Thursday, September 23, 2010

Revelation chapters 4 and 5 – Worship

Read Revelation chapter 4

1. Where and when is John? In Heaven. In the future.

2. Where specifically in heaven is John? Before the throne of God.

3. Put yourself in John’s shoes, what are you thinking/feeling?

4. vs. 4-5. Who does John see? 24 elders sitting on thrones located on either side of God’s throne. They are all wearing crowns and white garments. What is an elder? A person who is in authority. Someone who is greatly respected. Tradition teaches that these 24 elders are representatives from the Twelve tribes of Israel of the Old Testament plus 12 Apostles of the New Testament. Or, the 24 elders could be individuals whom God deemed worthy of a place of honor and authority in heaven because of their faithfulness/righteousness. The location of their thrones next to God’s throne would be a place of honor. White garments represent righteousness/holiness. Their crowns represent authority.

5. What is found before the throne of God? A sea of glass/crystal. The glory of God shines upon this sea of glass/crystal which refracts the glory of God making it even more brilliant and more colorful.

6. vs. 6-9. What does John see and hear? Four strange looking creatures. They have wings and are covered in eyes. They fly around the throne of God night and day. Due to their multitude of eyes, they are able to bear witness to the glory of God all around them. What role doe the four living creatures play in heaven? They lead all heaven in worship to God. They are Heaven’s worship leaders.

7. In the first song, what do the four living creatures sing about God specifically? Holy – God is unique. He is not tainted; Lord – God is supreme above anyone else; Almighty – God is all-powerful. No is stronger than He; who was and is and is to come. God is eternal. The focus of their worship is solely on God. He is the audience.

8. What do the 24 elders do in response to the song of the four living creatures? They get off their thrones, get on their knees, fall on their faces, and cast their crowns as an act of worship. Despite the fact the 24 elders have a position of honor and authority in Heaven, they humble themselves before God. Humility is an important part of worship. Who gave the 24 elders their position of honor and authority in Heaven? It wasn’t them. It was God. When we worship God, it is to be directed at God not us or people around us. God is worthy of worship, we are not.

9. In the second song, what are the 24 elders saying? Only you God are worthy to receive glory, honor, and power. Even though we hold positions of glory, honor, and power, we are not worthy of worship. You created all things including us. By your will we exist. If it wasn’t your will, we would not be here. Therefore, we are not worthy of worship. Only you.

Read Revelation chapter 5

10. vs. 1-4. What does John see? God on His throne holding a scroll sealed with seven seals. It has never been open. No one in Heaven is able to open it which upsets John. He weeps profusely because he knows something important is written on the scroll; yet, no one will ever be able to read it because no one can open the seals. However, John is told by one of the elders not to worry. There is someone who is worthy to open the seals.

11. Who does John see that is able to open the seals? He describes Him as the Lamb who was slain.

12. What is the significance of a lamb? What does it represent? In the Old Testament, a pure, spotless lamb was sacrificed for the sins of the people. Knowing that, who is the Lamb that was slain? Jesus Christ – the sacrifice for our sins. Evidently, Jesus still bears the scars from His crucifixion.

13. What happened after the Lamb took the scroll from the right hand of God? The four living creatures and 24 elders worshipped the Lamb who was slain. They did so by singing a new song, not an old song. A song that was fresh. It was in response to a defining act.

14. What do the four living creatures and 24 elders sing about in their new song? They explain Jesus was worthy of taking the scroll. He gave His life in order to bring salvation to everyone in the world. He and he alone did this. Not the 24 elders; not the four living creatures; not angels; not Abraham, Moses, David, Peter, or Paul.

15. What happened next? The hosts of Heaven and all of creation joined in the song. They sang praises to the Lamb and to God on His throne. They sang about how both were worthy of glory, honor, and power. The 24 elders concluded the worship by saying “Amen!” In other words, every word that was sung was true beyond all doubt.

Does our worship whether on Sunday mornings or at home during the week mirror the worship is done in Heaven? What is done in Heaven is to be done on earth. Focus of worship is on our Creator and Savior. Worship took on various forms – speaking, singing, kneeling. Worship celebrated the character/essence of God; attributes that make Him unique (holiness, eternal, mercy, compassion, power.) The same God who created us also (Revelation chapter 4) also took on human form to redeem us (Revelation chapter 5.) Worship should always be fresh and never stale. Continue to sing the same songs over and over, our hearts become numb. If that happens, we are no longer worshipping. Worship should be contagious. Notice in Revelation – one group starts worshipping, others quickly join in which leads to the final point about worship – it creates unity among the followers of God. Everyone is on the same page.

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