Thursday, April 5, 2012


1.Read John 12:31; John 14:30; John 16:11 - How does Jesus refer to the Enemy? What position of authority does he hold? How does he exercise this authority and for what purpose?

Prince (Greek archon – ruler; leader) of this world. Jesus is not referring to the physical earth – plants, trees, rocks, mountains, etc. Define world – in Greek kosmos. We are more familiar the scientific use of this word – cosmos. Refers to the physical universe. What makes up the cosmos? planets, stars, comets, light, gravity, etc. Things we can see and things we can’t see. Things that are tangible and things that are not tangible. They all interact with one another in order to create the universe that we live in. Jesus is not referring to the physical universe. What Jesus is referring to is an otherworldly kosmos. A cosmos that is made up activities, actions, words, philosophies, beliefs, desires. They all interact with one another to produce a world system (kosmos). How would you characterize the world system (kosmos) we have constructed? Evil; sinful; ungodly. According to Jesus, who rules this evil, sinful, ungodly world system (kosmos)? The Enemy, Satan. He dominates this world system. Satan exercises this authority by using the tactics we listed in the previous lesson. Through these tactics he influences/molds activities, actions, words, philosophies, beliefs, desires to promote evil/wickedness. To create a world system that promotes evil/wickedness … makes evil/wickedness the norm. Examples? At the same time, Satan exercises his authority as prince of this world to undermine everything that is good/righteousness … make good/righteousness abnormal. Examples?

2. II Corinthians 4:1-4; I John 3:7-8; John 8:44 - How does the Apostle Paul refer to the Enemy? Why does Paul call Satan a god? What evidence is there that Satan is the god of this time period? Who are under his authority? How does he exercise this authority and for what purpose?

god (Greek theos) of this world (Greek aion – period of time; era; age). Paul saying that Satan is the god of this period of time in the world. Why does Paul call Satan a god? A god is someone people do what? Not just follow/obey. They worship. Bow down to. What evidence is there that Satan is the god of this time period? Read newspapers, magazines, watch news, commercials, look at pop culture/entertainment (movies, television, internet). The morals/beliefs/lifestyles that this age embraces and promotes. Tell me, who is the god of this age? Who does the people of this age worship? God or Satan? People who do evil, who embrace wickedness, who promote and participate in immorality … whether they know it or not are worshippers of Satan. Read I John 3:7-8; John 8:44. In calling Satan a god, Paul was simply recognizing who the majority of this age worships. Satan exercises his authority as a god over nonbelievers. He uses the tactics we listed in the previous lesson to blind the minds of nonbelievers to prevent them from accepting the gospel of salvation. (Remember parable of the sower) If nonbelievers became believers, they would no longer worship him as a god. As we will see in a moment, they would no longer be under his authority.

3. When did Satan become the prince/god of this world? In Genesis chapter 3 – when man fell in the Garden of Eden. Romans 5:12 - … through one man sin entered into the world … Romans 5:19 - … through the one man's disobedience the many were made sinners (every man & woman after Adam were born with a nature inclined to sin) … The world and everything in it - activities, actions, words, philosophies, beliefs, desires – became infected with sin. What was once pure was now impure, what was once perfect was now imperfect; consequently, this world came under the authority of the Enemy.

4. Is the Enemy’s authority limited or unlimited? Is his authority on par with that of God? Explain your answer.

Some people have the mistaken impression that Satan is the evil version of God. That he is a god on the level with big “G” God. Is Satan omnipotent (all-powerful)? No. He is powerful but not on the par with God. Is Satan omniscient (all-knowing)? No. He possesses great wisdom; however, he does not possess knowledge of everything. Is Satan omnipresent (the ability to be everywhere at once)? No.

Why is Satan limited in his authority? 1) Satan is a created being (Ezekiel 28.) God created him; therefore, he has the limitations of a created being. Possesses a certain level of power, knowledge, and abilities. 2) The enemy is still answerable to God. He can only do what God allows him to do. See example in Job chapters 1 & 2.

5. Revelation chapter 12 – Does Satan enforce his rule by himself or does he have help? He has help. Revelation chapter 12 talks about a war in heaven between the great dragon Satan and the forces of heaven. Satan did not fight alone. There were angels who sided with him in the struggle. Satan and his angelic allies lost the war and were cast out of heaven to earth. Those angels are now known as demons and they do the bidding of their leader, Satan. Demons have great power. These demons use the components of this world (kosmos) to get humans to sin and to keep them trapped in sin. They also use the components of this world (kosmos) to attack the Church in order to hinder its mission.

6. Read Ephesians 2:1-6, 19; Ephesians 5:8; Colossians 1:13; I Peter 2:9-12; John 17:14-16; I John 4:4 and 5:19; James 4:7 - Are Christians under the authority of the Enemy? Explain your answer.

Satan may be the ruler of this world/god of this world; however, we who are believers are not citizens of this world (kosmos.) Therefore, if we are not citizens of this world that means we are not under the authority of Satan. At one time, we were citizens of this world. Satan was our ruler/god. But, a day came when God rescued out of the darkness of this world and placed us in his wonderful light. On that day, we who are believers were no longer citizens of this world. Satan’s rule over us ended. He was no longer our ruler/god. On that day, we became one of the chosen people … a member of the royal priesthood … a citizen of a holy nation. God became our ruler and God. We are under His authority. We are to follow his commandments. Here’s the rub. Although we are citizens of God’s world, we still live in this world ruled by Satan. Just because we are no longer citizens of his world, doesn’t mean Satan will just ignore us. He’s still going to attack you. He’s still going to tempt you. He’s going to do everything he can to undermine your faith … to make you useless for God … to convince you that you are still under his authority. “Nothing’s changed. You think you’re different, you’re not. You’re still the same old Greg. You still want to do the evil/sinful things I want you to do. You still desire the things of this world.” Let me tell you something. If you as a believer live your life as if Satan still has authority over you … you constantly give in to his temptations/ accusations/deceptions/lies/intimidations … you constantly allow Satan to steal your joy/peace/hope/faith. I have two words for you and they are two words that sum up what Paul said to early Christians who continued to live their lives as if they were citizens of this world – STOP IT!!!!! Romans 6:12-14: “Therefore do not let sin reign in your mortal body so that you obey its lusts, and do not go on presenting the members of your body to sin as instruments of unrighteousness; but present yourselves to God as those alive from the dead, and your members as instruments of righteousness to God. For sin shall not be master over you.” Sound familiar? What God told Cain in Genesis ch. 4.

Understand, Satan has no authority over you. He’s not your ruler/god. God is. God’s authority compared to Satan’s authority – no comparison. Because God’s authority is so much greater than Satan’s, you can overcome anything the Enemy throws at you. You can defeat him. Give him a black eye and a bloody nose. Send him running. Read James 4:7. How can we overcome the Enemy? Talk about that next.

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