Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Holy Spirit 101 pt. 2

b) Holy Spirit – Define holy – divine; sacred; without blemish; set apart. The Holy Spirit has a divine nature. There is no sin in Him. He has no part with sin. (5. Holy Spirit is a divine being not an earthly being.)

c) Parakletos – legal word. Definition - one who pleads another's cause before a judge, counsel for defense, legal assistant, an advocate. In other words, the Holy Spirit is a lawyer. English translators used English variations of the Greek word Parakletos.

Comforter – one who gives comfort, consolation, relief, encouragement. Remember, the disciples are sorely troubled/upset at the thought of Jesus leaving them. They are in dire need of comfort and Jesus knew that.

Helper – one who helps/assists/supports. As we’ll see in the book of Acts, the disciples are going to need a lot of help to overcome opposition to the Gospel in the form of persecution.

Counselour – an adviser who offers wisdom/counsel when making decisions. In the case of the Holy Spirit, decisions that relate to obeying God or not obeying God. Before you make your decision, the Holy Spirit will bring to mind everything you need to know in order to make the right choice. Specifically, the Word of God as well as the consequences from making the wrong choice.

Intercessor/Advocate – someone who acts on behalf of someone in difficulty or trouble. The Holy Spirit acts as an intercessor between the followers of Christ and God. He speaks on our behalf to God when we’re going through adversity, trials, tribulations or experiencing temptations. He pleads to God on our behalf for God’s power, grace, compassion, mercy, love, wisdom, healing, etc., to help us overcome. See Romans 8:26-27

If you were in legal trouble, wouldn’t you want a lawyer with the above qualities? Someone who is generally concerned about your plight and will use every means at his/her disposal to help you win your case. (6. Holy Spirit is our Comforter/Helper/Counselour/Intercessor/Advocate)

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