Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Revelation chapter 1

Read Revelation 1:1-8

1. Define revelation – Greek word is Apokalupsis from which we get the word Apocalypse. Definition - the act of revealing or unveiling.

2. Who has a revelation? Jesus Christ.

3. Who gave him the revelation? God

4. What is this letter unveiling and to whom is it being unveiled to? A) Things that must soon take place. Key words are “must” – it hast to happen, and “soon” – near future. B) To his servants – Christians.

5. To whom did the answer to question 2 pass the revelation on to? John through an angel. Angels were God’s messengers. The word “angel” in Greek means messenger.

6. A person who reads, hears, and obeys the words in this letter is what and why? vs. 3. Blessed or happy. Does the Book of Revelation make people feel happy? Why? The time is near for Jesus’ return.

7. To whom did John address his letter? The seven churches of Asia listed in verse 11. Ephesus, Thyatira, Smyrna, Pergamum, Laodecia, Philadelphia, and Sardis. Show map. The cities were about 50 miles apart from each other. Almost a circular pattern. We will learn more about these cities/churches in the coming weeks.

8. How does God refer to Himself in verse 8 and what is He saying about Himself by doing so? A) Alpha and Omega – the first and last letters of the Greek alphabet. I am the Beginning of all things and the End of all things. B) Who was, is, and is to come – I am eternal. C) Almighty – I am the ruler of all things. Roman emperor may think he is almighty, but in truth I am his ruler.

Read Revelation 1:9-20

9. John writes that on the Lord's Day he was "in the Spirit". What do you think that means? The Holy Spirit/Spirit of God came upon John in a mighty way. Similarities with Old Testament prophet Ezekiel – Ezekiel chapters 2 and 3. He did so in order for John to see spiritual things. What John was about to witness his physical senses would not be able to perceive/understand. Things that flesh and blood were not meant to witness and could not withstand. Example – AC adapter and digital camera.

10. vs. 10. John hears a voice behind him. Who is it speaking to John? Jesus.

11. How does John describe the person speaking to him? John using words and descriptions he was familiar with to describe what he was seeing.

Standing in the midst of seven golden lamp stands – represent the seven churches

Someone who looked like a son of man – looked human, Jesus regularly referred to Himself as “Son of man.”

Dressed in a robe that went down to his feet and wore a golden sash around his chest – garments of a priest (see Exodus chapter 28)

Hair was purest white – symbol of purity and wisdom; See also Daniel 7:9 – description of Ancient of days

Eyes like blazing fire – great anger, stern

Feet like glowing bronze – Symbol of strength. Bronze used to create weapons, tools, armor, etc. Symbol of purity – Bronze resists corrosion better than other metals such as steel.

Voice like rushing waters – Loud, thunderous for everyone to hear; See also Ezekiel 43:2

Right hand held seven stars – Right hand was symbol of authority; seven stars represented the seven angels/messengers/pastors who oversaw the seven churches. They were all under the authority of Jesus.

From his mouth came a double-edged sword – The words Jesus spoke would be sharp. He would speak words of judgment. See Hebrews 4:12

Face shined like the sun – Glory streamed from his countenance 12. vs.17-18. How did Jesus refer to Himself?

I am the First and Last – I was there at the beginning and I will be there at the end.

Living one; I was dead but now I am alive forever; I have the keys to death and the grave – I died but now I am alive to never die again. I have authority over death.

13. What does Jesus tell John to do? Write everything you see. Things that are taking place now (Revelation chapters 2 and 3 – the seven churches) and will take place in the future (chapters 4-22.)

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