Thursday, July 8, 2010

Faith Defined - Hebrews

One of the themes of Hebrews is Faith. The author is concerned about the faith of his audience. He was concerned that due to the persecution they were experiencing their faith in God was weakening. What can cause your faith in God to waver?

Hebrews chapter 11 - the author defines faith and explains its importance

1. Read Hebrews 11: 1 - How does the author define faith?

The assurance (literal translation of the word assurance is “substance”) of things hoped for (hasn’t happened yet)

The evidence/certainty/conviction of things not seen.

Paraphrase - Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.

Example - Kid stuck in a tree. Father is below telling kid to jump, I’ll catch you. Father tells kid to close his eyes and jump.

2. Hebrews 11: 2-40 - How does the author illustrate what faith is? In the lives of the ancients - the men and women of old. LIST NAMES ON THE BOARD!

Does any name stand out to you? Surprise you? Rahab the prostitute. A Gentile with a bad reputation.

3. Hebrews 11: 6 - Without faith, it is impossible to do what? Please God. In order to come to God, one must do what? A) Believe God exists. B) Believe that God rewards those who seek Him. In the Greek the word “seek” is defined - to investigate, scrutinize - in depth, leave no stone unturned search.

Various translations (NIV, KJV, etc.) add the following adjectives to enhance the meaning of the word “seek”

diligent - characterized by steady, energetic application and effort

earnest - a serious and intent state of mind

sincere - marked by genuiness

All three relate to commitment.

4. What are the rewards the author is referring to? rewards/blessings - material, emotional, spiritual, (list the gifts of the Spirit) wisdom and knowledge, holiness/godliness, answers to questions. Perseverance to withstand adversity. The more time you spend with God the more rewards/blessings you receive. Ultimate reward is eternal life.

5. Faith encompasses both believing God exists and that He rewards you for seeking Him. Why are both necessary? Shouldn’t believing God exists be enough? Answer that question next when we look at how the Book of James defines faith.


1. Does your faith match the definition provided by the author in Hebrews 11. Is your faith pleasing to God? Do you believe there is a God and that He rewards those who earnestly seek Him? If you are only doing the former and not the latter, you’ll find yourself in poor company. See James 2:19

2. You and your spouse each pick one of the ancient ones mentioned in Hebrews 11 and do a family devotional on how they illustrated persevering faith.

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