Thursday, March 15, 2012


One way of knowing the Enemy’s tactics/strategy is by knowing the various names the Enemy is given in Scripture. Read the following Scriptures and answer the following questions: What is the name the Enemy is given? What does his name tell you about the tactics he uses?

I. Genesis 3:1-6; II Corinthians 11:3; Revelation 12:9 - Serpent; tactics - subtlety, craftiness, charm. The Enemy was purposeful in selecting the form of a serpent to tempt Eve. The serpent had the characteristics necessary for the job as opposed to say an armadillo.

subtle, crafty - skillful, clever, sly; beguile - to please or persuade by use of wiles; charm

How did the Enemy in the form of the serpent exhibit craftiness to beguile/charm Eve?
A) The Enemy laid a snare by invoking God’s name and using God’s words. Genesis 3:1 Purpose – to make his words enticing; a subtle/understated move to get Eve’s attention; to encourage a dialogue between him and Eve. How did the discussion between Eve and the serpent begin? The Enemy did not make a statement; rather, he asked a question. Purpose - to elicit a response from Eve. To initiate a dialogue. What was the focal point of the question? The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. For what purpose?

B) Placed Eve’s thoughts on the source of the temptation – the Tree. Once Eve entered into a dialogue with the Enemy, she was well on her way down the road to sin. Eve had one foot in the snare. Her attention was now on the tree.

C) Made temptation appealing in order to spring the snare. True God doesn’t want you to eat the fruit, but not for the reasons he told you. Real reason - to keep you from being like Him, a god. God’s motive for denying you the fruit from the Tree is not pure. In fact, it is selfish. He wants to be the one and only god. God is intentionally denying you and Adam the opportunity to improve your position on the organizational chart of Creation. Instead of turning away from the serpent and the tree, what did Eve do? She stared intently at the fruit on the tree and began to think/ponder on the serpent’s words. “Be like God, be like God, be like God …” She reached up, grabbed one of the fruit, and ate. She gave one to Adam and he ate. Did they become gods like the serpent said they would? No. Did they know the difference between good and evil? Yes. After eating the fruit, they quickly realized what they did was wrong. The Enemy was successful in deceiving Eve to disobey God. He did so using thes tactics - subtlety, craftiness, charm

II. II Corinthians 11:1-6, 12-15; Galatians 1:6-10 - angel of light; tactics - use appearance of beauty, innocence, and/or the divine to deceive

Angel of light - what image comes to mind? Lovely, beautiful, innocence, supernatural. Angels come from where and usually for what purpose? From heaven to deliver a message from God. Knowing that and from reading these verses in II Corinthians, what does all this tell you about one of Satan’s tactics? Deception. To deceive people into thinking that the lies he’s feeding them are a message from God. To deceive people into thinking they are receiving authority/supernatural power from God to carry out a divine mission. When in truth, they are carrying out a demonic mission. For what purpose? II Corinthians 11:3-4 – lead people astray from the true, pure gospel of Christ.

Before I get into the heavy stuff, what are some examples of how the Enemy uses the appearance of beauty/innocence to deceive? Horoscopes, psychic network, in the 19th and early 20th centuries spiritualism was very popular among the wealthy class – attend séances and used ouija boards. More recently the New Age movement – transcendental meditation, reincarnation, etc.

How many cults and religions have been founded by individuals who claimed to have heard or seen a revelation from an angelic being or God Himself? Ex. Islam – Following the death of one of his children and discontented with his life as a trader, Muhammed went off to a cave by himself for a period of time to meditate and reflect on his life. He went without food and drink for a long period of time. One day Muhammed claimed to receive a revelation from God. This God claimed to be the God of Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, David, and the other OT prophets as well as the God of Jesus, who was not the Son of God but a human prophet. This God told Muhammed that He was anointing Muhammed to be the next prophet to spread God’s message to the world – there was only one God, Allah. In fact, Muhammed would be the last prophet. The Jews and Christians had failed to carry out this mission. Muhammed would succeed where they failed. He would restore the one true faith. I do not doubt that Muhammed heard a voice in the cave that day. However, the voice Muhammed heard that day was not God’s. It was the Enemy posing as an angel of light. During his many travels as a trader, Muhammed came across Jews and Christians regularly. What might have been had Muhammed became a believer? I wonder if a Christian missed their divine opportunity to witness to Muhammed? Or if a Christian mistreated Muhammed causing him to reject Christianity?

Another example: Mormonism/Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints – founded by Joseph Smith in the early 1800’s. The followers of Mormonism regard Smith to be a prophet like Moses, Elijah, etc., whose mission was to restore the original Christian church following centuries of corruption. Smith was confused as to which denomination (Baptist, Methodist, Episcopal, Presbyterian, etc.) was the true church. They all claimed to have the one true doctrine. Beginning at age 14, Smith received regular visions of God, Jesus, and John the Baptist. They told him that none of the churches established at the time (Baptist, Methodist, Episcopal, Presbyterian, etc.) were correct, and that he should join none of them. Smith told a local pastor about his vision. Rather than counsel Smith by asking him questions about the visions and compare the messages Smith heard in the visions with the truths in the Bible, the pastor treated Smith harshly by telling him that his visions were of the devil (true) and that God no longer reveals himself to man through miracles (false). Shortly afterwards, Smith received a visit from an angel named Moroni which led to his finding and unearthing a long-buried book, inscribed on metal plates. Moroni charged Smith with translating the plates into English. This translation is known as the Book of Mormon regarded by Mormons as sacred scripture on par with the Holy Bible. Book of Mormon contains God’s revelations to the ancient Israelites (descendants of Jews who fled Jerusalem after its destruction by the Babylonian empire) living in North America between 600 BC and 800 AD. In every one of Smith’s accounts about the visitations from God, Jesus, and Moroni, there is a common description – a very brilliant bright light emanated from and surrounded his heavenly visitors. I do not doubt/question that Joseph Smith saw what he claimed to see and hear. However, it was not God, Jesus, or Moroni he saw. It was the Enemy posing as an angel of light. What might have been had the pastor Smith sought for counsel had done a better job of reaching out to Smith?

The god that the Muslims and Mormons worship is not the true God although they say otherwise. The god they worship is Satan masquerading as God. Read I Corinthians10:14-21. What is it that Satan desired more than anything when he rebelled against God? To be like the Most High (Isaiah 14:14). In his own twisted/perverse way, he has succeeded. His worshippers number in the billions.

Don’t get the impression that the Enemy only poses as an angel of light to start false religions and cults. He has posed as an angel of light to Church leaders/Christian leaders in an effort to promote division/confusion within the Church in order to lead Christians astray from their sincere and pure devotion to Christ and to hinder the mission of the Church given to it by Christ – making followers of Christ.

If you read the teachings of false religions and cults such as Islam, Mormonism, Jehovah’s Witnesses, etc., you will find a lot of references to Biblical Scriptures and individuals. But, even if 99% of their message is true that doesn’t make that message the pure Gospel of Christ. Moreover, if a “Christian” came to you and tells you he has a message for you from God and proceeds by saying “Thus saith the Lord…”, you better double check what he says by what God says here. Even if that someone is an angel. Read Galatians 1:6-10

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