority/supernatural power from God to carry out a divine mission. When in truth, they are carrying out a demonic mission. For what purpose? II Corinthians 11:3-4 – lead people astray from the true, pure gospel of Christ.
Before I get into the heavy stuff, what are some examples of how the Enemy uses the appearance of beauty/innocence to deceive? Horoscopes, psychic network, in the 19th and early 20th centuries spiritualism was very popular among the wealthy class – attend séances and used ouija boards. More recently the New Age movement – transcendental meditation, reincarnation, etc.
How many cults and religions have been founded by individuals who claimed to have heard or seen a revelation from an angelic being or God Himself? Ex. Islam – Following the death of one of his children and discontented with his life as a trader, Muhammed went off to a cave by himself for a period of time to meditate and reflect on his life. He went without food and drink for a long period of time. One day Muhammed claimed to receive a revelation from God. This God claimed to be the God of Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, David, and the other OT prophets as well as the God of Jesus, who was not the Son of God but a human prophet. This God told Muhammed that He was anointing Muhammed to be the next prophet to spread God’s message to the world – there was only one God, Allah. In fact, Muhammed would be the last prophet. The Jews and Christians had failed to carry out this mission. Muhammed would succeed where they failed. He would restore the one true faith. I do not doubt that Muhammed heard a voice in the cave that day. However, the voice Muhammed heard that day was not God’s. It was the Enemy posing as an angel of light. During his many travels as a trader, Muhammed came across Jews and Christians regularly. What might have been had Muhammed became a believer? I wonder if a Christian missed their divine opportunity to witness to Muhammed? Or if a Christian mistreated Muhammed causing him to reject Christianity?
Another example: Mormonism/Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints – founded by Joseph Smith in the early 1800’s. The followers of Mormonism regard Smith to be a prophet like Moses, Elijah, etc., whose mission was to restore the original Christian church following centuries of corruption. Smith was confused as to which denomination (Baptist, Methodist, Episcopal, Presbyterian, etc.) was the true church. They all claimed to have the one true doctrine. Beginning at age 14, Smith received regular visions of God, Jesus, and John the Baptist. They told him that none of the churches established at the time (Baptist, Methodist, Episcopal, Presbyterian, etc.) were correct, and that he should join none of them. Smith told a local pastor about his vision. Rather than counsel Smith by asking him questions about the visions and compare the messages Smith heard in the visions with the truths in the Bible, the pastor treated Smith harshly by telling him that his visions were of the devil (true) and that God no longer reveals himself to man through miracles (false). Shortly afterwards, Smith received a visit from an angel named Moroni which led to his finding and unearthing a long-buried book, inscribed on metal plates. Moroni charged Smith with translating the plates into English. This translation is known as the Book of Mormon regarded by Mormons as sacred scripture on par with the Holy Bible. Book of Mormon contains God’s revelations to the ancient Israelites (descendants of Jews who fled Jerusalem after its destruction by the Babylonian empire) living in North America between 600 BC and 800 AD. In every one of Smith’s accounts about the visitations from God, Jesus, and Moroni, there is a common description – a very brilliant bright light emanated from and surrounded his heavenly visitors. I do not doubt/question that Joseph Smith saw what he claimed to see and hear. However, it was not God, Jesus, or Moroni he saw. It was the Enemy posing as an angel of light. What might have been had the pastor Smith sought for counsel had done a better job of reaching out to Smith?
The god that the Muslims and Mormons worship is not the true God although they say otherwise. The god they worship is Satan masquerading as God. Read I Corinthians10:14-21. What is it that Satan desired more than anything when he rebelled against God? To be like the Most High (Isaiah 14:14). In his own twisted/perverse way, he has succeeded. His worshippers number in the billions.
Don’t get the impression that the Enemy only poses as an angel of light to start false religions and cults. He has posed as an angel of light to Church leaders/Christian leaders in an effort to promote division/confusion within the Church in order to lead Christians astray from their sincere and pure devotion to Christ and to hinder the mission of the Church given to it by Christ – making followers of Christ.
If you read the teachings of false religions and cults such as Islam, Mormonism, Jehovah’s Witnesses, etc., you will find a lot of references to Biblical Scriptures and individuals. But, even if 99% of their message is true that doesn’t make that message the pure Gospel of Christ. Moreover, if a “Christian” came to you and tells you he has a message for you from God and proceeds by saying “Thus saith the Lord…”, you better double check what he says by what God says here. Even if that someone is an angel. Read Galatians 1:6-10
Sunday, March 4, 2012
Knowing all this … where in the organizational chart of Creation would Satan be? Who else could carry out this role? No one else … no other angelic being … not Michael, not Gabriel … could carry out Satan’s responsibilities. Only Satan had the ability to do what he did. On the organizational chart, Satan is right below God. Who put Satan in this position? Vs. 14 – God. Knowing that … knowing that God had made you unique … made you super beautiful … placed you in His presence … how would you view your position on the organizational chart? One of great honor or something else? If Barak Obama or Rick santorum asked you to be his VP, how would you view it? To be so close to the most powerful individual in the world. What a honor! Let me tell you, nearly every man who has been VP from John Adams to Dick Cheney have hated the position. John Adams called VP “the most insignificant office that ever the invention of man contrived or his imagination conceived.” John Nance Garner – “job of VP is not worth a pitcher of warm spit.” Harry Truman – “job of VP is to go to weddings and funerals.” Why? VP is a No.2 job, not No. 1. No. 2 doesn’t get all the glory and honor that comes with being No. 1. But they have ready access to the most powerful individual in the world? Not enough to satisfy the people who have been VP. For a time, Satan was content with the honor of being No. 2. But, there came a time for Satan when being No. 2 was not enough. He wanted to be No. 1.
3. a) Did God create Satan evil? No! Read Ezekiel 28:12, 15.
b) If not, how did Satan become evil? God created Satan and other angelic beings with free will. My opinion. Bible theologians/scholars disagree on that. Some believe only humans were given free will. What does free will mean? Freedom to choose. Why did God create angelic beings and humans with free will? It would have saved Him a lot of headaches/heartaches if He had done otherwise. God wanted angels and humans to choose to obey Him and not be forced to obey Him. God wanted angels and humans to choose to love Him and not be forced to love Him. Love is not love if it has to be coerced or given involuntarily. But there is a catch to free will. Just as one can choose to obey/love God, one could also what? Choose not to. Listen closely to what I have to say next and think about it/ponder on it. God gave Satan free will to choose to obey/love Him knowing that a time would come when Satan would use his free will to choose not to love Him. Same true for us. God gave Adam and Eve free will to choose to obey/love Him knowing that a time would come when they would use his free will to choose not to love Him. Mind-blowing stuff!!!!!!
For a time Satan chose to serve God faithfully … fulfilled his responsibility of enhancing God’s glory/holiness.
4. a) In Ezekiel 28, Satan was found blameless until what happened? Unrighteousness was found in him. b) After reading the passages in Ezekiel and Isaiah, what led to Satan no longer being blameless? What was the source of his unrighteousness? Pride. Hubris - excessive pride or self-confidence; arrogance. Prideful about what? – Ezekiel 28:17 – Prideful of his beauty and splendor. Ezekiel 28:16 – Abundance of your trade – Remember God is speaking to King of Tyre and Satan. King of Tyre made his wealth off trade with other nations. Desired more wealth. His pursuit of wealth led him to be internally violent – what does that mean? Inner rage; boiling anger to the point of wanting to attack someone. What was Satan’s trade? The anointed cherub who covers God. He enhanced God’s glory/holiness. Only one in Creation who could perform this trade. Brought Satan a wealth of attention. Not enough. Desired more. This desire fueled an inner rage to the point where he wanted to lash out against the One who was denying him more attention. At this point, Satan had to make a choice. He had to exercise his free will and choose – Deny his pride, accept his role in Creation, and remain obedient to God or act on his pride, reject his role in Creation, and disobey God. Which did Satan choose? We all know the answer.
6. What do you think the confrontation between Satan and God was like? How do you think it went down? Read Isaiah 14:12-16.
Paraphase – At some point, Satan begins to think to himself “I am the model of perfection. I’m the best of the best. I am the wisest and most beautiful in all Creation. But, I want more. I deserve more.” Pride becomes desire. What did Satan desire? In Isaiah chapter 14, Satan says 5 times “I will”. I will ascend to heaven. I will rule over all the angels. I will sit on the mount of assembly. Emphasize - Satan’s having these thoughts while carrying out his responsibilities to God. He continues to feed his pride until desire becomes arrogance. I will ascend above the heights of the clouds. I will be like God. In thinking that, Satan really saying “I will be God.” These violent thoughts fed by his pride were building and building inside Satan to the point where he chose to disobey God. Like an eagle, Satan soared above the heavens, above the mount of assembly, above the clouds to the abode of the Most High God. Satan, the created being, confronted God, his creator and said – ““I am the model of perfection. I’m the best of the best. I am the wisest and most beautiful in all Creation. But, it’s not enough. I want more. I deserve more. I will have more. I will be like you.” God’s response? Obadiah 3, 4.
Then what? What was the outcome for Satan? Ezekiel 28:16-19; Isaiah 14:15-16. Satan expelled from the presence of god. In the process, God humiliated him … made a spectacle out of him. For someone who is prideful, how does that feel? Unbearable pain.
Why did God not just destroy Satan? Only God knows the answer to that question. For me to speculate would be the heights of absurdity. I do not know the mind of God in this matter. The only answer I’ll give is that God had a reason not to destroy Satan.
Can Satan know salvation? If Satan were to ask God for forgiveness for his sins would God extend Him grace? I can say with 100% certainty ABSOLUTELY NOT!!!!!!! How can you be so certain Greg? God’s word spells out in clear detail the final fate of Satan and it is eternal damnation. God did not extend grace to Satan and the angelic beings that followed on the path of disobedience. They are condemned to an eternity of separation from God, ultimately end up in the eternal fire prepared for them (Matthew 25:41.) God has denied, today denies, and in the future will deny Satan, eternal salvation. Satan – an angelic being that was greatest in Creation. We mere humans, on the other hand, can know eternal salvation. God did extend grace to humanity by sacrificing His Son so that those of us who believe will not be condemned but know eternal life (John 3:16.) When God created humans, beings lower than angels on the organizational chart, in the Garden of Eden, he gave them free will, just like Satan. In doing so, God foreknew that just like Satan, humans would choose to disobey Him. However, unlike Satan, God had in place a plan to redeem humans, again beings lower than angels on the organizational chart, after they disobey him. As if Satan needed another reason to hate God. But, how should this knowledge that God offers you the redemption that is denied Satan make you feel? It should make you feel very special.
What was God’s purpose for speaking these words to Satan … of reminding Satan his origins and fall from grace? To remind Satan that he is not a god. That he is a created being. Being a created being means Satan has limitations. But, ever since he rebelled Satan has had this fixation on being like God. He probably perceives himself to be a god. Satan to this day remains extremely prideful. In these verses, God is putting Satan in his place. Also, God is reminding Satan that he was a loser, is a loser, and will always be a loser.
What lesson(s) can we learn from Satan’s fall? Danger of out of control pride. As you study Scripture, you’ll soon discover there is one sin that really makes God angry – pride. Examples - Adam & Eve, Tower of Babel, Samson, Nebuchadnezzar, David, Kings of Tyre and Babylon, Pharisees, etc. Why? Pride leads to idolatry. Making yourself to be a god. But also, maybe because it was the first sin ever committed and it was committed by Satan.
Satan lost the battle, but the war with God was by no means over. He was not happy about losing everything that made him great. In time, the Enemy learned of God’s final act of creation – man and woman. He began sneaking around the Garden of Eden, the site of his past glory. The Enemy witnessed the special bond between God and humans. Began to scheme …. At this point, Lucifer, the light bearer (as he is referred to by tradition) becomes Satan, the adversary.
3. a) Did God create Satan evil? No! Read Ezekiel 28:12, 15.
b) If not, how did Satan become evil? God created Satan and other angelic beings with free will. My opinion. Bible theologians/scholars disagree on that. Some believe only humans were given free will. What does free will mean? Freedom to choose. Why did God create angelic beings and humans with free will? It would have saved Him a lot of headaches/heartaches if He had done otherwise. God wanted angels and humans to choose to obey Him and not be forced to obey Him. God wanted angels and humans to choose to love Him and not be forced to love Him. Love is not love if it has to be coerced or given involuntarily. But there is a catch to free will. Just as one can choose to obey/love God, one could also what? Choose not to. Listen closely to what I have to say next and think about it/ponder on it. God gave Satan free will to choose to obey/love Him knowing that a time would come when Satan would use his free will to choose not to love Him. Same true for us. God gave Adam and Eve free will to choose to obey/love Him knowing that a time would come when they would use his free will to choose not to love Him. Mind-blowing stuff!!!!!!
For a time Satan chose to serve God faithfully … fulfilled his responsibility of enhancing God’s glory/holiness.
4. a) In Ezekiel 28, Satan was found blameless until what happened? Unrighteousness was found in him. b) After reading the passages in Ezekiel and Isaiah, what led to Satan no longer being blameless? What was the source of his unrighteousness? Pride. Hubris - excessive pride or self-confidence; arrogance. Prideful about what? – Ezekiel 28:17 – Prideful of his beauty and splendor. Ezekiel 28:16 – Abundance of your trade – Remember God is speaking to King of Tyre and Satan. King of Tyre made his wealth off trade with other nations. Desired more wealth. His pursuit of wealth led him to be internally violent – what does that mean? Inner rage; boiling anger to the point of wanting to attack someone. What was Satan’s trade? The anointed cherub who covers God. He enhanced God’s glory/holiness. Only one in Creation who could perform this trade. Brought Satan a wealth of attention. Not enough. Desired more. This desire fueled an inner rage to the point where he wanted to lash out against the One who was denying him more attention. At this point, Satan had to make a choice. He had to exercise his free will and choose – Deny his pride, accept his role in Creation, and remain obedient to God or act on his pride, reject his role in Creation, and disobey God. Which did Satan choose? We all know the answer.
6. What do you think the confrontation between Satan and God was like? How do you think it went down? Read Isaiah 14:12-16.
Paraphase – At some point, Satan begins to think to himself “I am the model of perfection. I’m the best of the best. I am the wisest and most beautiful in all Creation. But, I want more. I deserve more.” Pride becomes desire. What did Satan desire? In Isaiah chapter 14, Satan says 5 times “I will”. I will ascend to heaven. I will rule over all the angels. I will sit on the mount of assembly. Emphasize - Satan’s having these thoughts while carrying out his responsibilities to God. He continues to feed his pride until desire becomes arrogance. I will ascend above the heights of the clouds. I will be like God. In thinking that, Satan really saying “I will be God.” These violent thoughts fed by his pride were building and building inside Satan to the point where he chose to disobey God. Like an eagle, Satan soared above the heavens, above the mount of assembly, above the clouds to the abode of the Most High God. Satan, the created being, confronted God, his creator and said – ““I am the model of perfection. I’m the best of the best. I am the wisest and most beautiful in all Creation. But, it’s not enough. I want more. I deserve more. I will have more. I will be like you.” God’s response? Obadiah 3, 4.
Then what? What was the outcome for Satan? Ezekiel 28:16-19; Isaiah 14:15-16. Satan expelled from the presence of god. In the process, God humiliated him … made a spectacle out of him. For someone who is prideful, how does that feel? Unbearable pain.
Why did God not just destroy Satan? Only God knows the answer to that question. For me to speculate would be the heights of absurdity. I do not know the mind of God in this matter. The only answer I’ll give is that God had a reason not to destroy Satan.
Can Satan know salvation? If Satan were to ask God for forgiveness for his sins would God extend Him grace? I can say with 100% certainty ABSOLUTELY NOT!!!!!!! How can you be so certain Greg? God’s word spells out in clear detail the final fate of Satan and it is eternal damnation. God did not extend grace to Satan and the angelic beings that followed on the path of disobedience. They are condemned to an eternity of separation from God, ultimately end up in the eternal fire prepared for them (Matthew 25:41.) God has denied, today denies, and in the future will deny Satan, eternal salvation. Satan – an angelic being that was greatest in Creation. We mere humans, on the other hand, can know eternal salvation. God did extend grace to humanity by sacrificing His Son so that those of us who believe will not be condemned but know eternal life (John 3:16.) When God created humans, beings lower than angels on the organizational chart, in the Garden of Eden, he gave them free will, just like Satan. In doing so, God foreknew that just like Satan, humans would choose to disobey Him. However, unlike Satan, God had in place a plan to redeem humans, again beings lower than angels on the organizational chart, after they disobey him. As if Satan needed another reason to hate God. But, how should this knowledge that God offers you the redemption that is denied Satan make you feel? It should make you feel very special.
What was God’s purpose for speaking these words to Satan … of reminding Satan his origins and fall from grace? To remind Satan that he is not a god. That he is a created being. Being a created being means Satan has limitations. But, ever since he rebelled Satan has had this fixation on being like God. He probably perceives himself to be a god. Satan to this day remains extremely prideful. In these verses, God is putting Satan in his place. Also, God is reminding Satan that he was a loser, is a loser, and will always be a loser.
What lesson(s) can we learn from Satan’s fall? Danger of out of control pride. As you study Scripture, you’ll soon discover there is one sin that really makes God angry – pride. Examples - Adam & Eve, Tower of Babel, Samson, Nebuchadnezzar, David, Kings of Tyre and Babylon, Pharisees, etc. Why? Pride leads to idolatry. Making yourself to be a god. But also, maybe because it was the first sin ever committed and it was committed by Satan.
Satan lost the battle, but the war with God was by no means over. He was not happy about losing everything that made him great. In time, the Enemy learned of God’s final act of creation – man and woman. He began sneaking around the Garden of Eden, the site of his past glory. The Enemy witnessed the special bond between God and humans. Began to scheme …. At this point, Lucifer, the light bearer (as he is referred to by tradition) becomes Satan, the adversary.
Thursday, March 1, 2012
As Christians, who is our number one arch-rival? Satan. How prepared are Christians to take on the Enemy? Or should I say ill-prepared?
In this series, we’re going to learn who are enemy is. Who he is. Why he is our enemy. What his tactics are. His goals. How much authority/power he wields. His ultimate fate. Questions we need to know answers to in order to successfully fight our battle against the Enemy. By the way, if any of you are not aware, all Christians are in a war. Ephesians 6:12 - For our struggle is (emphasize present tense – struggle is ongoing) not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Humans have been fighting this war since the garden of Eden. Continues to this day. In this war, the Enemy plays for keeps. If you are not prepared … if you are not wearing the armor God has given you, you are going to find yourself facing a dragon wearing nothing but shorts and a T-shirt. Before you know it, you’ll find yourself sprawled out on the ground saying “Wha’ happened?
What is the popular culture view of the devil? How is he commonly portrayed? Red suit, goatee, horns, tail, and a pitchfork. Ruler of hell (we’ll learn that is most definitely not true); Evil version of God. Always trying to trick/manipulate people to sell/give him their soul. Movies - Satan is often portrayed as a middle-aged man wearing an expensive suit, usually (but not always) entirely white or entirely black
I. Origins of the Enemy
Bible scholars and theologians have debated for centuries over the true origin of Satan. There are no hard facts. Nowhere in the Bible does it clearly say how Satan came to be a force for evil in Creation. What we do have are allusions/inferences. No one knows for certain the origins of the Enemy. After we complete this portion of the series on the Enemy, I will leave up to you to make your own conclusions concerning whether or not the verses we’ll be studying refer to the origins of Satan. The verses we’ll be reading are portions of prophecies/words of judgment directed at two kings – the king of Tyre and the king of Babylon. However, church tradition (with emphasis on tradition) teaches that these verses contain clues to the origin of Satan. In pointing out the sins of the two human kings, God alludes to the sins of Satan. The attitude/demeanor of the two kings reminded God of the attitude/demeanor He saw in Satan when he rebelled. In short, the two kings brought back to God memories of Satan’s beginnings. Again, all of this based on tradition not truth; theory not fact. Most widely accepted understanding of Satan’s origin.
Definition of tradition – an inherited, established, or customary pattern of thought, action, belief, or behavior (as a religious practice or social custom). Or in everyday language, “That’s what I’ve always been told.” Examples of tradition – College football mascots/nicknames. If you asked 100 Alabama fans why Alabama’s mascot is an elephant and nickname is Crimson Tide, you’d probably get several different answers. Moreover, if you asked them how they knew this, they’ll say “So-and-so told me” or “That’s what I’ve heard” or “That’s how it has always been.” The same is true when it comes to Satan’s origins. Specific example - Bible scholars/theologians/translators have taught that Isaiah 14:12-17 refer to Satan and not the king of Babylon. Reason being one of the names commonly associated with Satan is found in Isaiah verse 12 - Lucifer. However, unless you read a KJV Bible you would not be aware of it. Modern translations such as NIV and NASB don’t say “Lucifer”. They say “morningstar”or “star of the morning”. The word “morningstar” in Hebrew is Heylel - “shining one” or “morning star” in reference to Venus – the brightest object in the sky at dawn. When the bible was translated into Latin in the 400’s A.D. (Vulgate), the Hebrew word Heylel was translated into Latin as Lucifer – the “light-bringer”. Overtime, as more and more scholars/theologians read, studied, and pondered these verses the term Lucifer became more of a title than a descriptor. They interpreted the verses that followed verse 12 as God speaking about Satan and not the king of Babylon. Consequently, Satan acquired a name, Lucifer – a being of great light who was cast out of heaven. In 1603, when the KJV was put together, the translators kept the name Lucifer. And since the KJV would become the predominant English translation of the Bible for the next 350 years, it cemented the traditional belief that Satan and Lucifer were one and the same. As new English translations came on the scene during late 19th and early 20th centuries, such as NIV and NASB, the persons responsible for putting those Bibles together did not view the word Lucifer as a title or a name but as a descriptor. That is why NIV and NASB do not contain the word Lucifer. As Christians, are we to base our faith on tradition … on what someone else said?” No. Our faith is to be based on Biblical truth. Let’s read the Scriptures to discover the truth about the origins of Satan.
Read Isaiah 14:3-17 – They are words of judgment directed at the king of Babylon.
Read Ezekiel 28:1-19 – Prophecy and words of judgment aimed at the king of Tyre.
Ezekiel 28:11-19 – These words directed at the king of Tyre seem odd. How so? Was the king of Tyre in the Garden of Eden? Was he ever an angelic being? No. In fact, if the king of Tyre heard these words, he probably would have scratched his head and said “huh?” Not unusual. Read Matthew 16:21-23. Who did Jesus say these words to? Peter. Who were they directed at? To some extent Peter (allowed his emotions to provide Satan with an opening to attack Jesus) but specifically at Satan (the voice was Peter’s but the words were Satan’s).
From the verses we read in Ezekiel and in Isaiah, what sin did the two kings have in common? Pride, but not just your run-of-the-mill pride. They either aspired to be like god or claimed to be a god. Isaiah 14:13-14; Ezekiel 28:2. Now, did the king of Babylon and the king Tyre wake up one day and said “I want to be a god!” or “I am a god!”? No. Who put that thought in their hearts? Who constantly stroked their egos by saying “only a god can be this wealthy and powerful!” Satan. In my opinion (emphasis on MY), when God speaks against the kings of Babylon and Tyre, his words of anger and judgment are directed at the two kings but also at Satan, the source of the problem. God was speaking to Satan as well as the two kings because He knew Satan would be listening. His words of anger and judgment were directed at Satan to hear as well as the two kings, again, God knew Satan would be listening. God wanted to deliver a message to Satan, more specifically a reminder. These words were also meant for us to read and hear so that we can learn how the Enemy came to be.
1. List characteristics attributed to Satan.
Isaiah 14:12
a. Bright light. Beauty - Venus – the planet that Morningstar (Heylel, Lucifer) refers to … does it generate its own light? Is that why it is so bright in the dawn sky? No. Venus’ light comes from the sun. The reason for the brightness is due to its closeness to the sun. Also, Venus has been regarded throughout history to be the most beautiful of the heavenly objects in the dark sky (why was the planet Venus named Venus? The goddess of love – most beautiful of the gods). What does that have to do with Satan? The answer is found in Ezekiel.
Ezekiel 28:12-15
b. Seal/model of perfection – flawless. No defects or shortcomings. Of all the beings created by God, Satan was the ideal, the standard, that all other beings fell short of.
c. Full of wisdom – proper use of knowledge/intelligence. Wisest being in Creation.
d. Perfect in beauty – most beautiful in Creation. Verse 13 – God adorned Satan with every precious stone. Let me ask you, if light were to hit these stones, what would Satan look like? A multitude of beautiful colors. Come back to this in a moment.
e. Blameless (vs. 15) – without sin; no guilt within him. Come back to that in question 3.
2. Why did God create Satan? What was he? What were his responsibilities?
What does God call Satan in verse 14? An anointed (special/unique – chosen by God to fulfill a unique purpose) cherub. Cherub/cherubim - angelic being that serve in the presence of God. They are always near Him. Two gold cherubims were placed on the Ark of the Covenant facing toward the center where the mercy seat was. God sat on the mercy seat between the cherubim and spoke to Moses. Their wings covered the mercy seat. The wing tips nearly touching one another. (Exodus 25). They were constantly in the presence of God.
Psalm 99:1 and Isaiah 37:16 both give the image of God dwelling between the cherubim. In Ezekiel’s visions (particularly in chapter 10), wherever the glory of God went so went the cherubim. The Temple had numerous diaromas containing cherubims.
As a guardian cherub, Satan’s position was similar to that of the cherubims on the ark of the covenant (Ezekiel 28: 14, 16). Satan is constantly in the presence of God. His home was the mount of God. He walked on the fiery stones – perhaps a reference to God’s holiness. See Isaiah chapter 6. Because Satan was created blameless, he could be close to the holiness of God.
In this series, we’re going to learn who are enemy is. Who he is. Why he is our enemy. What his tactics are. His goals. How much authority/power he wields. His ultimate fate. Questions we need to know answers to in order to successfully fight our battle against the Enemy. By the way, if any of you are not aware, all Christians are in a war. Ephesians 6:12 - For our struggle is (emphasize present tense – struggle is ongoing) not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Humans have been fighting this war since the garden of Eden. Continues to this day. In this war, the Enemy plays for keeps. If you are not prepared … if you are not wearing the armor God has given you, you are going to find yourself facing a dragon wearing nothing but shorts and a T-shirt. Before you know it, you’ll find yourself sprawled out on the ground saying “Wha’ happened?
What is the popular culture view of the devil? How is he commonly portrayed? Red suit, goatee, horns, tail, and a pitchfork. Ruler of hell (we’ll learn that is most definitely not true); Evil version of God. Always trying to trick/manipulate people to sell/give him their soul. Movies - Satan is often portrayed as a middle-aged man wearing an expensive suit, usually (but not always) entirely white or entirely black
I. Origins of the Enemy
Bible scholars and theologians have debated for centuries over the true origin of Satan. There are no hard facts. Nowhere in the Bible does it clearly say how Satan came to be a force for evil in Creation. What we do have are allusions/inferences. No one knows for certain the origins of the Enemy. After we complete this portion of the series on the Enemy, I will leave up to you to make your own conclusions concerning whether or not the verses we’ll be studying refer to the origins of Satan. The verses we’ll be reading are portions of prophecies/words of judgment directed at two kings – the king of Tyre and the king of Babylon. However, church tradition (with emphasis on tradition) teaches that these verses contain clues to the origin of Satan. In pointing out the sins of the two human kings, God alludes to the sins of Satan. The attitude/demeanor of the two kings reminded God of the attitude/demeanor He saw in Satan when he rebelled. In short, the two kings brought back to God memories of Satan’s beginnings. Again, all of this based on tradition not truth; theory not fact. Most widely accepted understanding of Satan’s origin.
Definition of tradition – an inherited, established, or customary pattern of thought, action, belief, or behavior (as a religious practice or social custom). Or in everyday language, “That’s what I’ve always been told.” Examples of tradition – College football mascots/nicknames. If you asked 100 Alabama fans why Alabama’s mascot is an elephant and nickname is Crimson Tide, you’d probably get several different answers. Moreover, if you asked them how they knew this, they’ll say “So-and-so told me” or “That’s what I’ve heard” or “That’s how it has always been.” The same is true when it comes to Satan’s origins. Specific example - Bible scholars/theologians/translators have taught that Isaiah 14:12-17 refer to Satan and not the king of Babylon. Reason being one of the names commonly associated with Satan is found in Isaiah verse 12 - Lucifer. However, unless you read a KJV Bible you would not be aware of it. Modern translations such as NIV and NASB don’t say “Lucifer”. They say “morningstar”or “star of the morning”. The word “morningstar” in Hebrew is Heylel - “shining one” or “morning star” in reference to Venus – the brightest object in the sky at dawn. When the bible was translated into Latin in the 400’s A.D. (Vulgate), the Hebrew word Heylel was translated into Latin as Lucifer – the “light-bringer”. Overtime, as more and more scholars/theologians read, studied, and pondered these verses the term Lucifer became more of a title than a descriptor. They interpreted the verses that followed verse 12 as God speaking about Satan and not the king of Babylon. Consequently, Satan acquired a name, Lucifer – a being of great light who was cast out of heaven. In 1603, when the KJV was put together, the translators kept the name Lucifer. And since the KJV would become the predominant English translation of the Bible for the next 350 years, it cemented the traditional belief that Satan and Lucifer were one and the same. As new English translations came on the scene during late 19th and early 20th centuries, such as NIV and NASB, the persons responsible for putting those Bibles together did not view the word Lucifer as a title or a name but as a descriptor. That is why NIV and NASB do not contain the word Lucifer. As Christians, are we to base our faith on tradition … on what someone else said?” No. Our faith is to be based on Biblical truth. Let’s read the Scriptures to discover the truth about the origins of Satan.
Read Isaiah 14:3-17 – They are words of judgment directed at the king of Babylon.
Read Ezekiel 28:1-19 – Prophecy and words of judgment aimed at the king of Tyre.
Ezekiel 28:11-19 – These words directed at the king of Tyre seem odd. How so? Was the king of Tyre in the Garden of Eden? Was he ever an angelic being? No. In fact, if the king of Tyre heard these words, he probably would have scratched his head and said “huh?” Not unusual. Read Matthew 16:21-23. Who did Jesus say these words to? Peter. Who were they directed at? To some extent Peter (allowed his emotions to provide Satan with an opening to attack Jesus) but specifically at Satan (the voice was Peter’s but the words were Satan’s).
From the verses we read in Ezekiel and in Isaiah, what sin did the two kings have in common? Pride, but not just your run-of-the-mill pride. They either aspired to be like god or claimed to be a god. Isaiah 14:13-14; Ezekiel 28:2. Now, did the king of Babylon and the king Tyre wake up one day and said “I want to be a god!” or “I am a god!”? No. Who put that thought in their hearts? Who constantly stroked their egos by saying “only a god can be this wealthy and powerful!” Satan. In my opinion (emphasis on MY), when God speaks against the kings of Babylon and Tyre, his words of anger and judgment are directed at the two kings but also at Satan, the source of the problem. God was speaking to Satan as well as the two kings because He knew Satan would be listening. His words of anger and judgment were directed at Satan to hear as well as the two kings, again, God knew Satan would be listening. God wanted to deliver a message to Satan, more specifically a reminder. These words were also meant for us to read and hear so that we can learn how the Enemy came to be.
1. List characteristics attributed to Satan.
Isaiah 14:12
a. Bright light. Beauty - Venus – the planet that Morningstar (Heylel, Lucifer) refers to … does it generate its own light? Is that why it is so bright in the dawn sky? No. Venus’ light comes from the sun. The reason for the brightness is due to its closeness to the sun. Also, Venus has been regarded throughout history to be the most beautiful of the heavenly objects in the dark sky (why was the planet Venus named Venus? The goddess of love – most beautiful of the gods). What does that have to do with Satan? The answer is found in Ezekiel.
Ezekiel 28:12-15
b. Seal/model of perfection – flawless. No defects or shortcomings. Of all the beings created by God, Satan was the ideal, the standard, that all other beings fell short of.
c. Full of wisdom – proper use of knowledge/intelligence. Wisest being in Creation.
d. Perfect in beauty – most beautiful in Creation. Verse 13 – God adorned Satan with every precious stone. Let me ask you, if light were to hit these stones, what would Satan look like? A multitude of beautiful colors. Come back to this in a moment.
e. Blameless (vs. 15) – without sin; no guilt within him. Come back to that in question 3.
2. Why did God create Satan? What was he? What were his responsibilities?
What does God call Satan in verse 14? An anointed (special/unique – chosen by God to fulfill a unique purpose) cherub. Cherub/cherubim - angelic being that serve in the presence of God. They are always near Him. Two gold cherubims were placed on the Ark of the Covenant facing toward the center where the mercy seat was. God sat on the mercy seat between the cherubim and spoke to Moses. Their wings covered the mercy seat. The wing tips nearly touching one another. (Exodus 25). They were constantly in the presence of God.
Psalm 99:1 and Isaiah 37:16 both give the image of God dwelling between the cherubim. In Ezekiel’s visions (particularly in chapter 10), wherever the glory of God went so went the cherubim. The Temple had numerous diaromas containing cherubims.
As a guardian cherub, Satan’s position was similar to that of the cherubims on the ark of the covenant (Ezekiel 28: 14, 16). Satan is constantly in the presence of God. His home was the mount of God. He walked on the fiery stones – perhaps a reference to God’s holiness. See Isaiah chapter 6. Because Satan was created blameless, he could be close to the holiness of God.
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