Thursday, November 18, 2010

Revelation 17 – The Great Prostitute and the Scarlet Beast pt. 2

II. Notes on the Scarlet Beast

John sees woman/prostitute sitting on a beast.

Why does John see a woman/prostitute and a ferocious beast and not a city and a man? Why the imagery?

John’s vision is being focused through the prism of the Holy Spirit. He sees the city as God sees the city. Not a place of buildings and streets. God sees a prostitute who is seducing rulers and peoples to sin/to commit abominable, detestable acts. John sees the man as God sees the man. Not a powerful ruler. God sees a beast.

Today, God sees our nation through the prism of His Spirit. How does He see us? A huge cave. In center of cave is a small lit candle. Light of candle is struggling against the darkness to bring light to the cave. Darkness is winning the battle. Pushing the light further and further back towards the candle.

Angel’s description of the beast:

Scarlet in color - Blood red

Beast - Dark, ferocious, savage, strong

Full of blasphemous names - Define blasphemous - slanderous, abusive, evil, hurtful speech

Seven heads & ten horns

After seeing the vision, John wonders greatly. Verse 7 - Angel explains vision.

Focus on the beast:

vs. 8 - Angel says that “he was, is not, and is about to come up out of the abyss”

What does that mean?

“He was…” - He has been on the earth before.

“ … is not …” - He is not on the earth during John’s day. Where is he?
Could be that he is in the Abyss.

“ ….is about to come …” - In the future, he will appear. Come up out of the
Abyss. What is his final fate? Destruction

When he does show himself, who are the ones who will not recognize him for what he really is? People whose names are not written in the book of life (non-believers). Who is this guy?

Seven heads - begin with verse 9.

Seven heads = seven mountains - What do mountains symbolize? Strength/power, majesty, authority.

Seven mountains = seven kings (Strong, powerful, majesty, authority)

Where does the woman sit? On the mountains/on the kings. What does that tell you about the power/might of this city? See vs. 18. Where does that political power originate? The 7. You remove the throne (mountains), where would the political authority come from?

Economically powerful city; has tremendous influence in the world (Economics)


Confederation of Seven rulers (Political) -equal in power


City is the dominant power in the world

This city, along with rest of the world, experiences a crisis of historic proportions: Revelation 5: Wars, famine, pestilence, disease, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions …
These myriad of crises has hurt this powerful city, economically - Hard to gain wealth during a time of world-wide crisis.

Read verse 10 - the other has not yet come; and when he comes, he must remain a little while. What does that tell you about this ruler? His staying power?

Politically - Five rulers have fallen. One remains. A seventh ruler joins the confederation. As we’re going to see, he’s only going to be a part of the group for a short time. Loss of five rulers has greatly weakened the political authority of the city/confederation. A power vacuum.

Greg’s speculation -

Read vs. 11-13 -

The beast makes his appearance. He is an eighth ruler. Distinct/separate from the others. Somehow, he manages to become one of the seven. In my opinion, he replaces one of the 7. The one that remains a little while.

The Beast becomes a part of the confederation that is the basis of this city’s political power. He does so at a time when the world is in chaos. The confederation … the world, are longing for a strong leader who can bring stability to the world … bring food, jobs, shelter, protection, wealth, prosperity, peace. A savior riding a white horse. The Beast takes advantage of the situation. Uses his charisma, sweet talk, lies … to attain great power in order to carry out HIS agenda (see vs. 14). He tells leaders of confederation - Our confederation has been weakened. We have lost five nations. Let’s add 10 more nations to our confederation. Give the rulers of these nations the same authority within the confederation that I have. We’ll be strong enough to restore stability to the world. The other confederation ruler and city leaders are like “I’m not sure ….” They are nations the city/confederation have little respect for. The 10 are perhaps rivals of the city/confederation on the world stage. Beast – “I know the rulers of these nations. They are allies of mine. They can be trusted” Still reluctance by the city/confederation. Beast - “We won’t have to give them power permanently. Just long enough to restore world stability.” Confederation agrees. Soon after the ten received authority, what did they do? Verse 13. Hand over their power to the Beast. He is in complete control.

With backing of ten, the Beast gains control over the confederation and the city. He attains greater political power in the world. He uses his newly won power in conjunction with the city’s wealth and influence in the world to carry out his agenda. Which is what? See vs. 14.

Historical precedence - Ancient Rome - Julius Caesar; France – Napoleon; Germany - Adolf Hitler. All rose to power in times of crises. They won support of the masses. They promised stability, peace, prosperity which was a cover for their hidden agenda. They were given power supposedly for a brief period of time. They used the instruments of government to attain greater power. They put trusted people in certain positions. Before you know it, they became dictators for life.

Vs. 16 -18

What happens? Beast and the 10 destroy the great city. Lover (beast) turns on prostitute (Babylon). The Beast got what he wanted out of this city

Why? God’s purpose - The 10 and the beast are instruments of God’s wrath/judgment. He used them to execute His judgment.

What was the common purpose of the ten? What united them? Hatred for this city/confederation. Economic/political rivals. Cut a deal with the beast. We help you gain power, you help us destroy this city.

Precedence: God used immoral/pagan nations to execute judgment - Assyria, Babylon, Egypt …. Eventually, he executes judgment on them.

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