Thursday, June 10, 2010

Pauline epistles cont'd

VII. I Corinthians

Author – Paul
When – Written about 54 A.D.
To Whom - Believers in Corinth, a wealthy, prominent city in Greece.
Purpose – To address factionalism and immorality plaguing the church.
Key verse - I Corinthians chapter 13

VIII. II Corinthians

Author – Paul
When – Written about 58 A.D.
To Whom - Believers in Corinth, a wealthy, prominent city in Greece.
Purpose – To defend Paul’s call as an apostle; warnings regarding false apostles; exhortation to give.
Key verse - II Corinthians 12:5-10

IX. Galatians

Author – Paul
When – Written about 50 A.D.
To Whom - Believers in the region of Galatia located in Asia Minor (present day Turkey.)
Purpose – To warn against legalism; Reiterate that salvation is attained by faith not works; what is true righteousness; role of Holy Spirit.
Key verse - Galatians 6:7-10, 17

X. Ephesians

Author – Paul
When – Written about 61 A.D. when Paul was imprisoned in Rome
To Whom - Believers in Ephesus located on the west coast of Asia Minor (present day Turkey.) Wealthy trade city. Home to the Temple of Artemis, one of the seven wonders of the ancient world.
Purpose – To encourage the believers, especially the Gentiles, to pursue righteousness; called for unity among believers, Jew and Gentile, husbands and wives, parents and children, employer and employees; how to overcome Satan – the armor of God.
Key verse – Ephesians 5:1

XI. Philippians

Author – Paul
When – Written about 60 A.D. probably when Paul was imprisoned in Rome
To Whom - Believers in Philippi located in Macedonia in northern Greece.
Purpose – Paul does not write anything negative about the church. He expresses his love and gratitude for the Philippian believers. He encourages unity. He offers counsel and encouragement on how to endure suffering and adversity.
Key verses – Philippians 1:27-30; 4:4-7

XII. Colossians

Author – Paul
When – Written about 60 A.D. probably when Paul was imprisoned in Rome
To Whom - Believers in Colosse located in southwestern Asia Minor (present day Turkey.) The city was in a state of decline during Paul’s day. The church was founded by Epaphras, one of Paul’s disciples. After the Colossians had finished reading the letter, they were to pass it on to the believers in Laodicea for them to read.
Purpose – The believers in Colosse had fallen prey to false teachings that questioned the deity of Jesus Christ – that He was God in flesh. These false teachers believed the flesh was evil; therefore, God would not lower Himself to put on sinful flesh. They also taught that one attained salvation from evil not through the death and resurrection of Jesus but by learning secret knowledge (gnosis.) Without this secret knowledge, a person would continue to live in bondage to ignorance and enslavement to evil. At death, his/her spirit will not know unity with the Supreme God. Paul wrote this letter to Colosse to denounce such teachings. See Colossians 1:15-27; 2:8-20. To encourage the believers, especially the Gentiles, to pursue righteousness. See Colossians chapter 3.
Key verses – Colossians 3:15-17

XIII. I Thessalonians

Author – Paul
When – Written about 51 A.D.
To Whom - Believers in Thessalonica, the largest city in Macedonia. It was a major military and commercial city located along a major Roman road. The city contained a large number of temples to Roman gods. The Gospel was not well received in Thessalonica. The believers were few in number and were experiencing persecution. See I Thessalonians 2:14-16. They had become greatly discouraged.
Purpose – To encourage the believers who were experiencing tremendous persecution and to express his concern for their spiritual health. Paul feared that the Thessalonian believers felt abandoned by him which Paul repeatedly stated was not the case. To encourage the believers, especially the Gentiles, to pursue righteousness. See I Thessalonians chapter 4. Paul offered assurance to the believers that those have died due to persecution will be resurrected first at Christ’s return and then those who are alive. When that will be, Paul writes that no one knows; therefore, be alert and pursue righteousness.
Key verse – I Thessalonians 5:16-22

XIV. II Thessalonians

Author – Paul
When – Written about 52 A.D.
To Whom - Believers in Thessalonica, the largest city in Macedonia. It was a major military and commercial city located along a major Roman road. The city contained a large number of temples to Roman gods.
Purpose – To clarify what he wrote in his first letter regarding Christ’s return. Some believers had developed an unhealthy fixation about Christ’s return. Others were in a state of panic because they had been duped by false teachers claiming to be from Paul who said that Jesus had already returned. To rebuke those taking advantage of the charity of Christians.
Key verse – II Thessalonians 2:15

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