Thursday, October 14, 2010

Revelation 7-12 pt. 1

The Great Tribulation and the Seventh Seal

Read Revelation 7:1-8

1. What are the four angels told not to do until what happens? Do not harm the earth, seas, or trees until the 144,000 are sealed.

2. Why are the 144,000 sealed? For their protection. Read Ezekiel 9:1-10. In these verses, God is passing judgment on the Jews in Jerusalem for their many sins. He is pouring out His wrath upon them. Everyone in Jerusalem was to be killed except for those who had a mark upon their forehead. They were the few who were found righteous. The mark was the last letter of the Hebrew alphabet, taw, which originally looked like an “X.” When the men God sent to execute His wrath saw the seal upon a person’s forehead they were not to harm that person. What God did to Jerusalem in Ezekiel chapter nine He will do to the entire world in Revelation. He is about to pass judgment on humanity. God is going to pour out His wrath on the world. Before He does, He places his mark (taw) upon the foreheads of 144,000 people so that they would be spared his wrath.

3. From where did the 144,000 come from? The Twelve Tribes of Israel. Some commentators on Revelation teach that the 144,000 are Jews who are believers. They acknowledge Jesus as their Savior/Messiah. Others teach that the 144,000 represent a remnant, a minority of people, who come to know Jesus and reject the Antichrist during the Great Tribulation.

Revelation 7:9-17

4. What does John see and hear in verses 9-12? People from different nations, races, and languages clothed in white robes and holding palm branches (symbol of victory) worshipping Jesus.

5. Who are these people? They are the ones coming out of the great tribulation. They came out of the tribulation with their robes washed clean and made white by the blood of Jesus. They have been cleansed of their unrighteousness and made righteous by the blood of Jesus. Define tribulation – a period of severe trial or suffering, oppression, persecution, affliction. Traditional teaching of the Great Tribulation – a seven year period when God pours out His wrath upon the world. The Antichrist uses the chaos that arises from God’s wrath to his advantage. He rises to power and proceeds to make war against everything that is of God. People who choose to follow the true Christ and reject the Antichrist are persecuted to the point of death. In, chapter 7:9-17 we see these martyrs receiving their reward. Questions: Will Jesus return before the Tribulation to take His followers so that they will not experience it? OR will Christians experience the Great Tribulation? The predominant teaching is that Christians will not experience the Great Tribulation. Jesus will return to earth prior to the Great Tribulation in an event known as the Rapture. This belief is based on verses found in I and II Thessalonians. Unbelievers who remain on earth will go through the Great Tribulation and be ruled by the Antichrist. However, a small remnant will choose to follow after Jesus and reject the Antichrist. They will be persecuted by the Antichrist to the point of death and enter heaven to receive their reward.

Summary of Revelation chapters 8-11

The seventh seal is opened. Seven trumpets are blown. After each is blown, various calamities afflict the earth bringing death and destruction. Point out verses of interest: Revelation 9:4 – people sealed by God were not to be harmed. Who were they? 144,000. Revelation 9:20-21 – Despite the calamities, what did people refuse to do? Repent. Revelation chapter 11, two men appear in Jerusalem and for three and a half years they speak the word of God. They perform miracles similar to those done by Moses and Elijah. They are put to death and their bodies are put on display like trophies. The world celebrates their death because the two were viewed as tormentors. After three and a half days God breathes life into the two and brings them to Heaven.

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