Thursday, July 22, 2010

Rahab the Harlot - Illustration of faith

Scripture reading - Joshua chapter 2; chapter 6

Faith as defined by Hebrews: Assurance of things hoped for ... Evidence of things not seen. Believe God exists. Believe that He rewards those who diligently seek Him. James – Belief in God must be followed by works for faith to be real.

1. Why do people give other people nicknames?

Examples: Alexander the Great, Charlemagne, Louis the Pious, Richard the Lion-Heart, Charles the Bald, Frederick Barbarossa, Ivan the Terrible

2. You are a visitor to Jericho. A guide is leading you around the city showing you the sites. He points to a house and says, “That is the home of Rahab the Harlot”. What words/phrases do you associate with someone named Rahab the Harlot? Prostitute; whore; strong scent of perfume.

3. How did people in Jericho see her? Trash; someone to be avoided; Talked bad about her behind her back.

4. How do you think she saw herself? Piece of meat; abused; unloved; lonely; looked down upon; Low self-esteem.

Background on Jericho and the spies. One of the oldest cities in the world – 9000 B.C.

5. Of all the places the spies could have stayed, why Rahab’s house? Prostitutes have a reputation for keeping secrets if you pay them well.

6. What do you suppose the spies’ initial impression of Rahab was? Same as everyone else’s in Jericho.

7. When word reached Rahab and the spies that the king was searching for them, what do you think was going through the minds of the spies? We’re dead. Rahab is going to surrender us to the king. She is not going to risk her life for ours.

8. What did Rahab do? Hid the spies and sent the king’s men on a wild goose chase. Prostitutes have a reputation for being good liars. Her actions guaranteed the downfall of Jericho

9. Why did she do this? What was her motivation?

In a word salvation. Salvation for herself and her family. Her salvation rested on the mercies of the God of Israel. See verses 12-13.

10. Read verses 9-11. What did Rahab know about God? How did she refer to God? His power? How did she learn about God? The people whom the Israelites defeated were fleeing from the Israelites. Many saw the mighty walls of Jericho and figured they would be safe there. They spread the word around Jericho about the Israelites and their God. Rahab may have clients who shared with her their fear of the Israelites and their God. Do you think this head knowledge translated to heart knowledge (Faith)?

Rahab calls God “Lord” 4 times in the ESV. Hebrew word is Yahweh/Jehovah. It means self-existent or eternal one. God told Moses “I AM …”

(2:11) Your God - Elohim “the supreme God” Deut. 5:9 - I, the Lord(Yahweh/Jehovah) your God (Elohim), am a jealous God.”

Clincher - last sentence in verse 11. He is God in heaven above and on earth below. Translation - Jehovah, the Supreme Being you Israelites recognize, is above all, and yet he is here on earth too.

Rahab had sound knowledge of God and His people. She knew of Israel’s past, present, and future. She knew that the hand of God was at work in Israel. More importantly, she knew who God was: Jehovah, the sovereign Lord of Lords. He is almighty and His will cannot be thwarted. Her salvation and the salvation of her family rested in His hands.

Remember this prostitute saying all this. Not a priest, seminary student, or a theologian. A prostitute! Moreover, a Gentile prostitute. Not a Jew. Rahab’s faith was based on her belief of events she had not witnessed. She placed her hope in a God that she was sure can and would save her – a Gentile prostitute.

Why did you become a Christian? Why does anyone become a Christian? For the same reason Rahab became a follower of God. Salvation. In Rahab’s case, salvation from death at the hands of the Israelites. In your case, salvation from eternal death in Hell.

How did it happen? When you became a Christian, you did the same thing Rahab the Harlot did. Rahab believed that God existed (Hebrews) and that this God was the one true God (James.) She earnestly sought (James) this God believing He would reward her with salvation (Hebrews.) Rahab no longer believed in the gods of Jericho (fertility god, war god, etc.) or the gods she and her family had worshipped. She no longer sought them for her salvation.

When you became a Christian, you believed that God existed (Hebrews) and that this God was the one true God (James.) He alone offered salvation through the death and resurrection of his only Son Jesus. You earnestly sought (James) this God believing He would reward you with salvation (Hebrews.) You did not believe salvation came from the god of Islam, the teachings of Buddhism, the gods of Hinduism, hedonism (eat, drink, party because tomorrow we die), or atheism. You rejected the premise that other religions are pathways to God. You believed that God and God alone offered salvation from eternal torment – His only Son Jesus. You did not seek any other god, religion, or philosophy to find salvation. They did not provide you the assurance of what you hope for – life eternal.
How did you reach this conclusion? Like Rahab. She heard stories … testimonies about the God of the Israelites and they were enough to convince her that her salvation rested in Him alone. You heard testimonies from others about God – His power, His grace, His love, His mercy, His wrath - and they were enough to convince you that your salvation rested in Him alone.

In order to become a Christian, you have to have faith (Hebrews, James) in the following:

a. Belief there is a life after this earthly one.

b. Believe there are two destinations after this life – Heaven AND Hell

c. Believe that God alone offers salvation from Hell.

d. Salvation came in the form of His only Son Jesus and nothing else.

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